Installation (Requires java 1.7 or higher)

  1. Unix, Linux, Mac OS X
    1. Install HDFView 2.10.1 or higher version downloaded from the HDF Group site (Current Release or Previous Release links of HDFView):
    2. Depending on your installed HDFView (32-bit or 64-bit) download appropriate plug-in package from  this site
    3. Put uncompressed tar ball in your installed HDFView’s lib directory and type:
      1. tar xvf <the uncompressed tar ball>”.  The ext directory will be created in lib directory.
    4. The following files and directories should be in the lib/ext directory for proper functioning of the plug-in
      1. Linux32:,, hdfeos.jar, eosdata, UsersGuide
      2. Linux64:,, hdfeos.jar, eosdata, UsersGuide
      3. Sun:,, hdfeos.jar, eosdata, UsersGuide
      4. Mac64:    jhdfeos2.jnilib, jhdfeos5.jnilib, hdfeos.jar, eosdata, UsersGuide
  2. Windows: The Plug-in was prepared with MS Visual Studio 2013 in a Windows 7 platform
    1. Install HDFView 2.10.1 or higher for windows downloaded from the HDF Group site:
    2. Depending on your installed HDFView (32-bit or 64-bit) download appropriate plug-in package from  this site
    3. Put the .zip file in your installed HDFView’s home directory and extract files by unzipping it.  If Lib/ext does not exist, create that directory first and/or when extracting files extract ext into HDFView’s lib directory.
    4. The following files and directories should be in the lib/ext directory for proper functioning of the plug-in:
      1. Win32:   jhdfeos2.dll, jhdfeos5.dll, hdfeos.jar, eosdata, UsersGuide
      2. Win64:   jhdfeos2.dll, jhdfeos5.dll, hdfeos.jar, eosdata, UsersGuide

Setting up HDFView executable and Running HDFView

  1. Unix, Linux, Mac OS X
    • The HDFView must be run on command line from the HDFView home (that contains HDFView's bin, lib, etc directories). Use “./bin/” or run the soft link to it that you could create in the HDFView home for “./bin/”
    • Before running please edit this shell script and modify the INSTALLDIR and JAVABIN to correct values corresponding to your installed directories. The INSTALLDIR is the full path to the direcotory where the HDFView bin, and lib directories are located (This directory basically is the HDFView's home directory). In MAC OS X for the HDFView installed for our testing was "INSTALLDIR=/Users/raytheon/Desktop/". Please also note that the plug-in related modules are in lib/ext directory, therefore, in order to make the plug-in visible the lib/ext must be in java.linrary.path. So when editing the make sure that the line that contains this path is uncommented.
  2. Windows:
    • Copy hdfview.bat from HDFView's bin directory into the HDFView's home directory. You may need to edit hdfview.bat in the HDFView's home directory to correct INSTALLDIR and JAVABIN paths, if you have not done it already. See also README_HDFView_plugin_v2.10 in the Download page of this web site. Please note that for 64-bit HDFView you will need 64-bit java 1.7 or later to run. Use the jre provided with HDFView (find it in bin/jre7) if you prefer. Comment out the line that starts with "start". Also you may need to comment out all lines starting with "echo" and ending with ")", otherwise double clicking on hdfview.bat will be unable to open the HDFView GUI. Uncomment out the line that contains "lib/ext". In windows commenting/uncommenting a line in .bat files is done by adding/removing "rem" to/from the beginning of the line.
    • To run, double click on it or in MS command line window go to the HDFView home directory and type hdfview.bat.
    • You may also create a shortcut for this hdfview.bat by right clicking on hdfview.bat and selecting “Send to -> Desktop(create shortcut)”. You may choose the HDFView icon for this shortcut by right clicking on the shortcut and selecting Properties. Click on “Change Icon”. Use Browse in the popped up window to select HDFView’s HDFView.ico file.

Configuring HDFView for Plug-in

  1. Run HDFView as directed above.
  2. Check the Tools->User Options->Default Module and check the list for TreeView, MetadataView, TableView, and ImageView. You should be able to change those values to be hdfeos.view.HETreeView, hdfeos.view.HEMetaDataView, hdfeos.view.HETableView, and hdfeos.view.HEDefaultImageView respectively. Without changing these settings, hdfeos files will open as regular hdf4 or h5 files.
    • HDFView2102
    • If you do not see those options it means that either hdfeos.jar is not in your HDFView’s lib/ext directory or the last line in or hdfview.bat (for windows) does not have reference to lib/ext directory. These lines should look something like:

      • Linux/Unix:

        • $JAVABIN/java -Xmx1024M -Djava.library.path="$INSTALLDIR/lib:$INSTALLDIR/lib/ext" -Dhdfview.root="$INSTALLDIR" -jar "$INSTALLDIR/lib/jhdfview.jar" -root "$INSTALLDIR/share" $*

      • Mac OS X:

        • As above, but if jhdfview.jar is not in lib directory, modify the line for its correct path.

      • Windows:

        • start "HDFView" "%JAVABIN%\javaw.exe" -Xmx1024M -Djava.library.path="%INSTALLDIR%\lib;%INSTALLDIR%\lib\ext" -Dhdfview.root="%INSTALLDIR%” -cp "%INSTALLDIR%\lib\jhdfview.jar" ncsa.hdf.view.HDFView -root "%INSTALLDIR%\share" $*

  3. Register the new FileFormat from HDFView:  Go to "Tools" --> "Add File Format" and add the full class name of the FileFormat with a file extension and key associated to the file format.
    • The HDF-EOS formats are as follows:
      • Hdf-Eos2:hdfeos.he2.HE2File:he2
      • Hdf-Eos5:hdfeos.he5.HE5File:he5
  4. Check the Tools->User Options->General Setting Module and click on  Browse for Help Document. Choose the ug08hdfeos.html in the directory ../<spanclass=spelle>hdfview/lib/ext/UsersGuide</spanclass=spelle> Without this change the HDF-EOS user's guide will only open as text in Help->HEView User's Guide. However, with change User's Guide will include both HDF and HDF-EOS Plug-in User's Guides.
    • HDFView2103
  5. Close HDFView to save changes. Reopen it for Viewing HDF-EOS files.
  6. If you desire to view HDF-EOS files as regular hdf4 or h5 files, repeat step 5 and set modules to default hdf settings. You need to close and open HDFView after settings to activate them.
  7. If you want to use a specific directory for most of your data files, Check the Tools->User Options->General Setting Module and click on the Browse for “Default Working Directory”.  Change the directory and click “OK”. After opening your first data file using File -> Open the setting will be saved for future HDFView running.

Note: After first setting of HDF-EOS file format HDFView creates a file called .hdfview2.10.1 in your home directory (HDFView always show the location of this file in the Log Info at the bottom window as “User Property File”). It contains supported file types and settings.  This file is where the saved hdfview items, such as recent accessed data files, location of Users Guide, registered file formats, etc are stored.

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