The Earth Science Data System Working Groups (ESDSWG) is a NASA organization established under the auspices of NASA Headquarters in 2004. The chartered role of the ESDSWG focuses on the exploration and development of recommendations derived from pertinent community insights of NASA's heterogeneous and distributed Earth science data systems.
The ESDSWG is comprised of working groups organized around key technology and information system issues. Each Working Group functions independently establishing their own work plans on germane data system issues and topics. The ESDSWG members are drawn from a broad range of NASA-funded science and technology projects, NASA information technology experts, affiliated contractor staff and other interested community members from academia and industry.
2024-25 Working Groups
Data Product Developers Guide Working Group
Guidelines for data producers; data format, metadata, etc.
Identify earth science datasets, tools, platform, language and analytics used by interdisciplinary community using data from across NASA DAACs.
Making NASA SMD-funded Earth Science Data FAIR
Provide principle-by-principle guidance on how to apply existing practices to ensure or enable NASA SMD-funded Earth science open data and information are findable, accessible, interoperable, and (re)usable (aka, FAIR).
Data Product Resources Working Group (new working group)
News and Events
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2024 ESDSWG Annual Meeting
The 2024 ESDSWG meeting was held March 5-7 in Huntsville AL.