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Notes for Meeting on 28 August 2017 

Dan Slayback

Fritz Pollicelli

Edward Masuoka

Karen Michael

Diane Davies

Gang Ye

Gregory Ederer




Progress on Phase 1: Granule Module

  •  Dan said that the coding is progressing well the code for the first intermediate MWD product should be ready next week. The next stage will be compositing all the raster files.
  • Dan checked with Gand and Ed that:
    • the MODAPS code will monitor when new granule is available and check the validity of the granule files
    • the memory use was within acceptable limits
    • MODAPS will call code when granules are ready
    • Python 3.5 is preferable to the older version currently being used. (Ed to check with SAs and will get back to Dan if there is an issue).
    • Greg's code, that he got a year ago is still OK with no significant updates that should be tested. Greg said they are looking at the offset again for GEOLOCO but it is OK for Dan to proceed with what he has.
  • Dan asked about logging code: are there recommendations on standards / content? Gang to send these to Dan.

  • Product naming

    • Asad has sent Dan naming conventions

    • Intermediate products not to be distributed; don’t need to follow the same naming requirements. Only the official products.

  • Dan will provide code to Gang / Greg who will add a PGE wrapper and run the standard science tests, put it in an archive for validation. Then need to determine how to store / add to a database. This may take a couple of months.


  • Diane has been looking at requirements from the flood workshop and feedback from users Fritz contacted:
    • users want a one stop shop for flood products
      • Suggest adding the imagery in Wordview and having a feed that can be ingested in to a devoted flood product viewer.
      • Get updates on what is happening with the Dartmouth Flood Observatory and their bid to have a "flood portal" and the ESRI disasters portal that David Green is funding.
    • Users often say products are not easy to understand: having historical data may help? and good explanations of what the data shows and doesn't show.
  • Gang Ye to send Dan recommendations for logging code
  • Edward Masuoka to check with SAs re: python version. He will get back to Dan if the latest (ver 3.5) is not acceptable.
  • Fritz to follow up on other flood portals / viewers to get a sense of what will be done and the likely timeline,

Notes for Meeting on 17 July 2017


Karen Michael

Diane Davies

Gang Ye

Fritz Pollicelli

Dan Slayback

  • Dan: Tests show that the GDAL prototype is as efficient as ENVI / IDL
  • Dan to finalize code to generate the granule level water detection data (intermediate file). Estimated time frame 1 month
  • Next steps:
    • Dan to finish code for the final daily products (2,3,14 day products). He may need input from Gregory Ederer/ others to make this code as efficient possible - approximately another month taking us to mid September.
    • After that we need to consider final formats for end users
  • Fritz sent Dan some feedback from end users. Diane to create short set of questions which will go to a broader audience.

Action items

  •  @Dan Slayback to report back to Edward Masuoka that he won't need the additional ENVI license
  •  @Dan Slayback to finalize code to generate the granule level water detection data and deliver it to Gang Ye
  •  Gang Ye to send Dan sample ESDT file names
  •  Diane Davies to contact additional users, in collaboration with Fritz, to draft user requirements doc
