
Earthdata Download is an application designed to download large amounts of data from Earthdata Search with as few clicks as possible. It seeks to improve the experience of Earth science data users by:

  1. providing a native solution for downloading data via Earthdata Search, and
  2. eliminating the need for users to individually select multiple granules or write a script to grab all the granules to complete a download.

We've enabled bulk download functionality using Earthdata Download in Earthdata Search's User Acceptance Testing (UAT) environment. Before we release this functionality to production, we invite DAACs to test the Earthdata Download's MVP feature set as it relates to their use cases for accessing data via Earhdata Search. The Earthdata Download MVP feature set includes the ability to:

  • launch Earthdata Download with the click of a button to automatically start the download process,
  • view active and completed downloads
  • track the download progress of individual files, and
  • pause, restart, and cancel downloads that are already in progress.

The UAT verification process aims to solicit feedback on the bulk download workflow using EDD and identify showstopper issues before the application deploys to production. 


DAAC testing window: Tuesday, May 28th - Tuesday, June 11th


Test Environment

Testers will use the Earthdata Search UAT environment: https://search.uat.earthdata.nasa.gov/search

Note: An Earthdata Login account in the UAT environment is required to perform this test. To create one, go to https://uat.urs.earthdata.nasa.gov/users/new.

Test Data

Finding downloadable data in UAT can be difficult due to its use as a test environment. If you can't find viable data in UAT for testing, use the collections listed below.







Earthdata Download Install

Earthdata Search will guide users through the process of installing of the application. 

Feedback and Issue Reporting:

Please use the Earthdata ticketing system to report bugs and new feature requests: https://bugs.earthdata.nasa.gov/servicedesk/customer/portal/5/create/23

When submitting a ticket, please make sure to:

  • Indicate whether you are reporting a bug or submitting a feature request.
  • Provide sufficient details in your description (don't forget to include URLs, concept IDs, etc., when possible).
  • Add the "EDD" label to the ticket.

Points of Contact:

Should you have any questions, please get in touch with Alicia Aleman at alicia.m.aleman@nasa.gov or on EOSDIS Slack @aaleman.

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