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Background: The Data Quality Working Group analyzed a number of use cases to highlight issues related to EOSDIS data during 2014-2015. Following this analysis, approximately 100 recommendations were made for improvement, of which 12 were deemed to be high priority. Among those 12, four were selected to be Low Hanging Fruit (LHF) recommendations since there appeared to be existing solutions that could address them.  During 2015-2016, the DQWG identified the following a list of solutions that have the potential for being adopted across EOSDIS to address the LHF recommendations.

This list is intended to be maintained, augmented and continually updated to address all the DQWG recommendations (REF) in due course.

A scale guide for Operational Maturity, Difficulty of Integration, and Difficulty of Implementation is placed at the bottom of the page.

NumberSolution Name

Solution Summary

(used to derive relevance)

Implementation StrategyBenefits of Proposed Implementation SolutionsData Quality Information  Management PhasesStakeholders IdentifiedSolution Class:
A) Software / Technology
B) Standards / Documentation
Operational Maturity Level
(Scale: 1 to 5)
Difficulty of Integration
(Scale: 1 to 5)
Difficulty of Implementation
(Scale: 1 to 5)
Solution Point of ContactReference URLsActions and/or Resources Needed


Collaboratory for quAlity Metadata Preservation (CAMP) - ASDCCAMP is currently being developed and expanded upon for the ASDC metadata reconciliation efforts. As development progresses, the ASDC will leverage this platform as a centralized repository for metadata entry/revisions, new data submission requests, and interoperability for both internal (i.e. OPenDAP) and external (i.e. CMR REST API) systems to streamline metadata management and increase transparency for the data ingest process. The end goal is to provide a UI for direct metadata entry by ASDC members and data providers. Validate CMR Compliance;

Facilitate DAAC - PI Communication;

Support Metadata Creation (dataset-level)

  1. Confidence in metadata accuracy
  2. Quick and easy to provide metadata
  3. Metadata completeness
  1. DAACs
  2. MEaSUREs PIs
  3. NASA Flight Mission Science Data Systems
  4. Science Mission PIs


Metadata for current ASDC (BEDI identified) data products has been imported into the CAMP Database and are within weeks of being validated by science teams. Depending on required CMR fields, there may be fields added.

Metadata for current ASDC data products that are available via the GCMD have been imported into the CAMP Database. Many have been validated by science teams.


This is dependent on the completion of CMR efforts.



Metadata Compliance Checker (PO.DAAC)

Provides tool for both DAACs and Data Producers to evaluate metadata standards compliance at granule level. Multiple forms of compliance check: ACDD, CF, ... quality flags, completeness/compliance, ...netCDF/HDF/OPeNDAP, Target at data producers as major user community. Output report from the checker will contain useful information and be exposed to end users? validate time against ISO 8601

Standards Compliance Checking and Reporting (granule-level);

Support Metadata Creation (granule-level)


Enabling Use

  1. DAACs
  2. MEaSUREs PIs
  3. NASA Flight Mission Science Data Systems
A, B


Operational and available for the public to use.

Undergoing Beta testing. Issues have been identified that need to be addressed.



  No effort
  Medium effort


User interface is friendly and easy to use. It will be ideal if the report can be more descriptive.


  DAACs test existing tool
  DAAC set up own instances



Provides open web form for metadata entry by data producer which is interfaced with a backend metadata archive database maintained by the data center.

Note: Whether this resource/tool is developed directly by ESDIS or by a DAAC, the important aspect is that the DAAC must have immediate access to the metadata that is input by this tool for the purpose of verifying accuracy and completeness.

Support Metadata Creation (dataset-level);

Standards Compliance Checking and Reporting (dataset-level);

  1. DAACs
  2. MEaSUREs PIs
  3. NASA Flight Mission Science Data Systems
A, B


Operational and available for public use.


Software for backend and front-end GUI is proprietary to NOAA, but we can look at the front-end GUI as a model and make the interface compatible with existing ESDIS and DAAC data/metadata systems (e.g., CMR, ISO 19115, ISO 19157, etc...).


User interface may require initial training for familiarity of terms and various metadata fields, but once familiarity is established the ease of use should be relatively straightforward with an expected turnaround time of 1 30 minutes to 1 hour after proficiency with the interface is established.


