
  1. DOI Process Updates - Lalit
  2. Collection of Collections - Impacts on DAACs and CMR
    • Airborne Data Products: Group DOIs - Deb Smith (Slides)
      • See Potential Issues and Concerns from the DAACs below
      • DOIs on "abstract entities" - Data Product group using “Collection of Collections
      • Needs a Data Group DOI w a Landing Page
      • Citing 1 DOI for entire Campaign w many related products
      • Requires consistent DOI guidelines for Landing page, group citation, contextual info
    • GES and Pandora Datasets - Nate
      • Mission-level DOIs and Super-collection DOIs - 
      • 15 instruments with 100 ground stations - considering DOIs to instrument/property/site = 1000s of DOIs
      • Suggestion:
        • If it comes through, we could create a new prefix for this group (separate from ESDIS)
        • Hold off on assignment of DOIs until after CMR has incorporated Collection of Collections
    • Other DAACs with interest or opinions on Collection of Collections?
      • ASDC, NSIDC, GHRC and OB-DAAC - see slide notes
  3. DOIs on Tools and Software - Citation challenges
    • Jessica no longer at PO-DAAC. She now works for HQs.
    • Jessica led ESDSWG sub-group for software and tools - no single DAAC has officially asked the question about assigning DOI to a tool.  PO-DAAC still wants to give credit to the service provided by their tools but activity on back-burner for now.
    • ASDC - Have capability to cite without a DOI right now
    • Last ESIP Mtg - not about assigning DOI to tool but how do you give the citation to people using your tool.  This is where the issue stands to date
    • May impact DOI process and data model (additional fields incorporated for services, tools and s/w)
    • PODAAC Reference request to update User Guide - should it be assigned a DOI?
    • NSIDC - UWG use of tool/service not impacting enough to require a DOI; Providers may want these to be cited more so.  Maybe a dynamic citation would be more useful
    • SEDAC - Citation of Population Estimation Svc has a DOI with its own landing page with a recommended citation
  4. CSDAP DOI plans
    • See Slides
    • Additional CSDAP DOI requirement may result in change in DOI data model
    • Need to discuss with DOI WG bringing clarity to the versioning requirement in the DOI policy on the Wiki

Collection of Collection DOIs - Potential Issues and Concerns for later deliberation amongst the DAACS


  • What happens to the data product group when 1 or more member changes version; what if all


  • What happens when more members are added to the group?
  • What happens if the DOI is referred to but all members were not used - need for clear


  • Need clear criteria regarding changes and data product groups, group update rules
  • If group DOI is created but all members not available yet, how is that communicated? - need for

policy around this

  • Concerns about science reproducibility. Is this an easy way out of having to cite what is used?
  • How can DAACs track impact of data products if group DOI is cited?
  • Can it be used to effectively connect input products to a data product??
  • How to count citations when product group DOIs are used?
  • Services exist for group DOIs - should we do this in a more flexible way like these services?
  • Can we identify the many use cases and determine the needs of each ?