Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • perform functions related to Create/Read/Update/Delete of CMR Metadata Records
  • perform functions related to managing permissions and usage of CMR metadata.

Accessing the MMT

URLs for the Metadata Management Tool 

SIT environment:


PROD environment:

Provider Context

To use the MMT, you must have a CMR metadata provider context.   Ensure that, for each of your providers, your Earthdata Login username for the appropriate environment (SIT, UAT, PROD) is a member of a group (normally the Administrator group for the provider) that has both 'Provider Context' and 'Provider Object ACLs' permissions.  See Manage 'Provider Object Permissions' for a user group.

If you log in to the MMT but have no provider context set, you will see the following page:


If you see this page, you should log out and contact your provider Administrator or the CMR OPS team at to become a member of a provider group.

Login to the MMT

Click on 'Earthdata Login', and log in to the MMT using your Earthdata Login username and password for the appropriate environment (SIT, UAT, PROD)


Change Provider

  1. Click on either your login name or the arrow to the right of your login name in the upper right corner of the MMT page, and then click on Change Provider.   Or, click on the name of your current provider in the dark blue badge to the right of your login name.


3. If you have recently been granted access to a new provider, you may need to click on 'Refresh your available providers' so that the new provider appears on the pull-down list.

Logout of the MMT

Click on either your login name or the arrow to the right of your login name in the upper right corner of the MMT page, and then click on Logout. 


Manage Collection Metadata for my provider

Required Permissions

To create, update, or delete collection metadata records in the CMR, your username must be a member of a group with Provider Object Permissions which include Ingest Operations Read and Update.

See your provider Administrator if you are not sure whether your username has the correct permissions for these operations.   The provider Administrator should refer to the Metadata Management Tool (MMT) User Guide Manage 'Provider Object Permissions' for a user group section below to assign these permissions.

Create a collection record in the CMR for my provider

1. On the 'Manage Collections' dashboard,


9.   You will then see a green banner indicating that your collection record has been successfully published to the CMR.   You will also receive an email stating that your record has been published, and providing the 'concept id' (CMR identifier) for the published record.   You may use that concept id to search for your record on the MMT or on the Earthdata Search Client.

Find and view collection records in the CMR

Use the 'Search Collections ' interface in the upper right corner of the MMT banner on the Manage Collections dashboard:

Find records based on a keyword

Enter a search term (e.g., Short Name, Entry Title, a CMR concept id, a science keyword) in the white 'Enter Search Term' box, and click on 'Search Collections'.


To view an html representation of the metadata for any collection record in the search results table, click on the Short Name of the collection.

Find all collection records for a provider

Select a provider from the 'Select a Provider' drop-down list, and then click on 'Search Collections'.


To view an html representation of the metadata for any collection record in the search results table, click on the Short Name of the collection.

Update a collection record in the CMR for my provider

1. Find the collection record using the instructions above (Find and View Collections in the CMR), and click on the Short Name of the collection to view the collection record page.


4.  On the progress panel, click on any section to begin editing the draft record.   Use the progress panel and navigation buttons described in Metadata Management Tool (MMT) User Guide Create a collection record in the CMR for my provider to update the metadata in the draft record. 

5. When you have finished editing the draft record, publish it to the CMR by clicking on the Publish Draft button above the progress panel.   This will create a new revision of the collection record in the CMR.   The CMR stores up to 10 revisions of each collection record.  When an 11th revision is created, the first revision is deleted, and so on.   Each revision of a collection record has the same concept id as the original collection record.

Clone and edit a collection record in the CMR for my provider

1. Find the collection record using the instructions above (Find and View Collections in the CMR), and click on the Short Name of the collection to view the collection record page.


5. When you have finished editing the draft record (the clone), publish it to the CMR by clicking on the Publish Draft button above the progress panel.   The clone will be stored as a new collection record in the CMR, with a different concept id from the original record.

Download XML for a collection record in the CMR

1. Find the collection record using the instructions above (Find and View Collections in the CMR), and click on the Short Name of the collection to view the collection record page.


4. Click on the format that you would like.   Your browser and local machine will now prompt you through the download process.

Delete a collection record in the CMR for my provider

1. Find the collection record using the instructions above (Find and View Collections in the CMR), and click on the Short Name of the collection to view the collection record page.