  Option 1 ESDIS develops
  Option 2 DAAC lead develops for Cross-DAAC instance
  Option 3 Individual DAACs develop instances


ORNL DAAC Ingest Automation SystemTool is developed by ORNL DAAC and provides a more automated workflow for data submissions intended to increase efficiency of DAAC/Producer communications regarding new datasets or new versions of datasets. Tool could be optimized or extended to include additional information exchange for data quality and or quality flag information. Core functions include: 1) Track data ingest; 2) Automate ingest; 3) Streamline communication; 4) Central management system

Facilitate DAAC - PI Communication;

Support Metadata Creation (dataset-level);

  1. DAACs
  2. MEaSUREs PIs
  3. NASA Flight Mission Science Data Systems
A, B


Quasi-operational as source-code exists and seems to be ready for use,  but cannot locate an operational instance of this on a web page. Will likely need to be evaluated by the wider ESDIS community, other DAACs and MEaSUREs PIs for long-term community acceptance and adoption.

First release is currently operational at the ORNL DAAC internally.


Software for backend and front-end GUI made available on the ESDIS GIT server. Requires Drupal to be installed on a web server. There is currently no explicit inclusion of data quality information or metadata with this tool, so further work would need to be done in that regard.


This is a best-guess based upon that this is seems to be at least a partially automated workflow and assumes the GUI interface is straightforward to use. This may need to be re-evaluated once an operational instance of this tool is made available to test.

ORNL DAAC Ingest Automation Swimlanes

Presentation at 2015 ESIP Summer Meeting

Need to scope this out further through direct communication with Daine Wright to evaluate an existing operational implementation of this tool.

Demonstrate current capabilities of the ORNL DAAC IA Dashboard across ESDIS.


Ocean CO2 Metadata Collection Form

Collection-level metadata collection form developed by ORNL for oceanic in situ observation datasets tailored for CO2 collection. Could potentially be extended to include satellite datasets.

Same as the metadata editor in the ORNL DAAC Ingest Automation System

Metadata creation support (dataset-level)



  1. DAACs
  2. MEaSUREs PIs
  3. NASA Flight Mission Science Data Systems
A, B


Operational and available for public use.


Software for backend and front-end GUI is proprietary to ORNL. Currently only supports in situ observational datasets, but could potentially support airborne. Not immediately clear how much work could be involved in extending this to satellite remote sensing datasets. GUI can be thought of as a model (in concert with ATRAC) for how metadata can be collected from data producers.


User interface may require initial training for familiarity of terms and various metadata fields, but once familiarity is established the ease of use should be relatively straightforward with an expected turnaround time of 1 30 minutes to 1 hour after proficiency with the interface is established.


Data Quality Guide DocumentA standardized template document design to provide users with familiar and comparable data quality guidance for all data sets sharing a common measurement parameter. Data quality templates for MEaSUREs to fill out.

Guidance,  Instruction, and Dissemination (for data users)



Enabling Use

  1. DAACs
  2. MEaSUREs PIs
  3. NASA Flight Mission Science Data Systems


The scale guide does not apply directly in this case. However, as indicated in the URL reference column, there are several models for data quality guides one can start from to develop a few  common templates


Integration implies broad adoption by the community, given the fact that the templates have been developed.


Development of common templates should be relatively easy.

A few examples - found by Google search for AIRS, CERES and MODIS Data Quality.
Need to keep our eyes and ears open for any more examples of this being used operationally


ACT-America Science Data Working Group

A Science Data WG, including participants (funded by the project) from data centers (ORNL DAAC and ASDC) and different research groups, was formed in the ACT-America project to 1) coordinate data management activities with instrument teams, modelers, remote sensing, and external data sources and 2) ensure data, products, and information required to address science questions are available in harmonized forms when needed. Telecons are held periodically to exchange any data-related thoughts between research groups and the data centers.

Currently solution is applicable to modeling (ORNL DAAC) and Airborne observations (ASDC) components of ACT-America data management; But can be applicable to others.

