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Notes for meeting on 19th March 2018

Dan Slayback

Fritz Pollicelli

Ed Masuoka

Diane Davies

  • Current Status: Step 1 is complete. The initial swath based water product is running as a PGE and Dan has checked the out put product and is happy with it.

Next steps

  • Greg is going to amend the PGE to include a cloud shadow mask. Dan and Greg are discussion whether to use the existing cloud shadow mask (likely) or whether to use a different one.
    • Dan needs to provide Greg with the code for the existing cloud shadow mask.
      • the current code Dan uses has IDL operators. this will need to be re-written.
    • Diane and Dan to meet with Greg this week to discuss next steps this.

  • Dan to provide an outline for code to composite and tile the initial product. Dan to work with Greg who will write the code.
  • Terrain shadow filter (monthly product computed as part of this process) is to be applied to the tiled product
  • HAND (Height Above Nearest Drainage) filter, which identifies areas where flood water should not be present, will also be applied to the tiled product.

  • Diane to contact Eric Vermote to see if there was an improved cloud shadow mask. He said
    • "There is a cloud cloud shadow mask in the MOD09 product (at 1km resolution), at this resolution it is very difficult to evaluate cloud shadow mask and I am not sure about the performance. 

      Cloud shadow masks are currently being evaluated for Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2 data (using an operator derived  validation mask) we can probably gain a lot of experience from this and then transition the “best” algorithm to MODIS the best way we can. That will not be right away unfortunately but more like in a year timeframe,

      As far as terrain shadow it is an interesting problem quite feasible if you have a good Digital Terrain Model but could be computationally expensive because my guess is that you have to do it  at a finer spatial resolution than what your actual resolution but that can be studied too once again with Landsat 8/Sentinel 2 data.

Notes for meeting on 13th November 2017

Diane Davies

Fritz Pollicelli

Gregory Ederer

Dan Slayback

Gang Ye

    • Dan has successfully put his code in GitHUB but there are outstanding items for Dan to be able to test his code:
      • Greg needs to get Dan needs more disc space. this will require a request to the SA
      • PGE code has not been started. Should be straightforward as can use modules from other code. one week (action Greg or someone else from MODAPS)
    • They should have the PGE running by the first week in Dec assuming there are no problems / bugs with the code.
    • Re: the issue with the python code: should have an answer when the PGE code is running.
      • Greg needs to get Dan an account on GitHUB
      • He should have disk space on
      • Then test libraries
    • Dan has sent code to disaster data portal folks
Next Meeting4th December 11am
Notes for meeting on 16 October 2017  

Gang Ye

Gregory Ederer

Dan Slayback

Fritz Pollicell

Diane Davies

  • Old NRT flood system was broken when the SA made an update. Dan has just spent 2 weeks fixing issues. Can we avoid this happening (or at least minimize the impacts) in future?
  • Dan is still unsure how to proceed with his code in python. Which version? Will he be allowed to use python libraries? that are not included in RedHat?
  • Dan needs put his code in GITHUB by the end of this week so the others can look at it and figure out how to move forward.
    • Greg and Gang will look at the code with a view to determining how it can best be set up so that it won't break when there are system updates.
    • Greg to deliver action plan on how to move forward.
    • Can Dan use outside python libraries? The SA won't maintain these. Greg said it is the same with the HDF libraries: the CM librarian does configuration management and makes sure they are up to date and compiled. Perhaps something similar can be set up for the flood mapping
  • Frtiz and Dan have been in touch with the Disaster Portal folks. They are waiting on code from Dan
Action Items
  •  Dan to put his code in GitHub by 27 October
  •  Greg and Dan to review code and come up with an action plan on how to move forward by 3 November
  •  Dan to provide code for ArcGIS portal
  •  Gang Ye to get PGE number /name for Dan
  •  Dan to provide short names for data product
 Next Meeting
13 November 2017 
