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Element Description

The Spatial Extent element describes the geographic coverage of the data. For data collections, the spatial extent describes the area of the Earth that the collection covers. For specific files or granules, the spatial extent describes the area covered by that individual file. 

The Spatial Extent element may also be used to describe vertical coverage of the data and orbital parameters where appropriate. 

Best Practices

In the CMR, there is the option to describe the horizontal, vertical, and orbital spatial coverage of a dataset. The type of spatial coverage being described in the metadata is identified via the 'Spatial Coverage Type' metadata element. There are five different controlled vocabulary options for 'Spatial Coverage Type' in UMM-Common. These include:

  • Horizontal
  • Vertical
  • Orbital
  • Horizontal and Vertical
  • Orbital and Vertical  

Each spatial extent type requires different information. The information needed for each type is summarized below: 


Horizontal spatial extent refers to data covering the surface of the Earth. For horizontal spatial extent, a coordinate system must be specified with the choice of either a Cartesian or Geodetic coordinate system:


Choice of:


Please see the Coordinate Systems section of the CMR Data Partner User Guide for instructions on how to assign the appropriate coordinate system.

Furthermore, there are four different options for describing horizontal spatial coverage. Only one of these options may be selected, however, the selected option may be repeated as many times as necessary (e.g. you can't provide a bounding rectangle and a point, but you can provide multiple bounding rectangles). The four options are:

(1) Point

    • A point location defined by a latitude and longitude coordinate. Multiple points may be provided if necessary.

(2) Bounding Rectangle

    • A rectangle defined by a north latitude coordinate, south latitude coordinate, east longitude coordinate, and west longitude coordinate. The north bounding latitude may not exceed 90 degrees, the south bounding coordinate may not be less than -90 degrees, the west bounding coordinate may not be less than -180 degrees, and the east bounding coordinate may not exceed 180 degrees. 

(3) GPolygon

    • A polygon defined by latitude/longitude point pairs. The more points are provided, the more detailed the polygon will be. Exclusion zones within the polygon can also be identified. Please see the CMR Data Partner User Guide for more details. 

(4) Line

    • A width-less line defined by latitude/longitude point pairs. Multiple points may be provided to express a complex line. Please see the CMR Data Partner User Guide for more details.    


Vertical spatial domain can be used to describe the coverage of data with a vertical component. The type of vertical coverage being described in the metadata is identified via the 'Vertical Spatial Domain/Type' metadata element. There are five different controlled vocabulary options for 'Vertical Spatial Domain/Type' in UMM-Common. These include:


Choice of:

  • Atmosphere Layer
  • Maximum Altitude
  • Minimum Altitude
  • Maximum Depth
  • Minimum Depth

Once a Type is selected, an accompanying value in the SpatialExtent/VerticalSpatialDomain/Value field must also be provided. For example, if "Maximum Altitude" was selected as the Type, the corresponding Value could be "50 KM."


When data is collected via a satellite, the Orbit Parameters metadata elements may be used to describe the spatial coverage. Please see the CMR Data Partner User Guide for additional details on how Orbit Parameters are used by the backtrack search algorithm for conducting spatial searches. Orbit Parameters includes the following sub-elements:

Swath Width: The width of the strip of the Earth's surface from which geospatial data are collected by a satellite, in kilometers. Only a number should be provided since the unit of kilometers is implied. If providing orbit parameters, Swath Width is required.  

Period: The time it takes a satellite to complete one complete orbit around the Earth, in decimal minutes. Only a number should be provided since the unit of decimal minutes is implied. If providing orbit parameters, Period is required.  

Inclination Angle: The angle between the equatorial plane of the Earth and the orbital plane of a satellite, in degrees. Only a number should be provided since the unit of degrees is implied. If providing orbit parameters, Inclination Angle is required.

Number of Orbits: "Indicates the number of orbits." 

Start Circular Latitude: "The latitude start of the orbit relative to the equator. This is used by the backtrack search algorithm to treat the orbit as if it starts from the specified latitude. This is optional and will default to 0 if not specified."   