Facilitate DAAC - PI Communication

1. Coordinate data management activities with instrument teams, modelers, remote sensing, and external data sources

2. Ensure data, products, and information required to address science questions are available in harmonized forms when needed.



  1. DAACs
  2. MEaSUREs PIs
  3. NASA Flight Mission Science Data Systems
  4. ESDIS


The Science Data WG set up monthly telecons and has been providing significant contributions onto the modeling protocol for ACT-America. It provides a platform for domain researchers and data experts to exchange ideas and coordinate data flows and work schedules.


Both research projects (e.g. MEaSUREs and EVS-2) and DAACs need funding and FTE resources to support these activities.


Once resources are secured, it's easy to set up the WG and conduct activities.

N/A1) ESDIS and NASA science programs work together to facilitate it


(NASA) Science Advisory TeamA NASA assigned team to review data for each project/product, such as "NASA SAT MEaSUREs WELD". These scientists would be assigned to a project/product team, are recognized as experts in the specified field(s), and serve to advise the verification and quality of final distributed products.

Data Quality Information (science perspective);

Guidance, Instruction, and Dissemination

  1. Provides early adopters to data products from NASA Earth Science remote sensing projects.
  2. Provides beta testers for MEaSUREs ESDRs.



Enabling Use

  1. DAACs
  2. MEaSUREs PIs
  3. NASA Flight Mission Science Data Systems
  4. ESDIS


Does not exist unless there is in fact a review board or committee provided by NASA at project start


Science Team established at project start and communicated to DAAC.



Data Quality Section in Data Management PlanRecommend including a section on data quality in the Data Management Plan to be created for each project, such as MEaSUREs, after the award, as a living document to be updated as more details about the data are identified. (It is possible that the initial version of the DMP is prepared before details are known, since it is to be delivered early in the project).

Guidance,  Instruction, and Dissemination (for data producers and DAACs);

Facilitate DAAC - PI Communication;

Dissemination on Data Quality Information;



  1. MEaSUREs PIs
  2. NASA Flight Mission Science Data Systems
  3. DAACs


Requirements exist for DMPs to be generated by funded entities (PI's and projects). DMP Guidelines are provided by HQ, and call for addressing data quality information. They do not ask for a separate section explicitly.


When the PI's and projects do include data quality information in the DMPs, it will be relatively easy for DAACs to work with the PI's and projects to integrate the information into the data systems


In practice there is considerable variation among DMPs that have been developed.Broader adoption will involve "blessing" by the responsible Program Scientists and Program Managers. - document has brief comment in section 3.2.3: "This section should also describe project
requirements and plans for
assuring and documenting
data quality including validation
and release of products to the archive system." HS3 and CARVE DMP's have material on data quality while AirMOSS DMP does not.

1) Modify the guidance of a program to include better instructions on data quality section development

2) DAACs to review the DMP, including the data quality section


DAACs DMP (or Data Management Guidlines)

Some DAACs (e.g., PODAAC,SEDAC, ...) write their own DMPs for specific datasets or a collection of datasets for the purpose of managing datasets throughout their lifecycle. PO.DAAC is currently finalizing a standardized template for the DAAC-specific DMP. The SEDAC Data Nomination template is used internally and contains sections to capture data quality information.

The ORNL DAAC doesn't have DMPs for specific datasets. Instead, it provides general guidance for data providers to conduct data management and prepare for data archival.

Guidance,  Instruction, and Dissemination (for data producers and DAACs);

Facilitate DAAC - PI Communication



  1. DAACs
  2. ESDIS
  3. PIs/ NASA Flight Mission Science Data Systems


The SEDAC data nomination template was approved by the UWG. Would need to invite other DAACs to review this to see if it would be suitable for all DAACs. Would also be useful to compare and contrast with DMPs used at other DAACs, such as PO.DAAC.


Adoption, review, and approval could take 4-6 months, depending on how it is integrated into existing procedures.


This assumes a starting template is established, although DMPs typically require multiple back and forth iterations between the DAAC and Data Producer. Also assumes DAAC and Data Producers to not have competing time schedules, in which case this should not take more than 1 month to complete.

