
(CoG = Cloud-optimized GeoTIFF)

Lambda's size limit doesn't allow packaging rasterio with OPeNDAP+GDAL. Thus, it is necessary to split into two workflows: OPeNDAP-to-GDAL and GDAL-to-CoG.

Raster IO can be used to generate CoG. The important part is picking the right block size. They should be a power of 2 between 64 and 4096. Default is 128.

$rio cogeo CER.tif CER_cog.tif --co  BLOCKXSIZE=64 --co BLOCKYSIZE=64 --cog-profile raw

Here's the python code that is equivalent to the above command. This code can be used for Lambda.

import rasterio
from rio_cogeo.cogeo import cog_translate
from rio_cogeo.profiles import cog_profiles

profile = cog_profiles.get("raw")
profile.update({"blockxsize": 64, "blockysize": 64})
cog_translate("CER.tif", "cogeo.tif", profile)

The converted CoG can be validated with [5].

The final step is to save the CoG into S3 using [3] for better performance of CoG-based tools and services.


  1. https://github.com/mapbox/rasterio
  2. https://github.com/hdfeos/rio-cogeo
  3. https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/reference/services/s3.html
  4. https://github.com/mapbox/rio-pansharpen/issues/25
  5. http://cog-validate.radiant.earth/html/validate

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