Furthermore, the Granule Spatial Representation element is a required element. This element identifies how the spatial extent is expressed in the granule metadata associated with a collection. The spatial representation used in the collection metadata can be different than what is used in the granule metadata. Granule Spatial Representation is a controlled vocabulary field in the UMM-Common schema and includes the following options: 


The granule spatial representation selected at the collection level must be utilized by the granules. Please see the Collection & Granule Spatial Relationships section of the CMR Data Partner User Guide for additional details.

The spatial extent of the granules should always fall within the spatial extent specified in the collection level metadata (and vice versa). It is the responsibility of the metadata author to ensure that collection-granule spatial relationships are compatible.   


Element Specification

ModelElementTypeUsable Valid ValuesConstraintsRequired?Cardinality
UMM-CommonSpatialExtent/SpatialCoverageType Enumeration






UMM-CommonSpatialExtent/HorizontaSpatialDomain/ZoneIdentifierStringn/a1 - 80 charactersNo0..1









Choice of one of the following for Horizontal Spatial Domain/ Geometry:

(1) Point

If Point is selected, the cardinality is 1..*

UMM-CommonSpatialExtent/HorizontaSpatialDomain/Geometry/Point/LongitudeNumber-180 to 180Yes, if applicable1Number in degrees
UMM-CommonSpatialExtent/HorizontaSpatialDomain/Geometry/Point/LatitudeNumber-90 to 90Yes, if applicable1Number in degrees

Bounding Rectangle

If BoundingRectangle is selected, the cardinality is 1..*

UMM-CommonSpatialExtent/HorizontaSpatialDomain/Geometry/BoundingRectangles/WestBoundingCoordinateNumber-180 to 180Yes, if applicable1Number in degrees
UMM-CommonSpatialExtent/HorizontaSpatialDomain/Geometry/BoundingRectangles/NorthBoundingCoordinateNumber-90 to 90Yes, if applicable1Number in degrees
UMM-CommonSpatialExtent/HorizontaSpatialDomain/Geometry/BoundingRectangles/EastBoundingCoordinateNumber-180 to 180Yes, if applicable1Number in degrees
UMM-CommonSpatialExtent/HorizontaSpatialDomain/Geometry/BoundingRectangles/SouthBoundingCoordinateNumber-90 to 90Yes, if applicable1Number in degrees


If GPolygon is selected, the cardinality is 1..*

UMM-CommonSpatialExtent/HorizontaSpatialDomain/Geometry/GPolygon/Boundary/Points/LongitudeNumber-180 to 180Yes, if applicable4..*Number in degrees. A minimum of 4 GPolygon bounding points must be provided.
UMM-CommonSpatialExtent/HorizontaSpatialDomain/Geometry/GPolygon/Boundary/Points/LatitudeNumber-90 to 90Yes, if applicable4..*Number in degrees. A minimum of 4 GPolygon bounding points must be provided.
UMM-CommonSpatialExtent/HorizontaSpatialDomain/Geometry/GPolygon/ExclusiveZone/Boundaries/Points/LongitudeNumber-180 to 180No0..*Number in degrees. A minimum of 4 GPolygon exclusion zone bounding points must be provided, if applicable (providing an exclusion zone is optional).
UMM-CommonSpatialExtent/HorizontaSpatialDomain/Geometry/GPolygon/ExclusiveZone/Boundaries/Points/LatitudeNumber-90 to 90No0..*Number in degrees. A minimum of 4 GPolygon exclusion zone bounding points must be provided, if applicable (providing an exclusion zone is optional).


If Line is selected, the cardinality is 1..*

UMM-CommonSpatialExtent/HorizontaSpatialDomain/Geometry/Lines/Points/LongitudeNumber-180 to 180Yes, if applicable2..*Number in degrees. A minimum of 2 points must be provided to create a line.
UMM-CommonSpatialExtent/HorizontaSpatialDomain/Geometry/Lines/Points/LatitudeNumber-90 to 90Yes, if applicable2..*Number in degrees. A minimum of 2 points must be provided to create a line.