If you restore the record from this table, you will see a new revision history, showing the deletion as one of the revisions:

Revert to a previous revision of a collection record in the CMR for my provider 

1. Find the collection record using the instructions above (Find and View Collections in the CMR), and click on the Short Name of the collection to view the collection record page.


If there were n revisions before you reverted to a previous revision, there will now be n+1 revisions, and the n+1st revision will be identical to the previous revision to which you reverted.

Bulk Update of Collection Metadata 


  1. The MMT allows metadata providers to update multiple collection records for their provider at once, using Bulk Update functionality.
  2. When Bulk Update changes are applied to a collection record, the updated record is stored in the CMR in UMM-JSON format (which may or may not be the original native format of the record).
  3. When Bulk Update changes are applied to a collection record, a new revision of the record is stored in the CMR.   The Last Revision date of the record is updated in the collection metadata, and the update date of the record in the CMR database is also updated.   These updates occur for all records in the Bulk Update set, regardless of whether the update was actually applied to that record.
  4. Bulk Update changes are supported for five Collection metadata fields, all of which have controlled vocabularies managed in the KMS:  Science Keywords, Location Keywords, Platform, Instrument, and Data Center.   
    1. For the two hierarchical keyword fields (Science Keywords, Location Keywords),  four update types are supported:  Add to Existing, Clear All and Replace, Find and Remove, and Find and Replace. 
    2. For the other three metadata groups (Platform, Instrument, and Data Center), two update types are supported:  Find and Remove, and Find and Update.
  5. 'Add to Existing' adds a new occurrence of a Science or Location keyword value selected from the KMS to all records in the Bulk Update set.
  6. 'Clear All and Replace' removes all Science or Location keywords from all records in the Bulk Update set, and replaces them with a new Science or Location keyword selected from the KMS.
  7. 'Find & Remove'
    1. For Platforms: finds all records in the Bulk Update set that have a platform shortname of <value keyed in by user>, and removes all platform metadata for the platform instance where Platform shortname = <value keyed in by user>,  including the removal of all instruments and child instruments associated with the platform.  Any other platform instances in the records remain as-is.
    2. For Instruments: finds all records in the selected record set that have an instrument shortname of <value keyed in by user>, and removes all instrument metadata for each instrument instance where Instrument shortname = <value keyed in by user>.   If the Instrument is associated with multiple platforms in a single collection, the instrument metadata will be removed from each associated platform.  Any other Instrument instances in the records remain as-is.
    3. For Data Centers: finds all records in the selected record set that have a Data Center shortname of <value keyed in by user>, and removes all Data Center metadata for each Data Center instance where Data Center shortname = <value keyed in by user>.  Any other Data Center instances in the records remain as-is.
    4. For Science Keywords and Location Keywords: finds all records in the Bulk Update set that have a Science or Location Keyword value of <value keyed in by user>, and removes that keyword value from each record.
  8. 'Find & Replace'
    1. For Science Keywords and Location Keywords: finds all records in the Bulk Update set that have a Science or Location Keyword value of <value keyed in by user>, removes that keyword value from each record, and replaces it with a new Science or Location keyword selected from the KMS.
    2. If the user enters blank > b > c > d >e for the 'Find Values to Replace', all Science/Location keywords with * > b > c > d > e will be replaced by the new Science/Location Keyword.
      If the user enters a > b> c> d >e for the 'Find Values to Replace' , all Science/Location keywords with a>b>c>d>e will be replaced, but a>b>c>d will not be replaced.

      If the user enters a>b>c for the 'Find Values to Replace', all Science/Location keywords with a>b>c or a>b>c>* will be replaced
  9. 'Find & Update'
    1. For Platforms: finds all records in the Bulk Update set that have a platform shortname of <value keyed in by user>, and replaces the Shortname for that platform instance with a Shortname selected from the KMS.  The platform Longname and Platform Type will also be replaced with the associated Longname and Platform Type from the KMS.
    2. For Instruments: finds all records in the selected record set that have an instrument shortname of <value keyed in by user>, and replaces the Shortname for that instrument instance with a Shortname selected from the KMS.  The instrument Longname will also be replaced with the associated Longname from the KMS.
    3. For Data Centers: finds all records in the selected record set that have an Data Center shortname of <value keyed in by user>, and replaces the Shortname for that Data Center instance with a Shortname selected from the KMS.  The Data Center Longname and Home Page URL will also be replaced with the associated Longname and Home Page URL from the KMS.

