Following a review of working group proposals presented at the ESDSWG annual meeting and review of the results of the proposal assessment survey, the ESDSWG Executive Council has identified an initial set of working group approvals for 2018-19 as follows…
The follow-on working groups for Data Quality, Dataset Interoperability, and Time Series are confirmed as approved to continue.
New working group proposals for Analysis Ready Data, Cloud Analytics Reference Architecture, Cloud UX for Science Users, Data Product Developers Guide, Implementations of Data Value Filtering, and Science Gateways have been approved. I will be getting in contact with the proposers/technical chairs regarding getting the working groups going (setting up wiki pages, setting up mailing lists, scheduling telecons etc.). The ESDIS POCs for these groups, once confirmed, will probably want to talk to the technical chairs to finalize details on the work plans.
The following proposal have not yet been approved: Data Management and Stewardship Maturity Matrix, JSON Encodings for EO Coverages, Levels of Service, and Text Data Transfer Encoding. Some questions were raised regarding these proposals during the review process. I will be working with ESDIS managers to contact the proposers of these working groups for clarification on any outstanding questions. It is possible that some of these proposals may be approved at a later date.
Additional information will be posted to the ESDSWG wiki as it becomes available.