Thank you to everyone who participated in the recent ESDSWG meeting at GSFC and thank you to everyone who completed the proposal assessment survey at the end of the meeting. The ESDSWG Executive Council has completed the review of the survey responses and proposal action plans and we are pleased to announce that the following have been approved as 2014 ESDSWG working groups:
Some of the above are follow-on activities to existing working groups and those groups will be able to start immediately on their proposed activities for the current year. Some of the new groups may take a bit more time to get everything organized but they should be able to commence activities in the week or two. For all of this year’s working groups, the ESDIS Point of Contact (POC) with be contacting the working group technical chairs to follow up on any issues raised during the Executive Council review and to confirm that the groups have clearly defined activities and deliverables for the coming year but don’t let that stop you from getting things moving.
I have provided the WG technical chairs with copies of the sign-up sheets from the meeting breakout sessions and a list of the people who expressed an interest in their group in the survey responses. The WG technical chairs will be contacting you with information on how to get involved the WG activities. If you didn’t get a chance to complete the proposal assessment survey then please contact the WG technical chairs directly if you want to participate in the group. There is also a list of WG mailing lists available on the wiki - ESDSWG Mailing Lists
I encourage all of the working groups to make maximum use of the Earthdata wiki. Mailing lists and Google Docs are useful tools for certain activities but have limited visibility to the broader ESDSWG community so try to keep the important stuff on the wiki. I also encourage the technical chairs to add their telecons to the calendar on the main ESDSWG wiki page – this helps provide some extra visibility for the working group and helps us to avoid scheduling conflicts with other groups.
Thank you for contributing to a very successful ESDSWG meeting. Jeff, the ESDIS POCs, and I look forward to working with you over the coming year.