Technical reports on topics related to software reuse written by members of the WG. Templates that can be used to produce reports in the WG's format are also included.

  • Tech Report Templates
    • Tech Report Template -- Word
      A Word version of the WG's technical report template/format file. Brief instructions on submitting your tech report to the WG are included on the title page.
    • Tech Report Template -- LaTeX
      A LaTeX version of the WG's technical report template/format file. Brief instructions on submitting your tech report to the WG are included on the title page.
    • Tech Report Template -- PDF
      A PDF version of the WG's technical report template/format file. Brief instructions on submitting your tech report to the WG are included on the title page.
  • Mathematical Theory of Reusability
    by Michael Leyton, Technical Report SRWG-TR-2010-001. This report shows how the New Foundations to Geometry developed by Leyton in his book A Generative Theory of Shape give New Foundations to Object-Oriented Programming.

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