To verify that ASDC can not retrieve data with invalid SDTP tag stream and reports proper error.

  • Cumulus is deployed with an invalid tag stream
StepResponsible PartyDescriptionTest StepsExpected ResultsActual Results
1ASDC TesterTo verify sdtp-client lambda is running every 15 minutes

Go to AWS CloudWatch > Log groups /aws/lambda/asdc2-uat-sdtp-client, check Last event time

Last event time is approximately 15 minutes apart
2ASDC Tester

To find invalid tag stream message

Click Log stream link and check Log events for errors

Found an error message that indicates invalid tag stream

3ASDC TesterTo verify data download 

List the content of s3://asdc2-uat-private/prefire/ periodically with aws cli or from AWS console

No files have been downloaded
Post Test Step
  • Deploy Cumulus with valid tag stream
  • Verify successful data download
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