R is becoming a popular tool for analyzing data for data science applications.
Here is how to obtain your data in way that caches your user credentials, not requiring repeated requests to URS for authorization.
I've found using R studio that I had to set absolute paths, relative paths and paths using shortcuts like ~ didn't seem to work for me.
# Issue: --- # Author: Catalino Cuadrado (catalino.cuadrado@nasa.gov) # Date: 12-19-2018 ################################################################################# # Set up R # You may need to install the httr package. # install.packages("httr") library(httr) netrc_path <- "/path/to/.netrc" cookie_path <- "/path/to/.urs_cookies" downloaded_file_path <- "/path/to/filename" # Before using the script #Set up your ~/.netrc file as listed here: https://wiki.earthdata.nasa.gov/display/EL/How+To+Access+Data+With+cURL+And+Wget set_config(config(followlocation=1,netrc=1,netrc_file=netrc_path,cookie=cookie_path,cookiefile=cookie_path,cookiejar=cookie_path)) httr::GET(url = "https://disc2.gesdisc.eosdis.nasa.gov/data/TRMM_RT/TRMM_3B42RT_Daily.7/2000/03/3B42RT_Daily.20000301.7.nc4", write_disk(downloaded_file_path, overwrite = TRUE))
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