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  1. Update the Kayako metrics by following the instructions found at How To: Update Kayako Metrics in Google Data Studio.
  2. Create a new PowerPoint presentation using the most recent slide set as a template. 

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    Past slides for Earthdata Search for the Operations Deep Dive can be found at Operations Deep Dive Presentations.

  3. Login to Uptrends at and visit the Earthdata Search Dependencies Dashboard.
  4. Change the time period to  'Last 60 days' and click 'Set'.

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    The time period will always default to the last 24 hours. This will have to be changed every time this dashboard is loaded.

  5. Take a screenshot of the 'Uptime Percentage by Monitor' and '4 monitors' tiles and add them to the first slide of the PowerPoint.
  6. Add notes on the slides/screenshots for any major peaks in the data. There should be an associated DSE report where additional information can be found at Degraded Service Events.
  7. View the Earthdata Search Data Studio Reports embedded at Earthdata Search Metrics. All of the reports embedded on this page (except the Kayako reports already updated in previous steps) automatically show the previous 6 weeks of data and update each week. There is no need to change these dates for the Operations Deep Dive presentation. Everything needed for the slides can be screenshot from this page except the Uptrends report.
  8. Screenshot the appropriate reports from this page to match the template from the previous Deep Dive. 

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    The order of the reports in the slides may not match the order of the reports embedded on the Wiki page. The current order in the slides was requested by ESDIS:
    1. Availability (Uptrends)
    2. Goals
    3. Goals 2
    4. Usage
    5. Usage 2
    6. Performance
    7. User Support (Kayako)
    8. User Support 2 (Kayako)

  9. Compare the current set of slides with previous month's slides to make note of any changes or points of interest. These changes will be what you speak to during the presentation.
  10. Make a note on the bottom of each slide with the date it was screenshot.
  11. Upload the slides to Operations Deep Dive Presentations.
  12. Send the slides by email to Barri Rubel (