

Joe Rollins

Discuss worldview projection.
The team received science data and TLM data.
Expected date of data ingest in July after PLAR

Erin to send remaining keywords.




Joe Rollins

Brian Dourin
Tim Michael

Susan H

Ingrid G

Brian: Expecting Instrument data after the second Launch. 
Erin sent the Abstract/Keywords revision this morning. 
Erin is working on USER GUIDES. 






Chris H
Tim M
Peter P
There is a change in the launch date to May 22nd 
Preparing for ingest
  • @ephokanson@wisc.edu
    • go through all ABSTRACTS
    • go through all PURPOSE
    • send Ingrid a list of Keywords 
  • @Tim will check with Keven the production certificate for L1 IOC+6mo

  • Chris Howard has to configure collections for R00 version and duplicate R01


Ingrid G


Susan H

Alexander R

Lisa C

Tonya G

Tim M
Chris H
Peter P

 Update UW data contact with working Email since provided mailbox is not a working address.

Erin: Is this your login = epwagner

What is the latency? Information for GIBS

  • Up to 30 days from acquisition


Ingrid G.

Erin Hokanson Wagner

Tim M

Metadata Discussion in MMT:
Temporal Keyword:
  • L0, L1, L2 = "<1 Sec"
  • L3 = "weekly < Monthly"
  • AUX = "<1 Sec"

Spatial Coverage:

  • L3 = Global
  • L0, L1, L2 = 84 - 180 (Change from 83 to 180)
  • AUX = 84 - 180

Horizontal resolution

  • L0 = Nothing
  • L1, L2 = Varies resolution
  • L3 = Gridded Resolution 1x1 degrees
  • AUX = Varies resolution

Location Keywords:

  • Global
  • Arctic 
  • Polar
  • @ephokanson@wisc.edu
  • go through all ABSTRACTS
  • go through all PURPOSE
  • send Ingrid a list of Keywords 
  • Spatial Coverage Type
  • User Constraints


Hazem M.

Susan H

Ingrid G 

Alex R.

Chris H.

Susan H.

Jacob C.

Brian Drouin
Tim Michaels
Peter Piatko
Joey Rollins

Metadata (Ingrid):
  • TIRS vs TIRS-PREFIRE in both Abstract and Instrument name
  • Location Keywords -Global vs Polar
  • Keywords - which ones? Erin will send a list
  • Spatial Coverage Type - Horizontal vs Horizontal & Vertical Will go through with Erin
  • Temporal Keywords? 1 min < 1 hour , 1sec < 1 min Will go through with Erin

Brian: Next week we will have a more official dates

Hazem: Uploaded the ATBD

Erin: We are writing Dataset User Guides. Ready Mid-April


Hazem M.

Susan H

JC Paz

Ingrid GS

Chris H

Alexander R

Caroline Downey

Lisa C

Tal G

Jacob Craiglow
Mary L White
Tim Michael
Mary: We are passed the review; working on transportation planning; working on gaps; everything on schedule. 
Launch: May 13th and June 2nd
Erin: No big updates on our end. Working on Browser images. Working on Release Target Date.
Hazem: As we get closer, we can determine the date. 
Hazem: When are you able to send the ATB and User Guide?
Erin: They are not finalized, but we can send them. -Before Launch. 
Hazem: We are moving 26 collections to PROD. Do we need to edit anything in the metadata?
Erin: I will check
Tim: R01 is the first. R00 was only testing. 
Alex R: How realistic are the data files?
Erin: The synthetic data is realistic; they only miss the instrument noise. 


Natalie N. Pressley

Alexander P. De Luca

Minnie Wong

Ryan A. Boller

Angela W. Li



Hazem A. Mahmoud

Christopher K. Howard

Peter J. Piatko

Joey Rollins

Alexander Radkevich

Ingrid Garcia-Solera

GIBS Team Meeting to discuss HyBIG

Description: The Harmony Browse Image Generator (HyBIG) supports the conversion of GeoTIFF inputs to Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) compatible PNG or JPEG outputs. This includes, where necessary, conversion to a GIBS-supported Coordinate Reference System (CRS). Other projections can be requested, but they will not be compatible with GIBS.

We want to see if the output is ingestable by the GIBS team.

Experience with HarmonyPy?

  • No experience (Alex de Luca)

Update GIBS ICD as we do for our published datasets

Add Polar to the ICD 

GITC-4865 - Authenticate to see issue details

One product for now and making sure that HyBIG is meeting requirements

Global mosaic. Every collection of 3 files is one orbit/1cubsat

GIBS PI Planning is: 2024.2 testing (April 6 - June 24) and 2024.3 and 2024.4 in Production


Please bear in mind that multiple abbreviations were used, most of them I saw for the first time. If you ask me what they are - I have no clue.

