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NSIDC Usability Testing Agenda

Participant List

  1. Amy FitzGerrel
  2. Mark Raleigh
  3. Mahsa Moussavi
  4. Paul Moth
  5. Kara Gergely
  6. Cathy Fowler
  7. Daniel Crumly
  8. Alex Crawford
  9. Donna Scott
  10. Karen Alley


  1. Welcome participant, introduce Jeff and Mark (have packet ready), survey the office for study locations and/or ask the participant where they'd like us and where they'd be most comfortable.
  2. GTM setup and recording waiver information and signing. Answer any questions or concerns about the recording and use.
  3. Review initial questionnaire with participant and ask if they have anything else to add. If the participant has not completed the survey--review the questions with them before the tasks start.
  4. Task Introduction:
    1. During this session, I would like you to think aloud as you work to complete the tasks. I will not be able to offer any suggestions or hints, but from time to time, I may ask you to clarify what you have said or ask you for information on what you were looking for or what you expect to have happen.
    2. Test Participant’s Role:
      1. Today I am going to be asking you to complete some tasks on Earthdata Search and tell me how easy or difficult it was to find the information.
      2. There is no right or wrong answer. If you have any questions, comments or areas of confusion while you are working, please let me know.
      3. If you ever feel that you are lost or cannot complete a task with the information that you have been given, please let me know. I will ask you what you might do in a real-world setting and then either put you on the right track or move you on to the next scenario.
      4. As you use the site, please do so as you would at home or your office and try to work through the tasks based on what you see on screen.
      5. I may ask you other questions as we go and we will have wrap up questions at the end.
  5. Tasks:
    1. Find a data collection hosted at NSIDC that has map imagery and view the latest imagery over the continental US.
    2. Find and download all MODIS Snow Cover data from days in January of this year. Subset the data to spatially to only over Boulder and download as a GeoTiff.
    3. Find an example of MODIS Snow Cover and SMAP Radiometer soil moister data collected within an hour of one another over Boulder.
    4. Use the client to find and retrieve data which may be relevant to your work.
    5. As an alternative, show us your workflow from another application (one used more frequently than Earthdata Search).
  6. Follow up Q&A:
    1. Discussion on overall task completion--what went well, what didn't.
    2. What seemed to be the major hang-up points for you while trying to complete the tasks?
    3. What feature or features made it easier for you to complete tasks (or even sub-tasks)?
    4. Do you have any other questions or comments for us before we finish?
  7. Stop/end all recording and verify that GTM and any other media has been saved. Log out of GTM.
  8. Make sure participant has recording waiver and contact information.
  9. Say thanks and smile :)

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