David Moroni

Yaxing Wei (knowledge authority)


Data Management Guidance for Data Providers:
  1. DAAC determines how DMP template will be used.
  2. Customize sections or questions.
  3. DMPs can be used to accommodate multiple datasets from a data Producer.
  4. Obtain approvals.

Data Management Plan Template



Several DAACs have integrated Kayako, a customer service software, into their Websites to replace old ways of conducting user support. User questions and feedbacks for different DAACs are now managed consistently.

User Services (Help Desk);

Knowledgebase (for data users)

Kayako provides an integrated system for ESDIS and individual DAACS to easily track and coordinate user questions and feedbacks related to data products, websites, tools, etc.

It also allows individual DAACs to easily compile knowledge bases and FAQs by pulling past user support records from Kayako system.


Facilitating Discovery;

Enabling Use

  1. DAACs
A, B


It has been operational across a number of DAACs, including ORNL DAAC and PO.DAAC.


DAACs need to coordinate with Kayako coordinator at ESDIS and modify their websites and applications to be integrated into the centralized system.


A coordinator may be needed in each DAAC to dispatch user questions to persons who are most suitable to take care of the questions.

Yaxing Wei

Contact US on and

Compare Kayako with other solutions?

UserVoice might be comparable.

Add other relevant solutions (e.g. Forums) into this table.

NSIDC User Services uses ZenDesk


Daymet Website

The ORNL DAAC developed a project website dedicated for Daymet: . It is different from the landing pages of Daymet data sets. This website provides information about Daymet data description, documentation, visualizations, data access tools and services, publications using Daymet data, Daymet-related tools contributed by the users community, and news update.

Data quality information (program-specific collection);

Daymet website can be considered as one way to convey data product, including quality, information to data users.

Daymet is becoming probably the most popularly used data product recently. The Daymet website helps a lot, even though it's hard to quantify its impact on this popularity.

Enabling Use
  1. DAACs
  2. MEaSUREs PIs
A, B


The Daymet website has been operational and available to the public for a few years.


It takes a fair amount of resources and time for both the Daymet PIs and the ORNL DAAC to work together, compile information, develop tools, and set up the Daymet website.


Once the website is set up, it requires medium effort to maintain and keep the information updated.

Yaxing Wei Track usage statistics of the Daymet website to collect users activities, such as page navigation patterns, most visited pages, ...


Identify different ways in which DAACs are conveying data quality information

Identify different ways in which data quality information (e.g. quality flags and known issues) is being conveyed by various DAACs. Understand why they need to be different. To the extent possible arrive at common approaches. At least a minimal common set of items should be shown on data quality pages at the DAACs.

Data quality information (dataset-level);

Different approaches for data quality information (dataset-level)

Although most user guides contain some information on data quality, it would be good to provide guidance so that it is consistent and complete as possible.


Facilitating Discovery

  1. DAACs


This is a survey activity that should result in a document. The activity has not been started, but the information exists at each of the DAACs.


Integration here means taking the results of the report and implementing changes at the DAACs to conform to the recommendations. The time involved will depend on the workload at the DAACs and priorities.


It should be possible to complete the survey and develop a report in 2 to 4 months.

Hampapuram Ramapriyan


FAQ Development and Analysis (UserVoice)

Populate a set of FAQs for each new data set upon release by anticipating possible questions that users might ask. From FAQ, identify data sets receiving excessive questions as those to be considered for dissemination of additional or enhanced documentation.

  SEDAC example

User Services (Help Desk);

Knowledgebase (for data users)


Facilitating Discovery;

Enabling Use

  1. DAACs


UserVoice is fully operational at SEDAC.


After purchase, integration and backfill could be completed quickly.


Implementation could be quick, prior to backfill.
  1. DAAC purchases service.
  2. DAAC establishes links from webpages to service.
  3. DAAC backfills FAQ with previous questions & answers.
    *Kayako might be a comparable solution for some DAACs


NASA GSFC Data Quality Screening Service

A tool developed by Christopher Lynnes & user-1aaa1 for GES-DISC.

"DQSS is designed to screen data using both ontology based criteria and user selections of quality criteria (such as minimal acceptable QualityLevel). Data that do not pass the criteria are replaced with fill values, resulting in a file that has the same structure and is usable in the same ways as the original."