Vertical Spatial Domain:

Providing a Vertical Spatial Domain is optional (Cardinality 0..*)

ModelElementTypeUsable Valid ValuesConstraintsRequired?CardinalityNotes

Atmosphere Layer

Maximum Altitude

Maximum Depth

Minimum Altitude

Minimum Depth

n/aYes, if applicable1Provide multiple iterations of the vertical spatial domain elements to define an upper and a lower vertical boundary (e.g. a minimum altitude and a maximum altitude).
UMM-CommonSpatialExtent/VerticalSpatialDomain/ValueStringn/a1 - 80 charactersYes, if applicable1Both Type and Value are required. Use the Value field to describe the number and unit of the Type provided in the previous field (e.g. 50 KM, 208 meters)

Orbit Parameters:

Providing Orbit Parameters is optional (Cardinality 0..*)

UMM-CommonSpatialExtent/OrbitParameters/SwathWidthNumbern/aYes, if applicable1In kilometers.
UMM-CommonSpatialExtent/OrbitParameters/PeriodNumbern/aYes, if applicable1In decimal minutes.
UMM-CommonSpatialExtent/OrbitParameters/InclinationAngleNumber-90 to 90Yes, if applicable1In degrees.
UMM-CommonSpatialExtent/OrbitParameters/NumberOfOrbitsNumbern/aYes, if applicable1
UMM-CommonSpatialExtent/OrbitParameters/StartCircularLatitudeNumber-90 to 90No0..1In degrees.

Metadata Validation and QA/QC

All metadata entering the CMR goes through the below process to ensure metadata quality requirements are met. All records undergo CMR validation before entering the system. The process of QA/QC is slightly different for NASA and non-NASA data providers. Non-NASA providers include interagency and international data providers and are referred to as the International Directory Network (IDN).

Please see the expandable sections below for flowchart details.

  • Manual Review
    • Identify errors, discrepancies or omissions.
  • Automated Review
    • Check that the field has been populated.
    • Check that the field value is valid.
    • Check that the field values matches the enumeration values.
    • Check that the spatial coverage ranges are correct.
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 255 characters (Ellipsoid_Name).
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 80 characters (Horizontal_Datum_Name).
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 80 characters (Geographic_Coordinate_Units).
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 2,048 characters (Local_Coordinate_System/Description).
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 2,048 characters (Local_Coordinate_System/GeoReference_Information).
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 255 characters (Horizontal_Coordinate_System/Planar_Coordinate_System/Grid_Coordinate_System_Name).
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 2,048 characters (Horizontal_Coordinate_System/Planar_Coordinate_System/Local_Planar_Coordinate_System/GeoReference_Information).
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 2,048 characters (Horizontal_Coordinate_System/Planar_Coordinate_System/LocalPlanar_Coordinate_System/Description).
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 80 characters (Horizontal_Coordinate_System/Planar_Coordinate_System/Map_Projection/Map_Projection_Name).
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 255 characters (Horizontal_Coordinate_System/Planar_Coordinate_System/Map_Projection/Map_Projection_Pointer).
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 80 characters (Horizontal_Coordinate_System/Planar_Coordinate_System/Planar_Coordinate_Information).
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 20 characters (Planar_Coordinate_System/Planar_Coordinate_Information/Distance_And_Bearing_Representation/Bearing_Reference_Direction).
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 2,048 characters (Planar_Coordinate_System/Planar_Coordinate_Information/Distance_And_Bearing_Representation/Bearing_Reference_Meridian).
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 255 characters (Planar_Coordinate_System/Planar_Coordinate_Information/Distance_And_Bearing_Representation/Bearing_Units).
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 80 characters (Planar_Coordinate_System/Planar_Coordinate_Information/Encoding_Method).
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 80 characters (Horizontal_Coordinate_System/Planar_Coordinate_System/Planar_Coordinate_System_Id).
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 80 characters (TwoD_Coordinate_System/TwoDCoordinateSystem/TwoD_Coordinate_System_Name).
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 80 characters Check that the field length is not greater than 80 characters (Vertical_Coordinate_System/Altitude_System_Definition/Datum_Name).
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 80 characters (Vertical_Coordinate_System/Altitude_System_Definition/Distance_Units).
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 2,048 characters (Vertical_Coordinate_System/Altitude_System_Definition/Encoding_Method).
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 80 characters (Vertical_Coordinate_System/Altitude_System_Definition/Resolutions).
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 80 characters (Vertical_Coordinate_System/Depth_System_Definition).
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 80 characters (Vertical_Coordinate_System/Depth_System_Definition/Datum_Name).
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 80 characters (Vertical_Coordinate_System/Depth_System_Definition/Distance_Units).
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 2,048 characters (Vertical_Coordinate_System/Depth_System_Definition/Encoding_Method).
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 80 characters (Vertical_Coordinate_System/DepthSystemDefinition/Resolution).
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 80 characters (Vertical_Spatial_Info/VerticalSpatialInfo/Type).
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 80 characters (Vertical_Spatial_Info/VerticalSpatialInfo/Value).
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 80 characters (Zone_Identifier).