Initiate a Bulk Update operation, and select the records to update

  1. On the Manage Collections dashboard, in the Bulk Updates panel on the right, click on 'Initiate a Bulk Update'.
  2. Search for the records you would like to update by choosing a Search Field and Search Term. 

  3. Note that some Search Fields support wildcard searching.
  4. Use the '+' to further filter your search results by entering additional Search Field / Search Term combinations.    All search criteria entered will be ANDed together.
  5. Use the '-' to remove search criteria.
  6. When you have entered all of your collection search criteria, click on 'Submit' to find the records for the bulk update.
  7. A list of collections that satisfy your search criteria will be returned.   Click on the checkbox beside each collection you want to select for bulk update, or click on the checkbox at the top of the table to choose all collections in the table.


Select 'Field to Update' and 'Update Type'

  1. After selecting your records to bulk update,  select the Field to Update from the drop down list, and then select the Update Type from the drop down list.   The choices for Update Type will depend upon the Field to Update that you selected.


For the other three metadata groups (Platform, Instrument, and Data Center), two update types are supported:  Find and Remove, and Find and Update.

Enter the current value of the Field to Update (for 'Find & ...' Update Types), and select the new value from the controlled vocabulary (for Find & Replace, Find & Update, Add to Existing, Clear All & Replace).

  1. For update types of Find & Remove, Find & Update, and Find & Replace, enter the current (incorrect) value that you want to remove/update/replace.   For example:


2.  Select the new value for the Field to Update from the controlled vocabulary (for Find & Replace, Find & Update, Add to Existing, and Clear All & Replace).   For example:


Preview your Bulk Update, and submit it.

  1. Click on the Preview button.
  2.  The MMT will display a page showing the bulk update parameters you have chosen.  For example,


3. Click on Submit to submit your bulk update operation.

View the Bulk Update results

The MMT will display the results of your bulk update operation on a status page.   You may have to refresh the page until the Status of the operation is Complete.


b.  For each COMPLETE record in the Bulk Update operation (regardless of whether the record was actually updated), a new revision of the record will be created in the CMR, the Last Update date of the record will be updated in the collection metadata, and the Last Update date in the CMR database will also be updated.


View previous Bulk Update operations

  1. On the Manage Collections dashboard, in the Bulk Updates panel on the right, there is a list of previous Bulk Update operations for your provider, each with a numeric identifier.
  2. Click on the highlighted Bulk Update summary (e.g., 'Add to Existing Science Keywords') to see the status page for that Bulk Update operation.


NOTE:  The CMR removes Bulk Update operations from its database after 90 days.

Manage Variable Metadata for my provider

Required Permissions

To create, update, or delete variable metadata records in the CMR, or to associate / disassociate variables with collections,  your login user id must be a member of a group with Provider Object Permissions which include Ingest Operations Read and Update.

See your provider Administrator if you are not sure whether your user id has the correct permissions for these operations.   The provider Administrator should refer to the "Manage 'Provider Object Permissions' for a user group" section below to assign these permissions.

Create a variable record in the CMR for my provider

1. On the 'Manage Variables' dashboard,


8.   You will see a green banner indicating that your variable record has been successfully published to the CMR.   You will also receive an email stating that your record has been published, and providing the 'concept id' (CMR identifier) for the published record.   You may use that concept id to search for your record on the MMT.

Find and view variable records in the CMR

Use the 'Search Variables ' interface in the upper right corner of the MMT banner:

Find records based on a keyword

Enter a search term (a Variable Name, Variable Long Name, a CMR concept id, or a science keyword) in the white 'Enter Search Term' box, and click on 'Search Variables'.


To view an html representation of the metadata for any variable in the search results table, click on the Name of the variable.

Find all variable records for a provider

Select a provider from the 'Select a Provider' drop-down list, and then click on 'Search Variables'.


To view an html representation of the metadata for any variable record in the search results table, click on the Name of the variable in the search results table.

