I am writing this on behalf of Kyle MacRitchie;

I'm wondering if it is possible to retrieve the full entry for collection metadata using a command that only uses the entryID or nativeID instead of the conceptID? The concept ID command that I have found in your documentation is of the form:

curl -H "Echo-Token: $YOURTOKEN" "https://cmr.uat.earthdata.nasa.gov:443/search/concepts/C1212614066-GES_DISC?pretty=true"

But this requires first looking up the conceptID, whereas it would be much easier if we could use the entry or native IDs, since these don’t have to be looked up.

Thank you,



Kyle MacRitchie

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  1. user-7b92a

    We don't currently offer this capability. We have an existing issue filed ( CMR-2295 - Getting issue details... STATUS ) We've added your email as a comment there and we'll consider trying to get this into an upcoming sprint. Note that you can get an item's metadata wrapped in search result tags. Here's an example

    curl -i "https://cmr.uat.earthdata.nasa.gov:443/search/collections.native?concept_id=C1204569576-GCMDTEST&pretty=true"

    <result concept-id="C1204569576-GCMDTEST"
    format="application/dif+xml" revision-id="1">
    <DIF xmlns="http://gcmd.gsfc.nasa.gov/Aboutus/xml/dif/"
    xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://gcmd.gsfc.nasa.gov/Aboutus/xml/dif/ http://gcmd.gsfc.nasa.gov/Aboutus/xml/dif/dif_v9.9.3.xsd">
    <Entry_Title> Frontier Well Data for Offshore West Coast - National Energy Board, Canada </Entry_Title>

    The contents of the <result> tag is the original metadata from the provider.


  2. Jason,

    The capability to search a metadata using the enrty_id does exist.

    For example:
    curl -H "Echo-Token: $TOKEN" "https://cmr.uat.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/collections.dif10?entry_id=AIRX2RET_006 &pretty=true"

    but the problem is that the resulting xml is wrapped in the <result> tag which we don't want; It forces an extra step to get rid of the

    extra stuff for a clean xml. That is the purpose of CMR -2295 and we would appreciate it if can be implemented asap.


    Ed Esfandiari

  3. user-7b92a

    I wasn't clear before when I said that it didn't exist. I meant the same thing as you said.  We'll look try to get this issue into an upcoming sprint.