The capability vision serves two purposes: it helps focus the efforts of NASA and the Earth science community, and it provides a yardstick by which we can measure our progress.

Focusing our efforts is critical to ensure that available resources are applied where they are needed most.  What capabilities are most needed to achieve NASA’s Earth science goals?  What technologies, standards, and reusable components are most needed to achieve those capabilities?  This capability vision for Earth science information systems will help NASA managers, data system developers, and science researchers work together to evolve the next generation of data systems for Earth science research.

With the capability vision as a roadmap, we can also measure progress toward achieving the vision as we enhance and evolve current systems.  This will facilitate coordinated efforts across the community and provide stakeholders with better insight to, and understanding of, our accomplishments.

About the Capability Vision

  • Describes 10 capabilities comprising an Earth science information system capability vision.
  • Identifies technologies critical to achieving the vision.
  • Positions the capabilities and technologies within a real-world scenario.
  • Used to develop a shared understanding of the vision within the community.

New Information System Capabilities - The Top Ten

How will these new capabilities benefit the Earth science community and help realize NASA’s goals? The Capability Vision uses a hypothetical science scenario (severe weather prediction improvement) to illustrate the envisioned capabilities in a practical context.

Capability Vision Documents

Version 2.0 (2006) of the Capability Vision is available in two versions - the complete 30 minute narrated PowerPoint presentation, and a 40 page PDF file of the vision charts.

  File Modified
PDF File TIWG Capability Vision Full 200608_0.pdf Apr 09, 2015 by Ross Bagwell
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow capability vision charts v2.0 w narration.ppt Apr 09, 2015 by Ross Bagwell

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