Author(s): <Dana Shum>


Description of Problem

The way that Resource Citation appears in UMM, MMT, and CMR needs to be improved.

Definition of 'Resource Citation':  the text that someone using the collection data in research should use to cite the collection in professional scientific literature. 

DAACs are using Citations according to different formats, and these are at the discretion of the DAAC manager. ESDIS provides guidance for Citations, and the MMT form needs to have some logic to enable these Citations to be formatted correctly. The addition of a Preview button could be added to the MMT form, which shows how the Citation would look, or the card for Citation needs to be revised. Title and Name are not required in the MMT form since these relate to the Collection by default, and logic needs to be introduced to make DOI and RelatedURL either-or.

See for individual DAAC citation rules.

The UMM needs to be revised to ensure that any unnecessary fields have been removed. For each collection, the EDSC needs to display the citation, per NASA guidelines, and using the formats provided by each DAAC.



1.Citation block in UMM-C currently contains individual fields which are used to construct the full citation string;  some of these fields are redundant with other collection metadata fields (e.g. dataset title, dataset version, dataset DOI, dataset publisher)

2.DAACs may construct citation strings using individual DAAC choice of order, as long as NASA-required information is present

3.Client (like EDSC) needs an algorithm to construct the citation string from the building blocks; algorithm varies by DAAC

4. Configuration Management:  DAACs are required to list citation text on the landing page for the collection; if the citation text is also maintained in the CMR, we need to decide which is the authoritative source, and we need a process to keep the values in synch.

JIRA Linkage

ECSE-87 - Getting issue details... STATUS

<Ctrl+Shift+J allows you to link to your ECSE JIRA ticket easily.  Replace the ticket above with your ticket>




Current UMM-C Mappings to DIF, ECHO, ISO

See mapping between DIF9, DIF10, ECHO10 and UMM-C (suggested) below:


DIF9  DIF10  UMM-C  ECHO10  
Data_Set_CitationN0..*Dataset_CitationN0..*Resource Citation N0..*   
   Dataset_Citation/Persistent_Identifier/Type (DOI or ARK)Y1DOI onlyN/AN/A   
      ResourceCitation/RelatedUrl/Caption 0..1   
      ResourceCitation/RelatedUrl/MimeType 0..1   
      ResourceCitation/RelatedUrl/FileSize 0..1   
      ResourceCitation/RelatedUrl/FileSize/Size 1   
      ResourceCitation/RelatedUrl/FileSize/Unit 1   



Affected issues include:   Issues which require the Citation relation to be better defined:

MMT-543 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UMMC-392 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UMMC-433 - Getting issue details... STATUS

MMT-438 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UMMC-344 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Issues which related to Citation format on a DAAC-by-DAAC basis

UMMC-153 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UMMC-193 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UMMC-153 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Issues pertaining to DOI or RelatedURL fields to be used

ECSE-76 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Issues pertaining to UMM Citation improvements

UMMC-142 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UMMC-145 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Possible Solutions:

 Option 1: Keep Citation Block as individual fields, but remove redundant fields

  a. Remove DOI from Citation block

  b. Remove Title and Version (redundant with Entry Title and Version)

  c.  Remove Publisher (redundant with Data Center Long Name, for Role = Distributor)

Changes to UMM-C fields

UMMC-344 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ECSE-76 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ECSE-65 - Getting issue details... STATUS  


Currently:                                                           Change to:



Changes to UMM-Common fields

ECSE-135 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Option 2. Remove Citation block altogether from UMM-C (and just keep citation on the dataset landing page)

Option 3.  List full citation text in single field, like ECHO, and keep in synch with landing page citation text


Interoperability Considerations

We have NASA guidelines on how to Cite and Acknowledge EOSDIS Data and Other Items.

Examples of data citations are given as:

  1. Sankaran M., N. P. Hanan, and R. J. Scholes. 2007. Characteristics of African Savanna Biomes for Determining Woody Cover. Data set. Available on-line [] from NASA EOSDIS Oak Ridge National Laboratory DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. doi:10.3334/ORNLDAAC/850, Accessed May 11, 2012.
  2. Njoku, Eni. 2004, updated daily. AMSR-E/Aqua L2B Surface Soil Moisture, Ancillary Parms, & QC EASE-Grids V002, March to June 2004. NASA EOSDIS National Snow and Ice Data Center DAAC, Boulder, Colorado USA., Accessed July 18, 2013.
  3. Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center (ORNL DAAC). 2014. MODIS subsetted land products, Collection 5. Available on-line [] from NASA EOSDIS ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. Accessed July 24, 2014. Subset obtained for MOD13Q1 product at 35.9587N,84.2874W, time period: 2000-02-18 to 2000-04-06, and subset size: 0.25 x 0.25 km.

Note that there are specific differences between the fields in the examples and the ISO CI_Citation class fields. For example, edition, editionDate, identifier, citedResponsibleParty, presentationForm, series, otherCitationDetails ISBN, ISSN, and graphic are not in the NASA recommended format. Other fields are present in the NASA recommended format, but not in the ISO CI_Citation class: doi or RelatedURL, and note CI_OnlineResource is not needed as a class, RelatedURL can suffice.

CI_Citation is shown in the Figure below.

Figure 1. ISO 19115-1 CI_Citation class representation.

Changes to CMR

CMR-2414 - Getting issue details... STATUS

What should the MMT forms look like



MMT-543 - Getting issue details... STATUS

MMT-438 - Getting issue details... STATUS

MMT-384 - Getting issue details... STATUS

MMT-421 - Getting issue details... STATUS

MMT-437 - Getting issue details... STATUS  



How should the values in these fields be presented to the user on the EDSC


  EDSC-441 - Getting issue details... STATUS

The DAAC specific format for the ResourceCitation should appear on the EDSC in relation to the Collection. 

Recommendation is to display the fully constructed Resource Citation for the collection when the user is retrieving collection data (i.e., on the Data Access page), with an introductory sentence explaining that if data from this collection is used in research, the collection must be cited in research papers as shown in the fully constructed Resource Citation.


NSIDC example :

Alley, R. and J. Fegyveresi. 2014. NSIDC Test Data Set, Version 1. [Indicate subset used]. Boulder, Colorado USA. NSIDC: National Snow and Ice Data Center. doi:[Date Accessed].


ORNL example:

"Chini, L.P., G.C. Hurtt, and S. Frolking, 2014, Harmonized Global Land Use for Years 1500-2100, V1. Data Set. Available on-line from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA."

How should pick lists / controlled vocabulary be handled?

Resource Citation FieldCurrent Source of Pick list values (MMT)Proposed Source of Pick list valuesIs this field used for EDSC Faceted Search?


Reconciliation of Existing Metadata values with new rules



Impact of Changes on Ingest of Granule Metadata 