This service can be utilized before data ingest for the distributor. This service can also be utilized by the public - to further screen the product's quality.

Data quality screening (granule-level filtering)

Provides DAACs a tool to understand quality attributes for overall documentation to product validation.

Provides Users a tool to better understand how data decisions regarding quality were established.


Facilitating Discovery;

Enabling Use

  1. DAACs
  2. NASA Flight Mission Science Data Systems


Operational and available for the public to use.


No effort is needed for integration if other DAACs/PIs want to use the tool with the current set of standards supported. Medium effort will be needed if they want to set up their own instances without changing current project support.




CF granule metadata Implementation of CF Conventions for quality variables to require flag_values, flag_mask, flag_meanings CF attributes

Guidance and instruction;

Data quality and information



Enabling Use

  1. DAACs
  2. MEaSUREs PIs
  3. NASA Flight Mission Science Data Systems
  4. Other data producers
B5. CF is a very mature standard, that has an active community behind it

4. Straightforward to integrate as the generic flagging attributes encompass nearly all quality screening use cases.

4. Straightforward to implement as the syntax is not very complex


Document Error Sources/Limitations/Quality AssessmentProvide guidance to DAACs on including detailed information in product user guides that describes the limitations &/or quality of the data

Data quality and information;

User Services

Although most user guides contain some information on data quality, it would be good to provide guidance so that it is consistent and complete as possible.


Facilitating Discovery

  1. DAACs


Unclear if this type of information is provided in documents across the DAACs


Information from the PI or data set creator will need to be collected. This level of information may not be readily available. Effort level may be medium to difficult depending on the information available


If documentation for the data set already exists, it should be medium effort to add additional text

(would be good to get examples from other DAACs)


LP DAAC Project Lifecycle Plan (PLP)

This document is written from the point of view of the LP DAAC, advocators for products as they move through the lifecycle from Inception to Active
Archive to Long Term Archive, and advocators of products that adhere to interoperability standards.

Product capture is the first step in providing community-wide access to data and information.

PO.DAAC has a very similar policy that covers a series of project lifecycle planning documents and artifacts known as the "Dataset Lifecycle Policy".

Guidance and instructionDAAC Scientist is part of the NASA funded dataset development - with focus on guidance and communication from the project start.



Enabling Use

  1. DAACs
  2. MEaSUREs PIs
  3. NASA Flight Mission Science Data Systems
  4. ESDIS


The PLP is published and currently in use at LP DAAC.

The PLP would need to be updated to include quality elements, and to generalize for all DAACs.


DAAC Integration at the start of the project.


Update general process for each location, and update the Collection Inception Checklist for specific center factors.


EUFAR Metadata CreatorOnline metadata authoring tool that creates INSPIRE-compliant metadata in XML for the EU Facility for Airborne Research. But only free text for quality input.Metadata creation supportFacilitates entry of metadata and produces output that is standards compliant in content and format.



metadata authorsA


Operational and available for public use.


Software is on Github. Created using Eclipse 4.5.0, Google Web Toolkit 2.7.0 and Java


Modification would require some level of effort which could be assessed by looking at the code


ISO Data Quality elementsA webpage describing elements of the ISO 19157 data quality metadata standard

Guidance and instruction; Metadata creation support

Until there is a NASA profile of the ISO metadata standard, metadata authors need guidance on how to express quality in ISO. This provides a guide.



Enabling Use

metadata authorsB


5 - depends on what you're doing with the schema5 - depends on what you're doing with the schema

ECHO Data Quality Metadata in ISO


schema for ISO metadata, including Data Qualityzip file containing schema for all 19115 and related metadata ISO standardsMetadata creation support If authoring metadata conforming to ISO standards (without a tool, or in customizing an existing tool) one need the schema for the standard.



metadata authorsB55 - depends on what you're doing with the schema5 - depends on what you're doing with the schema


NCO Utilities for granule level metadata authorship, editing, and standardizationallows addition/modification of quality attributes in netCDF filesMetadata creation supportFacilitates creation and modification of metadata that complies with CF conventions. Specific to netCDF and HDF. Being expanded under EarthCube award "Advancing netCDF-CF for the Geoscience Community"



Facilitating Discovery;

Enabling Use

1. DAACs


3. NASA Flight Mission Science Data Systems

A, B

SW: 5

Operational and available for public use.

