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Background Docs

Notes for 26 Jun 2017


Notes for Meeting on 17 July 2017


Karen Michael

Diane Davies

Gang Ye

Fritz Pollicelli

Dan Slayback

  • Dan: Tests show that the GDAL prototype is as efficient as ENVI / IDL
  • Dan to finalize code to generate the granule level water detection data (intermediate file). Estimated time frame 1 month
  • Next steps:
    • Dan to finish code for the final daily products (2,3,14 day products). He may need input from Gregory Ederer/ others to make this code as efficient possible - approximately another month taking us to mid September.
    • After that we need to consider final formats for end users
  • Fritz sent Dan some feedback from end users. Diane to create short set of questions which will go to a broader audience.

Action items

  •  @Dan Slayback to report back to Edward Masuoka that he won't need the additional ENVI license
  •  @Dan Slayback to finalize code to generate the granule level water detection data and deliver it to Gang Ye
  •  Gang Ye to send Dan sample ESDT file names
  •  Diane Davies to contact additional users, in collaboration with Fritz, to draft user requirements doc

Notes for Meeting on 26 June 2017


Diane Davies

Gang Ye

Edward Masuoka

@Frederick Pollicelli

@Dan Slayback



Phase 1: Granule Module
  • Flood product is currently run using IDL and ENVI and it uses 10 x 10 degree tiles (MOD09, MOD35 and MOD06) as input and generates MODIS Water Detection (MWD) and MODIS Cloud and Shadow (MCS) data files in same format.
  • Dan will modify code to use granule data as input so the MWD and MCS can be processed as soon as the data are available
  • Dan will assess whether the to use IDL / ENVI or GDAL / Geo Tools
    • no licenses are required for the GDAL option but if it is going to take longer, Ed is willing to buy another ENVI license
    • Dan to provide feedback the week of 10th July
  • Dan will then deliver his code to Gang (by 17 July)
  • Gang and LAADs team will take the code and wrap it in to PGEs for NRT processing

Phase 2: Mapping and Compositing module

This module creates products on a global 250m grid

  • Who:  PI staff can prototype, but TBD who will build and operate this component (LANCE or PI staff).  Schedule: Start after stage 1 complete.

Estimated completion: TBD

Phase 3: Post processing module for distribution
  • Generate final distribution format files (geotiff, shapefile, KMZ, graphics) from the master product and publish to web, ftp, GIBS (if possible), etc.
  • Diane to review information Fritz collected from user survey and to develop additional questions (as appropriate) and contact users to develop end user requirements.


Next Meeting:17 July 2017

Action items

  •  @Dan Slayback: Test granule approach with ENVI / IDL
  •  @Dan Slayback: Prototype GDAL to see if it is as efficient as ENVI / IDL option & report back to Edward Masuoka, Gang Ye, Fritz, Gregory Ederer and Diane Davies the week of 10 July
  •  Edward Masuoka will purchase additional ENVI license if Dan thinks it will be more efficient to run code using ENVI 
  •  @Dan Slayback to provide granule input code to Gang YeGregory Ederer for PGE integration 
  •  Diane Davies to meet with @Fritz Pollicelli next week to discuss end user requirements
  •  Diane Davies to contact additional users and draft user requirements doc