Element Description
The Location Keywords element contains keywords that characterize the study area/region where data was collected. This allows users to narrow their searches to areas that suit their geographic interest. The Location Keywords are chosen from a controlled keyword hierarchy maintained in the Keyword Management System (KMS). A list of valid Location Keywords can be found here: https://gcmd.earthdata.nasa.gov/kms/concepts/concept_scheme/locations?format=csv.
Best Practices
Location Keywords identify areas where data collection occurred and are provided in a hierarchical structure. The keywords can be chosen to classify broad study areas/regions or very specific places. However, it is suggested that location keywords are as specific as possible to aid in data discovery. Providing a Location Keyword is optional. If provided, the top level of the Location Keyword hierarchy must be provided (at a minimum). If a specific location keyword is not already included in the KMS, a request to have it added can be made through the GCMD Keywords Community Forum.
LocationKeywords/Category: "CONTINENT"
LocationKeywords/Topic: "NORTH AMERICA"
LocationKeywords/Subregion1: "UNITED STATES"
LocationKeywords/Subregion2: "ALABAMA"
LocationKeywords/DetailedLocation: "THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA IN HUNTSVILLE"
LocationKeywords/Category: "CONTINENT"
LocationKeywords/Topic: "NORTH AMERICA"
LocationKeywords/Subregion1: "CANADA"
LocationKeywords/Subregion2: "ONTARIO"
LocationKeywords/Category: "GEOGRAPHIC REGION"
LocationKeywords/Topic: "TROPICS"
Element Specification
Providing a Location Keyword is optional. Multiple Location Keywords may be provided, if necessary (Cardinality: 0..*).
Model | Element | Type | Usable Valid Values | Constraints | Required? | Cardinality | Notes |
UMM-C | LocationKeywords/Category | String | Location Category Keywords | KMS controlled | Yes, if applicable | 1 | If a Location Keyword is included in the metadata (it's optional), then a Category keyword must be provided at a minimum. |
UMM-C | LocationKeywords/Type | String | Location Type Keywords | KMS controlled | No | 0..1 | |
UMM-C | LocationKeywords/Subregion1 | String | Location Subregion1 Keywords | KMS controlled | No | 0..1 | |
UMM-C | LocationKeywords/Subregion2 | String | Location Subregion2 Keywords | KMS controlled | No | 0..1 | |
UMM-C | LocationKeywords/Subregion3 | String | KMS controlled | No | 0..1 | ||
UMM-C | LocationKeywords/DetailedLocation | String | n/a | 1 - 80 characters (Uncontrolled/Free-Text) | No | 0..1 |
Metadata Validation and QA/QC
All metadata entering the CMR goes through the below process to ensure metadata quality requirements are met. All records undergo CMR validation before entering the system. The process of QA/QC is slightly different for NASA and non-NASA data providers. Non-NASA providers include interagency and international data providers and are referred to as the International Directory Network (IDN).
Please see the expandable sections below for flowchart details.
Dialect Mappings
UMM Migration
Future Mappings
UMM Versioning
Version | Date | What Changed |
1.15.5 | 12/3/2020 | No changes were made for Location Keywords during the transition from version 1.15.4 to 1.15.5 |
1.15.4 | 9/18/2020 | No changes were made for Location Keywords during the transition from version 1.15.3 to 1.15.4 |
1.15.3 | 7/1/2020 | No changes were made for Location Keywords during the transition from version 1.15.2 to 1.15.3 |
1.15.2 | 5/20/2020 | No changes were made for Location Keywords during the transition from version 1.15.1 to 1.15.2 |
1.15.1 | 3/25/2020 | No changes were made for Location Keywords during the transition from version 1.15.0 to 1.15.1 |
1.15.0 | 2/26/2020 | No changes were made for Location Keywords during the transition from version 1.14.0 to 1.15.0 |
1.14.0 | 10/21/2019 | No changes were made for Location Keywords during the transition from version 1.13.0 to 1.14.0 |
1.13.0 | 04/11/2019 | No changes were made for Location Keywords during the transition from version 1.12.0 to 1.13.0 |
1.12.0 | 01/22/2019 | No changes were made for Location Keywords during the transition from version 1.11.0 to 1.12.0 |
1.11.0 | 11/28/2018 | No changes were made for Location Keywords during the transition from version 1.10.0 to 1.11.0 |
1.10.0 | 05/02/2018 | No changes were made for Location Keywords during the transition from version 1.9.0 to 1.10.0 |
ARC Documentation
Version | Date | What Changed | Author |
1.0 | 02/01/2018 | Recommendations/priority matrix transferred from internal ARC documentation to wiki space | Jeanne' le Roux |
Ge Peng
Broken link: Keyword Management System (KMS)
Erich Reiter
The link has been fixed.