Update a variable record in the CMR for my provider

  1. Find the variable record using the instructions above (Find and view variable records in the CMR), and click on the Name of the variable in the search results table to view the variable display page.
  2. At the top of the variable display page, click on 'Edit Variable Record'


5. When you have finished editing the draft record, publish it to the CMR by clicking on the 'Publish Variable Draft' button above the progress panel.   This will create a new revision of the variable record in the CMR.   The CMR stores up to 10 revisions of each variable record.  When an 11th revision is created, the first revision is deleted, and so on.   Each revision of a variable record has the same concept id as the original variable record.

Clone and edit a variable record in the CMR for my provider

1. Find the variable record using the instructions above (Find and View Variables in the CMR), and click on the Name of the variable to view the variable page.


5. When you have finished editing the draft record (the clone), publish it to the CMR by clicking on the Publish Variable Draft button above the progress panel.   The clone will be stored as a new collection record in the CMR, with a different concept id from the original record.

Download JSON for a variable record in the CMR

1. Find the variable record using the instructions above (Find and View Variables in the CMR), and click on the Name of the variable to view the variable page.


3.  Your browser and local machine will now prompt you through the download process, and a JSON version of the variable record will be downloaded to your local machine.

Delete a variable record in the CMR for my provider

  1. Find the variable record using the instructions above (Find and View Variables in the CMR), and click on the Name of the variable to view the variable page.
  2. At the top of the variable page, click on 'Delete Variable Record'


4. Click on Yes to delete the variable record.   The MMT will then display a 'Variable Deleted Successfully!' message.

Revert to a previous revision of a variable record in the CMR for my provider 

1. Find the variable record using the instructions above (Find and View Variables in the CMR), and click on the Name of the variable to view the variable page.


If there were n revisions before you reverted to a previous revision, there will now be n+1 revisions, and the n+1st revision will be identical to the previous revision to which you reverted.

Associate a Variable with one or more Collections for my provider

  1. Find the variable record using the instructions above (Find and view variable records in the CMR), and click on the Name of the variable in the search results table to view the variable display page.
  2. At the top of the variable display page, click on 'Manage Collection Associations.


NOTE:   Because the collection / variable association operation is asynchronous, the results page may be displayed before all associations have completed.   You may need to click on the 'refresh the page' link to see the final results of the collection association.

Disassociate a Variable with one or more Collections for my provider

  1. Find the variable record using the instructions above (Find and view variable records in the CMR), and click on the Name of the variable in the search results table to view the variable display page.
  2. At the top of the variable display page, click on 'Manage Collection Associations;

  3. On the Collection Associations page, all collections already associated with this variable will be displayed in a table:


  4. Click the checkbox beside each collection whose association to this variable you wish to delete (or click the checkbox at the top of the table to select all collections in the table).
  5. Click on 'Delete Selected Associations'.  
  6. A Collection Association results page will be displayed, showing all collections still associated with the variable.  

NOTE:   Because the collection / variable disassociation operation is asynchronous, the results page may be displayed before all disassociations have completed.   You may need to click on the 'refresh the page' link to see the final results of the collection disassociation.

Find which Collections are associated with a Variable 

  1. Find the variable record using the instructions above (Find and view variable records in the CMR), and click on the Name of the variable in the search results table to view the variable display page.
  2. At the top of the variable display page, click on 'Manage Collection Associations;

  3. On the Collection Associations page, all collections already associated with this variable will be displayed in a table:

Produce a Holdings Report for my provider 

  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under Provider Information, click on 'Holdings Report'.
  2. A table of providers and their holding summaries will be displayed.
  3. Click on the name of a provider in the table to see the detailed holdings for that provider.  For example:


4. Use the sort and filter features on the above table to find specific collections or sets of collections for the provider.

Manage Groups for my provider

Recommended set-up for a provider:

  1. Each provider should have an administrator group, whose members will have full privileges for the provider.  Normally this group is  called 'Administrator Group'.   The CMR OPS team will establish this group and its Provider Object Permissions when they set up your provider.
    Provider Object Permissions for the Administrator Group are as follows:


 (e.g., instrument team group with access to collections from that instrument)

Create a New User Group

  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Permissions & Groups', click on 'Groups'

  2. At the top of the Group page,  click on 'Create a Group' 


Enter all group members in the 'Members' field, then click on 'Submit' to save your group.

