Pre-planning activities

Create new sprints for the up coming PI.

Create new sprints in the Jira Search project: 

Go to Earthdata Search Board (scrum board) and view the backlog. Scroll to the bottom of the main page past the sprints until you see the backlog.  There is a button on the top right side of the backlog window to create new sprints. If you don't see it then you don't have permission to create new sprints.

press the create button.

Continuing to number the sprints in sequential order (1.XXX) from the last sprint and put that in the sprint name field. For example 1.141

In the goal field put in the PI and sprint number.  The PI and sprint number format is the 2 digit year <.> PI number <.> sprint number.  So in this example the PI and sprint number is 21.1.3 

the duration is custom - this is because the sprints are not exactly 2 weeks apart. 

Make the start date for the Monday of the sprint. The time is after the scheduled sprint review meeting from the previous sprint. It is important that the sprint start time be after the start button is pressed. Otherwise the sprint scope change is not calculated correctly. The scope change is presented during the sprint review, so it should be accurate. Having the start date/time of the sprint before the start sprint button is pressed will make the scope change inaccurate.  Sometimes the team wants a little more time to finish the last sprint the next sprint isn't started until the next day (Tuesdays). 

Set the end date to the Monday 14 days later. (If the sprint started on a Tuesday then set the end date to the Monday 13 days later.) Set the end time to the start time of the sprint review meeting which is every 2 weeks.  Currently the sprint review meeting start time occurs at 3:00 PM.  Don't worry to much about the start and end times for now as they can be changed later when more information is known.

Press the create button.

Here is an example for creating the sprint: 

Once the sprint is created

Search for the sprint to find the sprint number

  • Select Issues > Search for Issues from the menu at the top of the page. 
  • In the search text box search for the sprint number 1.141 in this example.

  • Then notice the number in parenthesis (6012) in this example. This is the Jira sprint number.  

Go back to the search sprint board, find the sprint we just created and on the right side of the sprint window, press the ... button. Select Edit sprint to edit the sprint we just created.  Add the Jira sprint number after the PI and sprint number. In this example the goal field should look like 21.1.3 (Sprint 6012).

Continue this process until all of the sprints plus the first two sprints in the next PI are complete. 

Then move the contents of the first sprint in the up-coming PI to the first sprint in the following PI. ( I am not sure why these are here but I have been moving them forward ever since I started)

Move the contents of the second sprint in the up coming PI to the second sprint in the following PI. ( I am not sure why these are here but I have been moving them forward ever since I started)

Create FixVersions

Add new FixVersions to all of the projects where we have tickets for the up coming PI.

When adding a fixVersion to a Project, ECSE, CMR, and EDSC make sure to add the start and release dates - the start of the PI and the end of the PI. These dates can be found on the ESDIS Program SAFe page.

Sprint Review

The Monday after the end of the sprint we hold a sprint review. A couple of hours before the sprint review I create a sprint review wiki page.

I clone the previous Sprint Review and rename it to the current Sprint Review - such as Search Sprint Review Page 20.1.3 This step takes a couple of hours to complete

  • copy the sprint goals from the active sprint board and put them in the first row third column. Explanations for goals that didn't get completed.

Then I take the sprint goals found in JIRA for the current sprint - and document which ones were completed and if they were not completed why.

Then I need to update my filters - There are 11 of them.  

  1. Search Blocked Tickets - JIRA query: labels = team-search AND issuetype != Epic AND status = Blocked

After sprint planning: Add sprint goals to each sprint.

  • No labels