Doc: 3

Associated documentation is open source and has undergone internal peer review by DIWG and CF group members.


Software binaries and builds are available for Linux/Unix, Mac OSX/Darwin, and Windows OS. Higher level scripting may be needed to automate the NCO utilities for specific datasets to enable bulk processing.


User will need to familiarize themselves with the various command line options as well as basic file structures of netCDF and HDF.
More information can be obtained directly from Charles Zender


AADC Metadata XML conversion scriptpy script that loops over metadata DIF XML files and converts them to other XML formats using XSL files.Metadata creation supportThis script would be useful for converting existing GCMD DIF records to, e.g. ISO.



Enabling Use

metadata authorsA155


PO.DAAC User ForumsThe PO.DAAC has established a user forum to service user inquiries on all data issues including data quality concerns. This forum is URS-compliant and also provides the ability to directly create a Kayako ticket for timely help desk support.

User Services (Help Desk);

Knowledgebase (for data users)

Provides FAQ's, data recipes, discussions on data quality issues, and discipline-specific discussion threads.



Facilitating Discovery;

Enabling Use

  1. DAACs
  2. MEaSUREs PIs
  3. NASA Flight Mission Science Data Systems
  4. Other data producers
  5. Data users
A, B


Operational and available for the public to use.


Integrated through URS and Kayako, thus enabling other DAACs who utilize either URS or Kayako to more easily integrate this service.


Works like most other online web forums and requires very little training to use.

Requires URS.

Kayako is an optional 3rd party service that this supports.


Virtual Quality Screening ServiceProvides an interface to screen L2/L3/L4 SMAP and GHRSST physical retrieval observations using quality information (variables) contained within the granules. Provides a data extraction method once the quality screening filters have been defined. Returns only the quality filtered data.

Data Quality Information Representation;

Guidance, Instruction, & Dissemination

User extracts only the data that meets their quality specifications set using quality flags, bit flags, or other variables.



Facilitating Discovery;

Enabling Use

  1. DAACs
  2. MEaSUREs PIs
  3. Data Users



Can be configured for other satellite missions with self describing files and appropriate CF metadata

26MODIS Python Toolbox for ArcGISData values in MODIS quality layers are store as bit-packed integer values. To get at the information stored in the data values, users must first converted the integer value to its binary representation then interpret each specified bit combinations (bit words) which characterize particular quality attributes. The MODIS Python Toolbox contains a tool (DecodeQuality) that decodes MODIS quality layers, and returns individual thematic GeoTIFFs for each quality attribute.Data quality informationProvides thematic GeoTIFFs for each quality attribute contained in the original bit-packed data value.Enabling UseMODIS Data UsersA4


*Requires one python dependency that's not in the base installation


Operational Maturity Level

(Scale: 1 to 5)

Difficulty of Integration

(Scale: 1 to 5) assume avg level of skill

Difficulty of Implementation

(Scale: 1 to 5) assume avg level of skill

Scale Guide (Software/Technology):

  1.  Conceptual Design
  2.  Developmental Prototype (i.e., Proof of Concept)
  3.  Pre-Operational (i.e., Beta release in Testbed Environment)
  4.  Beta release in Operational Environment
  5.  Fully Operational

Scale Guide (Standards/Documenation):

  1.  First Draft
  2.  Submitted for Internal Peer Review (i.e., NASA Programmatic peer review)
  3.  Published manuscript after Internal Peer Review
  4.  Submitted to External Peer Review (i.e., major inter-governmental organization or publishing company)
  5.  Published manuscript after External Peer Review
  1. Capable of completion in 1-4 weeks.
  2. Capable of completion within 1-2 months.
  3. Capable of completion within 2-4 months.
  4. Capable of completion within 4-6 months.
  5. Capable of completion beyond 6 months.
  1. Completion within 1 week.
  2. Completion with 1-4 weeks.
  3. Completion within 1-2 months.
  4. Completion within 2-4 months.
  5. Completion within 4-6 months.
  • No labels