Ann D started the meeting at 10:18

Ralph Basilio presented the Independent Review Team Introduction and Instructions.

Mary White presented Project Status Overview. Key points: Project organization is moving from phase D to phase E; transportation planning review met success criteria; awaiting approval from the NZ Space Agency which is expected to arrive within 3 weeks; launch dates are May 13th and June 2nd (ET, next days local time, the dates were repeated in several other presentations); critical point - 2nd stage of the rocket.

Erin Hokanson was talking about Playback code readiness.

Steve Stem presented the Blue Canyon Technology report on the satellite/sensors readiness. Both Flight Systems are OK.

Karen Dragon(?) was talking about Certification of Flight Readiness. Everything is OK there too.

Identified risks are BCT sidekiq board, transportation, and battery thermal runaway. However, PREFIRE CubeSats are ready for launch.

Liam Cheney presented launch vehicle readiness report. Timeline of shipments was presented. Bottom line - launch service preparations are on schedule.

William Jones-Wilson presented safety status report. All 23 P/FRs are closed. There is 1 red-flag P/FR during the mission. Risk assessment - medium risk and ready to proceed.

Tristan L'Ecuyer mentioned ASDC saying he contacted us and ASDC is ready to process PREFIRE data. This concluded the first part.


  • ICD changes and IPA
  • Guides per product
  • Thumbnails discussion
  • Time
  • ORR for Mary
  • Chris, Susan
  • Error for Ingest.
  • Mission update: Thermal Vacuum early Feb. We have a date for delta cube sate for pre-ship review. 
  • Feb 8th 
  • User guide and ATBD 


  • Configuration for the ingest system seemly close to done.
  • Significant compression in the netcdf files.
  • ICD update.
  • May 1st and 15th. Launch dates.
  • ~April for shipping instrument .
  • Jan 31st Feb 1st ORR/MRR. New Collections to Ingest.
  • internal review at JPL ORR today and they gave some homework
  • Risk review in couple weeks
  • hired instrument operator to help for after operations
  • Radio replacement is happening again FM1 that is expected to happen by mid February.
  • Level definitions
  • User guide and ATBD 


Significant compression in the netcdf files.

May 1st and 15th. Launch dates.

~April for shipping instrument .

Jan 31st Feb 1st ORR/MRR. 


UAT access

Erin 24 collections published

ORR January

UMM-G and UMM-C thumbnail

Blue Canyon fixed the radio

Delta pre ship review January 9th

January 31st and February 1st

Rocket Lab figured out the launch failure and they will launch again for the end of November

New Zealand May 1st and May15th


Radio Fm1 for the end of the month . pre ship review early January

Rocket lab design review

May 1st to May 15th

They have some slack in the launch schedule.

Collections moving to UAT


I identified the radio problem and rocket lab have mission integration meetings group on weekly basis. May 1st and 15th

MLTANS plane 12 hours apart. Mean local time ascending node 

mission specific review 

October 5th next meeting

Bugs for MMT

UMM-VAR issues

Tim is waiting to update granule metadata 

Tim has a long meeting with software engineer for launch operations 

test L1B with more simulated data

test L2 Cloud mask


bug for Tim's code.

rocket lab may 1st and may 14th NEW ZEALAND



Split the polygon

Rocket lab deliverable May 1st or May 15th. They want to push it earlier to April.

We need a feature for PREFIRE GIBS.

L3 is the first data to test GIBS imagery.

AUX is the next in Testing.

radio issue still existing.

Rocket lab front has a launch failure was Tuesday.

May1st still the current date.

Erin has some AUX met


rocket lab may 1st and may 14th NEW ZEALAND



next meeting September 7th 

Split the polygon

Rocket lab deliverable May 1st or May 15th. They want to push it earlier to April.

We need a feature for PREFIRE GIBS.

L3 is the first data to test GIBS imagery.

AUX is the next in Testing.



  • Create STTP location
  • CloudCover
  • Launch Press release May 1st and May15th
  • ORR/MRR Mission Readiness Review February 1st DELTA PRESIP review Path forward Standing review board KDPE Kate decision point E and the launch.
  • 3D printing
  • Blue Canyon Radio issues in vacuum chamber 6 weeks to complete the cube sat
  • Selection of Vendor Program won and we will hear a public announcement. LSP will be announcing Launch Services Program.
  • Booting up correctly. on a 100 trail, it fails once. side kick board brand name. worked at ambient condition and we have 11 DB.
  • Test in Vacuum tomorrow for a day or 2 then vibration test
  • O3 and meeting with Tristin


  • Blue Canyon Radio issues in vacuum chamber 6 weeks to complete the cube sat
  • Selection of Vador Program won and we will hear a public announcement. LSP will be announcing Launch Services Program.
  • Booting up correctly. on a 100 trail, it fails once. side kick board brand name. worked at ambient condition and we have 11 DB.
  • Test in Vacuum tomorrow for a day or 2 then vibration test
  • O3 and meeting with Tristin


