
The purpose of this document is to provide the plan for ASDC's testing of the PREFIRE data retrieval via SDTP and data ingest, archive, and distribution in the Cumulus System. This plan is to be provided to those coordinating the test, those conducting the test, and those collecting and evaluating the test results.  PREFIRE data retrieval, ingest, archive, and distribution will be tested according to the acceptance criteria expressed in the Interface Control Document (ICD) between the NASA Polar Radiant Energy in the Far-InfraRed Experiment (PREFIRE) Project and the Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC) DAAC.  The test cases will verify aspects of the functionality to correctly retrieve, ingest, archive, and distribute science data from PREFIRE provider.

Test Phases

Testing will occur in multiple phases. Phase one will include testing the connectivity between ASDC Cumulus instances and PREFIRE SDTP server; verifying the Tag Streams provide access to the correct  data stream and retrieval of the data.

Phase two will focus on verifying the actual PREFIRE data ingest, archive, and distribution. Phase two will also include testing of data backup, recovery, and metrics capture.

UAT Requirements

The testing environment will be in the Cumulus UAT environment, this environment closely mimics the production environment. The Earthdata Search UAT that is used as an interface for data distribution is also accessible to the provider. 

Testing Materials

Tester will develop a set of tests to 

  • Verify the data retrieval from PREFIRE’s data stream
  • Verify the ingest/archive process
  • Verify the distribution capability
  • Verify the data backup and recover process
  • Verify the metrics capture capability
  • Mimic data failure to verify the error handling and recovery mechanism
  • Mimic environment failure to verify the error handling and recovery mechanism
  • Gather Performance metrics

Test Team

A. Internal testers from the ASDC

B. Relevant POCs from the PREFIRE in charge of data management and testing

Recording, Collecting, Reporting, and Storage of Results

Test results will be recorded and test artifacts will be collected by the tester responsible for executing the tests in JIRA tickets and Confluence pages. Tester will review the results and report any failures to the developers to determine the course of resolution.   

Resulting re-work

The Development Team will evaluate all reported failures for severity and priority.  A time frame for implementing the modifications required as a result of UAT will be decided by the ASDC after an evaluation of the required level of effort.

APPENDIX A Test Readiness Checklist 

Item IDItem DescriptionCommentsReady? Y/N

Environment Setup

1Cumulus Deployed with SDTP information
2PREFIRE collections and rules exist in Cumulus
3PREFIRE collections exist in UAT MMT LARC_CLOUD provider

Testing Material

4Test Plan ready for distribution
5Test Cases and instructions ready for distributionSample data from PREFIRE are necessary for testing


6Provider roles filled

7Operator role filled
8Internal testers

Results Documentation

9JIRA and Confluence

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