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LANCE Flood mapping.png

Notes for meeting on 16 October 2017  

Gang Ye

Gregory Ederer

Dan Slayback

Fritz Pollicell

Diane Davies

  • Old NRT flood system was broken when the SA made an update. Dan has just spent 2 weeks fixing issues. Can we avoid this happening (or at least minimize the impacts) in future?
  • Dan is still unsure how to proceed with his code in python. Which version? Will he be allowed to use python libraries? that are not included in RedHat?
  • Dan needs put his code in GITHUB by the end of this week so the others can look at it and figure out how to move forward.
    • Greg and Gang will look at the code with a view to determining how it can best be set up so that it won't break when there are system updates.
    • Greg to deliver action plan on how to move forward.
    • Can Dan use outside python libraries? The SA won't maintain these. Greg said it is the same with the HDF libraries: the CM librarian does configuration management and makes sure they are up to date and compiled. Perhaps something similar can be set up for the flood mapping
  • Frtiz and Dan have been in touch with the Disaster Portal folks. They are waiting on code from Dan
Action Items 
  •  Dan to put his code in GitHub by 27 October
  •  Greg and Dan to review code and come up with an action plan on how to move forward by 3 November
  •  Dan to provide code for ArcGIS portal
  •  Gang Ye to get PGE number /name for Dan
  •  Dan to provide short names for data product
 Next Meeting 13 November 2017 
Notes for meeting on 18 October 2017

Diane Davies

Gang Ye

Gregory Ederer

Dan Slayback

Fritz Pollicelli

  • Update on Disaster Portal: Fritz saw Jessica Seepersand but she was too busy to talk. They have requested Dan’s code for the web map services. Dan needs to provide this.
  • Update from Dan
    • First module done. Waiting to hear back from MODAPS on how to deploy it. Impression that they are not familiar with using Python in a production environment. There was a suggestion that they use system python but Dan thinks that would be an issue. Greg said the issue is supporting external libraries and packages. SA in Building 32 do not want to deploy anything that is not part of the standard operating system but only as far as it comes from Red Hat or whoever the distributor is. So anyone that needs custom modules will require installation. Want users that want them to build and maintain them. But currently no there is no repository /deployment system. (There is an old fashioned system in place for Centos 5 but they are not porting it to Centos 7. So stuck in in between place!. It will be resolved. There will be facilities to do this (Navid and Kurt) but still have processes to sort out (Gate keeping / CM / documentation etc. Processes need to be transitioned from old PGE system). Greg thinks a couple of months until everyone is happy. But test environment should be sooner.
    • Greg to talk to Navid to see what the plan is.
    • Dan said it is better to wait for until this is resolved. – no rush to get in to production, as old system is working, so. Greg thinks the flood code might be the test case.
    • Dan said that to be clear - Python Conda system doesn’t need root anything.
    • Greg asked if Dan Dan has access to Git Lab? Navid can add him in. This is the configuration management system that will let Dan get familiar with the environment MODAPS will be deployed from. Put code in. track tickets etc. Should be used as a wedge to push Navid along. Greg to send Dan information.
    • Dan: to do short names.
    • Dan: can still work on compositing assuming python coding will be available. 
  • Diane mentioned the GIBS summit coming up on 2-3rd October. Asked Dan for a straw man of how we would like to see the data represented for the summit, to make sure this is in the work plan for the coming 12-18 months.
 Next meeting 16 October 2017 
  •  Fritz to follow up with Jessica on status of Disaster Portal
  •  Dan to provide code for the Disaster Portal web map service
  •  Gregory Ederer to send Dan information about Git Lab
  •  Gang Ye to get PGE number /name for Dan
  •  Dan to provide short names for data product
