To verify that ASDC can ingest/archive and back up non-orderable data.

  • Test Case 1 was completed successfully

The following steps should be performed for each collection.


Responsible Party


Test Steps

Expected Results

Actual Results

1ASDC TesterTo get a list of granules ready for ingest

List and record the number of granules for the collection in test in s3://asdc2-uat-private/prefire/

List of granules ready for ingest is recorded
2ASDC TesterTo access the Dashboard

Go to Dashboard at and login

You are logged in
3ASDC Tester

To start the workflows for the collection

  • Go to Rules and find the rule for the collection in test
  • Click open the rule and select Options/Rerun and confirm
You will get a Rerun Successful message
4ASDC TesterTo verify the status of DiscoverNonOrderableGranules workflow 
  • Go to Executions and enter the Collection ID
  • Wait a few minutes and refresh

DiscoverNonOrderableGranules workflow is Running, and then Completed
5ASDC Tester

To verify the status of IngestNonOrderableGranule workflow

Refresh Executions after a few minutes

One or several IngestNonOrderableGranule workflow is Running, and then Completed.

The number of IngestNonOrderableGranule matches the number of granules recorded in step 1.


ASDC Tester

To verify data archive 

List granule in s3://asdc2-uat-protected/PREFIRE/NONORDERABLE

Repeat this step for each granule 

Granule exists


ASDC Tester

To verify successfully ingested/archived granule is removed from the initial download locationList granules in s3://asdc2-uat-private/prefire/The granule is no longer in s3://asdc2-uat-private/prefire/


ASDC Tester

To verify backup in ORCA
  • List the granule in s3://uat-orca-archive/PREFIRE/COLLECTIONSHORTNAME_VERSION/YYYY.MM.DD 
  • Repeat for each granule
Granule exists
  • No labels