ARC Priority Matrix

Priority CategorizationJustification

This element is categorized as highest priority when:

  • The element is not included at all.
  • The element is included but is empty.

This element is categorized as medium priority when:

Not applicable

The element is provided, a correct valid value is used, and the valid value matches the status of the data set.

ARC Automated Checks

  • Coordinate System
    • If no value is provided, return is: "This is a required element. Geometry/Coordinate_System should be chosen from the following options: <schema listed here>."
    • If the provided value does not conform to the schema, return is: "Invalid value for Geometry/Coordinate_System. Geometry/Coordinate_System should be chosen from the following options: <schema listed here>."
    • Otherwise, return is "OK."
  • Vertical
    • If no value is provided, return is: "np."
    • If the provided value does not conform to the schema, return is: "Invalid value for Vertical Spatial Type: <provided value>. Recommend providing a valid value from the following list: <schema listed here>."
    • Otherwise, return is "OK."
  • Orbital
    • If no value is provided, return is: "np."
    • Otherwise, return is "OK."

Dialect Mappings


DIF 9 (Note: DIF-9 is being phased out and will no longer be supported after 2018)

SpecificationPathTypeConstraintsRequired in DIF 9?CardinalityNotes
DIF 9Spatial_Coverage/ Westernmost_LongitudeNumber-180 to 180Yes1Number in degrees
DIF 9Spatial_Coverage/ Northernmost_LatitudeNumber-90 to 90Yes1Number in degrees
DIF 9Spatial_Coverage/ Easternmost_LongitudeNumber-180 to 180Yes1Number in degrees
DIF 9Spatial_Coverage/ Southernmost_LatitudeNumber-90 to 90Yes1Number in degrees
DIF 9Spatial_Coverage/ Minimum_AltitudeNumber

DIF 9Spatial_Coverage/ Maximum_AltitudeNumber

DIF 9Spatial_Coverage/ Minimum_DepthNumber

DIF 9Spatial_Coverage/ Maximum_DepthNumber

DIF 10

SpecificationPathTypeUsable Valid ValuesConstraintsRequired in DIF 10?Cardinality
DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Spatial_Coverage_TypeEnumeration






DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Granule_Spatial_RepresentationEnumeration





DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Zone_IdentifierStringn/a1 - 80 charactersNo0..1

Choice of one of the following for Spatial_Coverage/ Geometry:

(1) Bounding Rectangle

If Bounding_Rectangle is selected, the cardinality is 1..*

SpecificationPathTypeConstraintsRequired in DIF 10?CardinalityNotes
DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Geometry/ Bounding_Rectangle/Center_Point/Point/Point_Longitude
Number-180 to 180No1Number in degrees
DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Geometry/Bounding_Rectangle/Center_Point/Point/Point_LatitudeNumber-90 to 90No1Number in degrees
DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Geometry/Bounding_Rectangle/Southernmost_LatitudeNumber-180 to 180Yes, if applicable1Number in degrees
DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Geometry/Bounding_Rectangle/Northernmost_Latitude
Number-90 to 90Yes, if applicable1Number in degrees
DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Geometry/Bounding_Rectangle/Westernmost_LongitudeNumber-180 to 180Yes, if applicable1Number in degrees
DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Geometry/Bounding_Rectangle/Easternmost_LongitudeNumber-180 to 180Yes, if applicable1Number in degrees
DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Geometry/Bounding_Rectangle/Minimum_AltitudeNumber

DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Geometry/Bounding_Rectangle/Maximum_AltitudeNumber

DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Geometry/Bounding_Rectangle/Altitude_UnitString

DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Geometry/Bounding_Rectangle/Minimum_DepthNumber

DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Geometry/Bounding_Rectangle/Maximum_DepthNumber

DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Geometry/Bounding_Rectangle/Depth_UnitString


If Point is selected, the cardinality is 1..*

SpecificationPathTypeConstraintsRequired in DIF 10?CardinalityNotes
DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Geometry/Point/Point_LongitudeNumber-180 to 180Yes, if applicable1Number in degrees
DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Geometry/Point/Point_Latitude
Number-90 to 90Yes, if applicable1Number in degrees


If Line is selected, the cardinality is 1..*

SpecificationPathTypeConstraintsRequired in DIF 10?CardinalityNotes
DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Geometry/Line/Point/Point_Longitude
Number-180 to 180Yes, if applicable2..*Number in degrees. A minimum of 2 points must be provided to create a line.
DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Geometry/Line/Point/Point_LatitudeNumber-90 to 90Yes, if applicable2..*Number in degrees. A minimum of 2 points must be provided to create a line.
DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Geometry/Line/Center_Point/Point_LatitudeNumber-90 to 90No1Number in degrees
DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Geometry/Line/Center_Point/Point_LongitudeNumber-180 to 180No1Number in degrees


If Polygon is selected, the cardinality is 1..*

SpecificationPathTypeConstraintsRequired in DIF 10?CardinalityNotes
DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Geometry/Polygon/Boundary/Point/Point_LongitudeNumber-180 to 180Yes, if applicable2..*Number in degrees. A minimum of 2 points must be provided to create a line.
DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Geometry/Polygon/Boundary/Point/Point_Latitude
Number-90 to 90Yes, if applicable2..*Number in degrees. A minimum of 2 points must be provided to create a line.
DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Geometry/Polygon/Exclusion_Zone/Boundary/Point/Point_Longitude
Number-180 to 180No1Number in degrees
DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Geometry/Polygon/Exclusion_Zone/Boundary/Point/Point_Latitude
Number-90 to 90No1Number in degrees
DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Geometry/Polygon/Center_Point/Point/Point_LongitudeNumber-180 to 180No1Number in degrees
DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Geometry/Polygon/Center_Point/Point/Point_LatitudeNumber-90 to 90No1Number in degrees

Orbit Parameters:

Providing Orbit_Parameters is optional (Cardinality 0..*)

SpecificationPathTypeConstraintsRequired in DIF 10?CardinalityNotes
DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Orbit_Parameters/Swath_WidthNumbern/aYes, if applicable1In kilometers.
DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Orbit_Parameters/Period
Numbern/aYes, if applicable1In decimal minutes.
DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Orbit_Parameters/Inclination_Angle
Number-90 to 90No1In degrees.
DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Orbit_Parameters/Number_of_Orbits
DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Orbit_Parameters/Start_Circular_LatitudeNumber-90 to 90No0..1In degrees.

Vertical Spatial Info:

Providing a Vertical_Spatial_Info is optional (Cardinality 0..*)

SpecificationPathTypeUsable Valid ValuesConstraintsRequired in DIF 10?CardinalityNotes
DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Vertical_Spatial_Info/Type

Atmosphere Layer

Maximum Altitude

Maximum Depth

Minimum Altitude

Minimum Depth

n/aYes, if applicable1Provide multiple iterations of the vertical spatial domain elements to define an upper and a lower vertical boundary (e.g. a minimum altitude and a maximum altitude).
DIF 10Spatial_Coverage/Vertical_Spatial_Info/Value
Stringn/a1 - 80 charactersYes, if applicable1