View a User Group

  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Permissions & Groups', click on 'Groups'


See the next two sections for instructions on how to Edit or Delete a Group.

Edit a User Group

  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Permissions & Groups', click on 'Groups'


6.   After you have finished editing the group,  click on 'Submit' to save your changes.

Delete a User Group

  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Permissions & Groups', click on 'Groups'


5. Click on Yes to delete the group.   The MMT will then display a 'Group successfully deleted.' message, and the group will no longer appear in the table of groups for your provider.

Manage collection and granule permissions for my provider

Recommended set-up for a provider: 

  1. An 'All Collections' permission to be set-up by the OPS team, granting Search and Order permissions for All Collections for the provider to members of one or more 'privileged' groups, e.g., the Administrators group
  2. An 'All Granules' permission to be set-up by the OPS team, granting Search and Order permissions for All Collections for the provider to members of one or more 'privileged' groups, e.g., the Administrators group
  3. Permissions for only 'Selected Collections' - to be set up by the provider Administrator, granting search and order permissions for a specified set of provider collections and/or granules to members of a provider group.   Common examples are: 1) 'Public Collections' permissions which grant search and order permissions to a set of provider collections and/or granules to All Registered Users; and 2) <instrument> permissions which grant search and order permissions to collections from a specific instrument to a group of instrument scientists.

Define user permissions for a set of collections for my provider 

  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Permissions & Groups', click on 'Collection Permissions'


8. You will see a green banner indicating that your collection permission was created successfully, and you will also see a display page for your collection permission.

Edit users in a Collection Permission for my provider

  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Permissions & Groups', click on 'Collection Permissions'


 4. Click on the Submit button at the bottom of the Edit page to save the changes to the Collection Permission.

Edit collections in a Collection Permission for my provider

  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Permissions & Groups', click on 'Collection Permissions'


4. Click on the Submit button at the bottom of the Edit page to save the changes to the Collection Permission.

Manage 'Provider Object Permissions' for a user group

NOTE:  You must have Administrator privileges for your provider to perform this operation.


3. Click on the Name of a group in the table to edit the Provider Object Permissions for that group.  A table of Provider Objects for that group, with Create, Read, Update, and Delete permissions, will be displayed.  Check all appropriate boxes in the table and then click the 'Submit' button at the bottom of the page to save the changes.


Manage 'System Object Permissions' for a user group

NOTE:  You must have System Administrator privileges to perform this operation.


  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Permissions & Groups', click on 'System Object Permissions'

Manage Ordering for my provider

Manage Order Policies for my provider 

Create Order Policies for my provider

  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Orders', click on 'Order Policies'
  2. If you have not yet defined the Order Policies for your provider, click on 'Create Order Policies',
  3. Enter the order policies for your provider.   All required fields must be filled in.

  4. Click Submit to save the Order Policies.

Update Order Policies for my provider

  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Orders', click on 'Order Policies'


3. Click on the Edit button to edit the policies.   Click on Submit when finished with the edits.

Delete Order Policies for my provider.

  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Orders', click on 'Order Policies'


4. Click 'Yes' to delete the Order Policies for your provider.

Test Routing Location Endpoint Connection for my provider orders

  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Orders', click on 'Order Policies'


3. Click on 'Test Endpoint Connection'.   The MMT will test the endpoint that you have entered under Routing Location, and display a pop-up message indicating whether the endpoint connection was successful or not.

Track Orders for my provider

  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Orders', click on 'Track Orders'.


4. Click on 'View Provider Order' for any order in the table, to get more information about that order.

Resubmit a Closed Order for my provider

  1. Find the Order using the instructions for 'Track Orders for my provider' above.
  2. Click on 'View Provider Order' for the CLOSED order you wish to resubmit.
  3. On the Order details page, click on 'Resubmit' beside the order state.

Manage Order Options for my provider

Create an Order Option

  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Orders', click on 'Create an Order Option'.  Or click on 'View Order Options', and on the display page for the order options, click on the 'Create an Order Option' button.