Same as previous meeting


  • 11 month lifetime Sat1.
  • 7 month lifetime Sat2.
  • which ever goes first will be the 11 months.
  • 4-5 years lifetime.
  • Sat1 Ready and Sat 2 is changing radio again.
  • the critical part is the launch.
  • next week to determine the launch 11 months after. June 2024.
  • Option to go sooner.
  • There is no launch vehicle yet. ORR FEB 1st.
  • Sat 1 launch May 1st and Sat 2 May2nd or 3 month later. 
  • PSR PRE ship review meeting was successful.
  • Launch is 12 month after shipping.
  • L1 ingest successfully.
  • Discussed L1 and L2 ingest and GCMD
  • Next meeting July 13th.
  • Chris SDTP automation.


  • Sat1 Ready and Sat 2 is changing radio.
  • There is no launch vehicle yet. ORR FEB 1st.
  • Sat 1 launch May 1st and Sat 2 May2nd or 3 month later. 
  • PSR PRE ship review meeting was successful
  • Launch is 12 month after shipping.
  • L1 ingest successfully.
  • Discussed L1 and L2 ingest and GCMD
  • Next meeting June 23rd  
  • Chris SDTP automation.


  • Brian mentioned over testing requirements.
  • PSR PRE ship review meeting was successful
  • Launch is 12 month after shipping April 2023.
  • Operations Readiness Review will be later.
  • Discussed L1 and L2 ingest and GCMD
  • Next meeting June 8th  
  • Chris SDTP automation


  • PSR PRE ship review meeting was successful
  • Launch is 12 month after shipping April 2023.
  • Operations Readiness Review will be later.
  • Discussed L1 and L2 ingest and GCMD
  • Next meeting May 25th  
  • Chris SDTP automation


  • PSR PRE ship review meeting was successful
  • Launch is 12 month after shipping April 2023.
  • Operations Readiness Review will be later.
  • Discussed L1 and L2 ingest and GCMD
  • Next meeting May 11th  


  • Board issues are solved and a new vibration and environmental test is in progress, solar panels are installed.
  • PRE ship review still on time.
  • Launch is 12 month after shipping April 2023.
  • Operations Readiness Review will be later.
  • Day 2 at 10:15 PT. 
  • April 18 is the expected end of testing. ORR review planed but not scheduled, Preship review April 3rd. SAT 1 has power board issues.
  • Discussed the first ingest suggestions for collections and granules with Erin and Tim. discussed MMT and JSON data.
  • New collections:
  • Next meeting April 27th 


  1. April 18 is the expected end of testing. ORR review planed but not scheduled, Preship review April 3rd. SAT 1 has power board issues.
  2. Discussed the first ingest suggestions for collections and granules with Erin and Tim. discussed MMT and JSON data.
  3. Next meeting April 6th

  1. April 18 is the expected end of testing. ORR review planed but not scheduled
  2. Discussed the first ingest suggestions for collections and granules with Erin and Tim
  3. Next meeting March 23rd 

  1. PREFIRE SAT2 instruments has been thermal vacuum tested successfully awaiting prepared for shipping in few weeks, expecting to ship in March 2023.
  2. Expecting the first test next week by Erin and Tim
  3. Next meeting March 9th 

  1. PREFIRE SAT1 instruments has been thermal vacuum tested successfully awaiting prepared for shipping in few weeks, expecting to ship in April 2023. there is no launch vehicle yet which means that they will store them into purge boxes which might push back the estimated launch at Jan 2024 or maybe even late DEC 2023
  2. We successfully started to build a template for the collections and expecting very close communication until we start the first test on EDPub
  3. Chris Howard has an update for the cloud database. he has SDTP server setup on UAT and will communicate UMM-G info to the PREFIRE team
  4. Next Biweekly meeting February  23rd
  5. The mission's duration is 10 months

  1. PREFIRE SAT2 instruments has been thermal vacuum tested successfully awaiting prepared for shipping. there is no launch vehicle yet which means that they will store them into purge boxes which might push back the estimated launch at Jan 2024 
  2. We successfully started to build a template for the collections and expecting very close communication until we start the first test 
  3. Chris Howard has an update for the cloud database. he has SDTP server setup on UAT and will communicate UMMG info to the PREFIRE team
  4. Next meeting February  9th

Updates 12/8/2022

  1. PREFIRE SAT1 instruments has been tested successfully shipped
  2. Chris Howard has an update for the cloud database
  3. Next meeting January 12th

  1. PREFIRE instruments are ready for shipping, Starting Phase D
  2. We will start Collection Metadata before 12/8/2022
  3. SIPS will push the first patch of Granule Metadata for testing by January 2023 





  • No labels