Enumeration Mapping

DIF 10



Blank or doesn’t existNOT PROVIDED
Don’t translateNOT PROVIDED

Example Mapping

DIF 10

  <Spatial_Coverage_Type> Horizontal </Spatial_Coverage_Type>
  <Granule_Spatial_Representation> CARTESIAN </Granule_Spatial_Representation>
    <Coordinate_System> CARTESIAN </Coordinate_System>
      <Southernmost_Latitude> -90 </Southernmost_Latitude>
      <Northernmost_Latitude> 90 </Northernmost_Latitude>
      <Westernmost_Latitude> -180 </Westernmost_Latitude>
      <Easternmost_Latitude> 180 </Easternmost_Latitude>


"SpatialExtent": {
"SpatialCoverageType": "HORIZONTAL",
"HorizontalSpatialDomain": {
"Geometry": {
  "CoordinateSystem": "CARTESIAN",
  "BoundingRectangles": [
  {"NorthBoundingCoordinate": 90,
   "WestBoundingCoordinate": -180,
   "EastBoundingCoordinate": 180,
   "SouthBoundingCoordinate": -90}]}},
 "GranuleSpatialRepresentation": "CARTESIAN"


SpecificationPathTypeUsable Valid ValuesConstraintsRequired in ECHO10?Cardinality
ECHO 10Spatial/SpatialCoverageTypeEnumeration






ECHO 10Spatial/HorizontalSpatialDomain/ZoneIdentifierStringn/a1 - 80 charactersNo0..1
ECHO 10Spatial/HorizontalSpatialDomain/Geometry/CoordinateSystemEnumeration



ECHO 10Spatial/GranuleSpatialRepresentationEnumeration






Choice of one of the following for Horizontal Spatial Domain/ Geometry:

(1) Point

If Point is selected, the cardinality is 1..*

SpecificationPathTypeConstraintsRequired in ECHO10?CardinalityNotes
ECHO 10SpatialExtent/HorizontaSpatialDomain/Geometry/Point/LongitudeNumber-180 to 180Yes, if applicable1Number in degrees
ECHO 10SpatialExtent/HorizontaSpatialDomain/Geometry/Point/LatitudeNumber-90 to 90Yes, if applicable1Number in degrees

 Bounding Rectangle

If BoundingRectangle is selected, the cardinality is 1..*

SpecificationPathTypeConstraintsRequired in ECHO10?CardinalityNotes
ECHO 10SpatialExtent/HorizontaSpatialDomain/Geometry/BoundingRectangles/WestBoundingCoordinateNumber-180 to 180Yes, if applicable1Number in degrees
ECHO 10SpatialExtent/HorizontaSpatialDomain/Geometry/BoundingRectangles/NorthBoundingCoordinateNumber-90 to 90Yes, if applicable1Number in degrees
ECHO 10SpatialExtent/HorizontaSpatialDomain/Geometry/BoundingRectangles/EastBoundingCoordinateNumber-180 to 180Yes, if applicable1Number in degrees
ECHO 10SpatialExtent/HorizontaSpatialDomain/Geometry/BoundingRectangles/SouthBoundingCoordinateNumber-90 to 90Yes, if applicable1Number in degrees


If Line is selected, the cardinality is 2..* since at least 2 points must be provided to create a Line.

SpecificationPathTypeConstraintsRequired in ECHO10?CardinalityNotes
ECHO 10SpatialExtent/HorizontaSpatialDomain/Geometry/Line/Point/PointLongitude
Number-180 to 180Yes, if applicable1Number in degrees
ECHO 10SpatialExtent/HorizontaSpatialDomain/Geometry/Line/Point/PointLatitude
Number-90 to 90Yes, if applicable1Number in degrees