3. The MMT will display a status message which indicates the success or failure of your order option creation.

Find an Order Option

  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Orders', click on 'View Order Options'


3. Click on the Order Option name to see the display page for that Order Option.

Update an Order Option

  1. Find order options for your provider using the instructions for 'Find an Order Option' above.
  2. Click on the 'Edit' action in the row for the Order Option you wish to edit, or click on the name of the Order Option you wish to edit, and then click on the Edit button on the Order Option display page.
  3. The Edit page for the Order Option will be displayed.
  4. Edit the fields you wish to change, and click on Submit to save the changes.   NOTE:  YOU MUST CHANGE THE NAME OF THE ORDER OPTION WHEN EDITING IT.  THE ORDER OPTION WITH THE ORIGINAL NAME WILL BE DEPRECATED.
  5. The MMT will display a status message which indicates the success or failure of your order option update.

Delete an Order Option

  1. Find order options for your provider using the instructions for 'Find an Order Option' above.
  2. Click on the 'Delete' action in the row for the Order Option you wish to delete, or click on the name of the Order Option you wish to delete, and then click on the Delete button on the Order Option display page.
  3. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion of the order option.   Click Yes to delete, or click No to avoid the deletion.

Deprecate an Order Option

  1. Find order options for your provider using the instructions for 'Find an Order Option' above.
  2. Click on the 'Deprecate' action in the row for the Order Option you wish to deprecate, or click on the name of the Order Option you wish to deprecate, and then click on the Deprecate button on the Order Option display page.
  3. You will be prompted to confirm the deprecation of the order option.   Click Yes to deprecate, or click No to avoid the deprecation.

Assign an Order Option to Collections

  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Orders', click on 'Create an Order Option Assignment'.  Or click on 'View Order Option Assignments', and click on the 'Create an Order Option Assignment' on the resulting 'Order Option Assignments' page.


3. The MMT will display a status message which indicates the success or failure of your order option assignment.

View existing Order Option to Collection assignments

  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Orders', click on 'View Order Option Assignments'


3. A table of selected Collections with their Order Option assignments will be displayed.   Only selected collections which have Order Option assignments will be initially displayed in the table.  Click the checkbox beside 'Include selected collections with no assigned options?' to see all selected collections in the table.

Delete Order Option to Collection Assignments

  1. Find order option assignments to specific collections using the instructions for 'View existing Order Option to Collection Assignments' above.
  2. On the display table of Order Option to Collection Assignments, click the checkbox beside any Order Option to Collection Assignments that you wish to delete, and then click on 'Delete Selected Assignments'.
  3. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion of the order option assignments.   Click Yes to delete, or click No to avoid the deletion.

Manage Services for my provider

Manage Service Entries for my provider

Create a Service Implementation 

  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Service Management', click on 'Create a Service Entry'
  2. On the Service Entries creation page, fill in the Name, URL, and Description of the Service Implementation, choose a Type of 'Service Implementation', choose an existing (system-controlled) Service Interface, and optionally associate Collections with the Service Implementation using the Available Collections chooser.   Click on Submit to create the Service Implementation.
  3. The MMT will display a status message which indicates the success or failure of your service implementation creation.

View Service Entries

  1.  On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Service Management', click on 'View Service Entries'

2. Service Entries for your provider will be displayed.

Update a Service Entry 

  1. Find service entries for your provider using the instructions for 'View Service Entries for my provider 'above.
  2. Click on the 'Edit' action in the row for the Service Entry you wish to edit, or click on the name of the Service Entry you wish to edit, and then click on the Edit button on the Service Entry display page.   NOTE:  Providers are responsible for maintaining Service Entries of Type = Service Implementation.   Service Entries of Type = Service Interface are system-controlled.
  3. The Edit page for the Service Entry will be displayed.  
  4. Edit the fields you wish to change, and click on Submit to save the changes.  
  5. The MMT will display a status message which indicates the success or failure of your service entry update.

Delete a Service Entry

  1. Find service entries for your provider using the instructions for 'View Service Entries for my provider 'above.
  2. Click on the 'Delete' action in the row for the Service Entry you wish to delete, or click on the name of the Service Entry you wish to delete, and then click on the Delete button on the Service Entry display page.   NOTE:  Providers are responsible for maintaining Service Entries of Type = Service Implementation.   Service Entries of Type = Service Interface are system-controlled.
  3. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion of the service entry.   Click Yes to delete, or click No to avoid the deletion.

