To verify that ASDC can recover orderable data from ORCA backup.

  • Cumulus has successfully archived and backed up an orderable granule


Responsible Party


Test Steps

Expected Results

Actual Results

1ASDC TesterTo find a successfully archived granule in Dashboard

Go to and find a "Completed" granule in an orderable PREFIRE collection

Granule(s) found
2ASDC TesterTo delete the granule in Cumulus archive bucket

From AWS console, delete the granule's .nc file in s3://asdc2-uat-protected/PREFIRE/COLLECTIONSHORTNAME_VERSION/YYYY.MM.DD. 

Delete the granule's .cmr.json file in s3://asdc2-uat-private/PREFIRE/COLLECTIONSHORTNAME_VERSION/YYYY.MM.DD 

Granule deleted
3ASDC TesterTo recover granule from ORCA backup

Select the granule from Dashboard, and click "Recover Granule" button. Confirm when prompted

"Recover Granule" successful


ASDC Tester

To verify recovery

Wait about 3 hours.

Go to AWS console, find the granule's .nc file in s3://asdc2-uat-protected/PREFIRE/COLLECTIONSHORTNAME_VERSION/YYYY.MM.DD. 

Find the granule's .cmr.json file in s3://asdc2-uat-private/PREFIRE/COLLECTIONSHORTNAME_VERSION/YYYY.MM.DD 

Granule found
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