Sprint ReviewDateDemo Schedule

Sprint Health (Current Active Sprint)



Data Use PI 21.2 Demo Schedule

Error rendering macro 'gadget'

Error rendering gadget [ https://bugs.earthdata.nasa.gov/rest/gadgets/1.0/g/com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:greenhopper-gadget-sprint-health/gadgets/greenhopper-sprint-health.xml ]

Sprint Review Questions and Metrics



Dashboard Gadget


Did the team complete all of last sprint Goals? Explain any goals that did not complete.

Several tickets are still in review and awaiting testing due to planned team outages.

S3 granule link design for the download page is complete, but implementation is still underway and should be completed soon.

Scope Change:


  • Add support to search for data by river ID.
  • Update customizable badging in EDSC (NSIDC priority).
  • Update to use collection metadata rather than tags for the customizable facet.
  • Add support for the "Military Grid Reference System".
  • Optimize EDSC tagging job requests to CMR.
  • Bug fix for hidden badges in collection results.
  • Add ability to export search results as a CSV file (PI objective, split export ticket).
  • Complete contingency plan for GraphQL.
  • Update Cypress library.


  • Add platforms to collection JSON endpoint (blocker for export objective).
  • Add support for hierarchical service flags (blocker for NSIDC priority customizable badging ticket).
  • Update to the API doc for collection search.


OpenSearch UI

  • Provide code coverage metrics in Bamboo.
  • Complete contingency plan template for OpenSearch UI (EDSC ticket).
  • Enable exporting collection search results as a JSON file
  • Setup GraphDB Neptune in WL
  • Populate GraphDB with existing CMR collections (in review, should get merged today)
  • Complete the contingency plan template for Earthdata Search (in review)
  • Complete an SOP for OpenSearch UI (in review)
  • Design improved display of S3 granule links on the download page
  • Implement improved display of S3 granule links on the download page (in progress)
  • Implement improved display of S3 granule links on the granule results pages
2Does the team have any blockers?

Blocked Tickets

Error rendering macro 'gadget'

Error rendering gadget [ https://bugs.earthdata.nasa.gov/rest/gadgets/1.0/g/com.atlassian.jira.gadgets:filter-results-gadget/gadgets/filter-results-gadget.xml ]

3Are there any dependencies that are delayed for the last sprint? 
Delayed Dependencies

Error rendering macro 'gadget'

Error rendering gadget [ https://bugs.earthdata.nasa.gov/rest/gadgets/1.0/g/com.atlassian.jira.gadgets:filter-results-gadget/gadgets/filter-results-gadget.xml ]

4What work related to PI Objectives will you be working on in the upcoming sprint?  

In addition to tickets pulled into sprint 1 mentioned above:

  • Continued work on contingency plan for Earthdata Search.
  • Continued work on GraphDB including populating collections in GraphDB, lambda setup, and creating API documentation.
  • Begin work on CSDA integration with Cognito.
Upcoming PI Work

Error rendering macro 'gadget'

Error rendering gadget [ https://bugs.earthdata.nasa.gov/rest/gadgets/1.0/g/com.atlassian.jira.gadgets:filter-results-gadget/gadgets/filter-results-gadget.xml ]

5Which objectives are (on/off) track for the PI, or moving (faster/slower) than expected?

S3 granule link design on the download page may carry over to the next sprint but we expect to stay on track.

Several contingency plan tickets from future sprints have been worked earlier than initially planned.

Error rendering macro 'gadget'

Error rendering gadget [ https://bugs.earthdata.nasa.gov/rest/gadgets/1.0/g/com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:greenhopper-gadget-version-report/gadgets/greenhopper-version-report.xml ]

Error rendering macro 'gadget'

Error rendering gadget [ https://bugs.earthdata.nasa.gov/rest/gadgets/1.0/g/com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:greenhopper-gadget-version-report/gadgets/greenhopper-version-report.xml ]