Manage Service Options for my provider

Create a Service Option

  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Service Management', click on 'Create a Service Option'.  Or click on 'View Service Options', and on the display page for the service options, click on the 'Create a Service Option' button.


3.  The MMT will display a status message which indicates the success or failure of your service option creation.

Find a Service Option

  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Service Management', click on 'View Service Options'. 


3. Click on the Service Option name to see the display page for that Service Option.

Update a Service Option

  1. Find service options for your provider using the instructions for 'Find a Service Option' above.
  2. Click on the 'Edit' action in the row for the Service Option you wish to edit, or click on the name of the Service Option you wish to edit, and then click on the Edit button on the Service Option display page.
  3. The Edit page for the Service Option will be displayed.


5. The MMT will display a status message which indicates the success or failure of your service option update.

Delete a Service Option

  1. Find service options for your provider using the instructions for 'Find a Service Option' above.
  2. Click on the 'Delete' action in the row for the Service Option you wish to delete, or click on the name of the Service Option you wish to delete, and then click on the Delete button on the Service Option display page.
  3. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion of the service option.   Click Yes to delete, or click No to avoid the deletion.

Assign a Service Option to Collections

  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Service Management', click on 'Create a Service Option Assignment'.   Or click on 'View Service Option Assignments', and click on the 'Create a Service Option Assignment' on the resulting 'Service Option Assignments' page.


3.  The MMT will display a status message which indicates the success or failure of your order option assignment.

View existing Service Option to Collection assignments 

  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Service Management', click on 'View Service Option Assignments'.


3.  A table of selected Service Option/Collection assignments for the selected Service Implementation will be displayed.  Each row in the table represents a three-way association of Service Implementation, Collection (Entry Title, Short Name, and Version) and Service Option.   The row also indicates if the Service Option / Collection association was created with the 'Granules Only' box checked.

Delete Service Option to Collection assignment 

  1. Find service option assignments to specific collections using the instructions for 'View existing Service Option to Collection Assignments' above.
  2. On the display table of Service Option to Collection Assignments, click the checkbox beside any Service Option to Collection Assignments that you wish to delete, and then click on 'Delete Selected Assignments' at the bottom of the table:
  3. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion of the order option assignments.   Click Yes to delete, or click No to avoid the deletion.

Manage Data Quality Summaries for my provider

A Data Quality Summary is a named object consisting of text that describes the quality of data in a collection or collections. 

Create a Data Quality Summary

  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Data Quality Summaries', click on 'Create a Summary'.
  2. On the Data Quality Summaries page, enter a Name for your Data Quality Summary, and enter the Data Quality Summary text.     Click on Submit.


3. The MMT will display the Data Quality Summary display page, with a green banner indicating that the Data Quality Summary was created successfully (or a pink banner indicating a failure creating the Data Quality Summary).

Update a Data Quality Summary 

  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Data Quality Summaries', click on 'View Summaries'..


4. On the Edit page for the Data Quality Summary, update the Name and/or Summary fields as needed, and click Submit.

Delete a Data Quality Summary

  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Data Quality Summaries', click on 'View Summaries'..


NOTE:   If the DQS is assigned to collections, you will not be able to delete the DQS until you have deleted its associations to collections first.

Assign a Data Quality Summary to Collections

  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Data Quality Summaries', click on 'Create a Summary Assignment'.


3. MMT will display a success or failure message for the Data Quality Summary assignment operations.

View existing assignments of Data Quality Summaries to Collections

  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Data Quality Summaries', click on 'View Summary Assignments'.


3. Click 'Display Assignments'.  A table of the selected collections with their Data Quality Summary assignments will be displayed.   Each selected collection will appear in one row per Data Quality Summary assigned to it.  If a selected collection has no Data Quality Summary assignments, it will not appear in the table unless you check the 'Include selected collections with no assigned summaries?' box at the top of the page.

 Delete assignments of Data Quality Summaries to Collections

  1. On the 'Manage CMR' dashboard, under 'Data Quality Summaries', click on 'View Summary Assignments'.


6. Click 'Yes' to confirm the deletions.  The MMT will display a success or failure message for the deletions(s).

Report problems or get help with MMT

  1. Use the Feedback link at the right of the black 'Tophat' MMT page header to report problems or get help with the MMT. 
  2. Send email to


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