If GPolygon is selected, the cardinality is 1..*

SpecificationPathTypeConstraintsRequired in ECHO10?CardinalityNotes
ECHO 10Spatial/ Horizontal Spatial Domain/ Geometry/ GPolygon/ Boundary/ Point/ Point Longitude Number-180 to 180Yes, if applicable4..*Number in degrees. A minimum of 4 GPolygon bounding points must be provided to create a polygon.
ECHO 10Spatial/ Horizontal Spatial Domain/ Geometry/ GPolygon/ Boundary/ Point/ Point Latitude Number-90 to 90Yes, if applicable4..*Number in degrees. A minimum of 4 GPolygon bounding points must be provided to create a polygon.
ECHO 10Spatial/ Horizontal Spatial Domain/ Geometry/ GPolygon/ Exclusive Zone/ Boundary/ Point/ Point Latitude Number-180 to 180No0..*Number in degrees. A minimum of 4 GPolygon exclusion zone bounding points must be provided, if applicable (providing an exclusion zone is optional), to create a polygon.
ECHO 10Spatial/ Horizontal Spatial Domain/ Geometry/ GPolygon/ Exclusive Zone/ Boundary/ Point/ Point Latitude Number-90 to 90No0..*Number in degrees. A minimum of 4 GPolygon exclusion zone bounding points must be provided, if applicable (providing an exclusion zone is optional), to create a polygon.
ECHO 10Spatial/ Horizontal Spatial Domain/ Geometry/ GPolygon/ Center Point/ Point/ Point Longitude Number-180 to 180Yes, if applicable

ECHO 10Spatial/ Horizontal Spatial Domain/ Geometry/ GPolygon/ Center Point/ Point/ Point LatitudeNumber-90 to 90Yes, if applicable

Vertical Spatial Domain:

Providing a Vertical Spatial Domain is optional (Cardinality 0..*)

SpecificationPathTypeUsable Valid ValuesConstraintsRequired in ECHO10?CardinalityNotes
ECHO 10Spatial/VerticalSpatialDomain/Type 

Atmosphere Layer

Maximum Altitude

Maximum Depth

Minimum Altitude

Minimum Depth


Yes, if applicable1Provide multiple iterations of the vertical spatial domain elements to define an upper and a lower vertical boundary (e.g. a minimum altitude and a maximum altitude).
ECHO 10Spatial/VerticalSpatialDomain/Value 
Stringn/a1 - 80 charactersYes, if applicable1Both Type and Value are required. Use the Value field to describe the number and unit of the Type provided in the previous field (e.g. 50 KM, 208 meters)

Orbit Parameters:

Providing Orbit Parameters is optional (Cardinality 0..*)

SpecificationPathTypeConstraintsRequired in ECHO10?CardinalityNotes
ECHO 10Spatial/OrbitParameters/SwathWidth
Numbern/aYes, if applicable1In kilometers
ECHO 10Spatial/OrbitParameters/Period 
Numbern/aYes, if applicable1In decimal minutes
ECHO 10Spatial/OrbitParameters/InclinationAngleNumber-90 to 90Yes, if applicable1In degrees
ECHO 10Spatial/OrbitParameters/NumberOfOrbitsNumbern/aYes, if applicable1
ECHO 10Spatial/OrbitParameters/StartCircularLatitudeNumber-90 to 90No0..1In degrees

Enumeration Mapping




Blank or doesn’t existNOT PROVIDED
Any other valueNOT PROVIDED
Don’t translateNOT PROVIDED

Example Mapping


<SpatialCoverageType> HORIZONTAL </SpatialCoverageType>
    <CoordinateSystem> CARTESIAN </CoordinateSystem>
      <WestBoundingCoordinate> -180 </WestBoundingCoordinate>
      <NorthBoundingCoordinate> 90 </WestBoundingCoordinate>  
      <EastBoundingCoordinate> 180 </WestBoundingCoordinate>
      <SouthBoundingCoordinate> -90 </WestBoundingCoordinate>
<GranuleSpatialRepresentation> CARTESIAN </GranuleSpatialRepresentation>


"SpatialExtent": {
"SpatialCoverageType": "HORIZONTAL",
"HorizontalSpatialDomain": {
"Geometry": {
  "CoordinateSystem": "CARTESIAN",
  "BoundingRectangles": [
  {"NorthBoundingCoordinate": 90,
   "WestBoundingCoordinate": -180,
   "EastBoundingCoordinate": 180,
   "SouthBoundingCoordinate": -90}]}},
 "GranuleSpatialRepresentation": "CARTESIAN"

ISO 19115-2 MENDS

ISO 19115-2 MENDS/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmd:identificationInfo/gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:status/gmd:MD_ProgressCode codeList="" codeListValue=StringProgressCode has code values of completed, historicalArchive, obsolete, onGoing, planned, required, underDevelopment. gmd:status is not required. Any string can be substituted as well. Since ISO supports multiple statuses for a collection/series, the CMR translates only the first one to UMM.

