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Updated EDSC UI


  • Happy that the landing page is removed — many find it unnecessary.
  • Glad to see the left nav is still exposed — it’s good for “browsers” who want to peruse all options.


  • I received conflicting feedback on the map. Some seem to think that the map now looks more covered by the collection results than the old design and would like to see it more exposed. However others thought that the map seems to diminish the list of the collections and suggested making the map collapsible so you could see more collections at a time.
  • If I try to zoom out of the map without changing anything else, the map zooms out of view. Instead it should zoom to fit on top of the collections list
  • The map edge produces a strange result when a bounding box is placed across the date line. Maybe a continuous map (e.g. Google Maps) would allow for better bounding box handling and map panning. 


  • I preferred the “Spatial” and “Temporal” and “Clear Filters” labels on the previous version to just the icons.
  • I’m not sure why there is a spatial search option at the top of the interface as well as 3 spatial search icons on the right-hand side (this also applies to the previous version of the interface).
  • The “Toggle Filter Stack” icon to the right of the “Clear Filters” icon doesn’t seem to do anything until a filter is applied. I assumed that the icon would be a menu, so it seemed like a broken feature at first. 


  • I like how the “SUBSETTING” label indicates whether subsetting is available for a dataset.
  • Given "SUBSETTING" is prominently highlighted in the collection list it seems like it is a button that should take action.  But I don't think it is/does.  Yet, the short name is lightly greyed and that does do something if you click it.
  • The “SUBSETTING" badge encompasses more services than subsetting (reformatting, reprojection, etc.) so this label may be misleading.


  • The ability to sort granules is a nice feature. I wonder if sorting could be enabled for collection results too?
  • Suggest making the text to use the “+” sign to add granules to projects more prominent – it gets lost with the grayed-out look.
  • In the granule results, the array of giant boxes representing the granules looks very cluttered.  The previous interface had a list that was preferable.
  • The boxes cut off the longer filenames as well (e.g. all SMAP collections)
  • “Download Collection Data” implies downloading the whole collection.  It might be nice to clarify to something like ‘Download Results” or “Download Granules” after the filtering is done.
  • Doing an individual LocalGranuleID or Granule UR search is still hidden - no improvement was noted in the new design. The “Search for Granules by ID” functionality in Reverb is much more preferable. This may be more relevant to DAAC users versus end users though, as this is used frequently in testing.
  • When my mouse is over the collection tab, I see a new small double line and arrows to indicate I can move up and down.  That's what I see on the collection page, but not on the granule results. This may vary depending on browser: On Chrome for example, I see a faint single gray line if I’m zoomed out on both the collections and results tabs, but my cursor indicates that I can drag the tab on the collections tab only. Overall, several of us commented that the drag function is not easy to discover or recognize.
  • It seems that the default space size used for the collection and granule lists is fixed.  Fine if there are enough in the list to fill it.  But I think when there is less than fills the space, they should make the space smaller.  So currently if I select a collection with one granule, there's a whole bunch of wasted white space in the granule list.


  • Timeline: plus or minus should mean forward and backwards in time
  • Since the Browse Collections left panel and Collections/Granule results list can be minimized, it would be nice if the timeline could collapse as well. 


  • I like that they try to explain the Data Access Methods, but I don't understand the middle one (Place Data Request).  Until I read the details of the right one (Customize), I would have thought the middle one was what I select to subset.  Since I assume "subsetting: is a "processing" request?
  • "Place Data Request” seems vague to me. I wouldn’t know that I can submit a push or pull request from the description. These data are also returned “as is” like the Download option, so this may also be misleading.
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