Enumeration/Code List Mapping






a string is used instead

of the defined codes.

The codeList=”” and

codeListValue = “”

Blank or doesn’t existNOT PROVIDED
Any other valueNOT PROVIDED
Don’t translateNOT PROVIDED

Example Mapping

ISO 19115-2 MENDS

<gmd:EX_Extent id="boundingExtent">
<gmd:EX_GeographicBoundingBox id="geo-2c82e312-747c-4e12-9692-1056e558bf37">
<gml:TimePeriod gml:id="d8f465471-e98f-4dcc-9b01-3f934ab231d7">


"SpatialExtent": {
"SpatialCoverageType": "HORIZONTAL",
"HorizontalSpatialDomain": {
"Geometry": {
  "CoordinateSystem": "CARTESIAN",
  "BoundingRectangles": [
  {"NorthBoundingCoordinate": 90,
   "WestBoundingCoordinate": -180,
   "EastBoundingCoordinate": 180,
   "SouthBoundingCoordinate": -90}]}},
 "GranuleSpatialRepresentation": "CARTESIAN"

ISO 19115-2 SMAP

ISO 19115-2 SMAP/gmd:DS_Series/gmd:seriesMetadata/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmd:identificationInfo/gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:status/gmd:MD_ProgressCode codeList="" codeListValue=StringProgressCode has code values of completed, historicalArchive, obsolete, onGoing, planned, required, underDevelopment. gmd:status is not required. Any string can be substituted as well. Since ISO supports multiple statuses for a collection/series, the CMR translates only the first one to UMM.

Enumeration/Code List Mapping






a string is used instead

of the defined codes.

The codeList=”” and

codeListValue = “”

Blank or doesn’t existNOT PROVIDED
Any other valueNOT PROVIDED
Don’t translateNOT PROVIDED

Example Mapping

ISO 19115-2 SMAP

<gmd:EX_Extent id="boundingExtent">
<gmd:EX_GeographicBoundingBox id="geo-2c82e312-747c-4e12-9692-1056e558bf37">
<gml:TimePeriod gml:id="d8f465471-e98f-4dcc-9b01-3f934ab231d7">


"SpatialExtent": {
"SpatialCoverageType": "HORIZONTAL",
"HorizontalSpatialDomain": {
"Geometry": {
  "CoordinateSystem": "CARTESIAN",
  "BoundingRectangles": [
  {"NorthBoundingCoordinate": 90,
   "WestBoundingCoordinate": -180,
   "EastBoundingCoordinate": 180,
   "SouthBoundingCoordinate": -90}]}},
 "GranuleSpatialRepresentation": "CARTESIAN"

UMM Migration

UMM Version 1.9.0



UMM Version 1.10.0
Any other valueNOT PROVIDED

Future Mappings

ISO 19115-1

ISO 19115-1


with codeList and codeListValue attributes

StringProgressCode has code values of completed, historicalArchive, obsolete, onGoing, planned, required, underDevelopment. gmd:status is not required. Any string can be substituted as well. Since ISO supports multiple statuses for a collection/series, the CMR translates only the first one to UMM.

ISO 19115-1

      <mri:MD_ProgressCode codeList="{codeListLocation}#MD_ProgressCode"


"CollectionProgress" : "ACTIVE",


UMM Versioning

VersionDateWhat Changed
1.12.001/22/2019No changes were made for Spatial Extent during the transition from version 1.11.0 to 1.12.0.
1.11.011/28/2018No changes were made for Spatial Extent during the transition from version 1.10.0 to 1.11.0.
1.10.005/02/2018During the transition from version 1.9.0 to 1.10.0, the sub element 'VerticalSpatialDomainType' was enumerated.

ARC Documentation

VersionDateWhat ChangedAuthor
1.02/19/18Recommendations/priority matrix transferred from internal ARC documentation to wiki space

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