Introduction and Scope

The Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Keywords are a hierarchical set of controlled Earth Science vocabularies that help ensure Earth science data and services are described in a consistent and comprehensive manner and allow for the precise searching of collection-level metadata and subsequent retrieval of data and services. Initiated over twenty years ago, GCMD Keywords are periodically analyzed for relevancy and will continue to be refined and expanded in response to user needs.

The scope of this document includes the internal keyword review process for a full keyword review, including the detailed tasks, associated documents, and the time-frame it takes to complete each task. This document does not cover the high-level governance and review process of the keywords. That information can be found in the GCMD Keyword Governance and Community Guide Document.

It takes approximately 19 weeks from start to finish for a full keyword review and implementation. It is recommended that there be a full keyword review and implementation yearly. Smaller, low impact keyword changes are implemented on a more frequent basis (usually weekly depending on provider requests) based on the fast-track keyword process, which is covered in the GCMD Keyword Governance and Community Guide Document.

TaskDescriptionDocument TypeTime-Frame

(1) Determine Keywords To Prioritize For Review

  • A high-level summary of the keywords, including the keyword version number, keyword type, number of keywords added, deleted, updated, the rationale for change and the keyword release date. Keywords are prioritized based on their rationale and when the keyword set was last revised.
  • Rationale for change: fix errors, user requests, alignment with common terminology in the scientific literature, record examination, keyword gap analysis, and user search behavior.
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(2) Compile Keyword Metrics

  • The metrics (listed below) are gathered to help determine if keyword changes are needed. The metrics come from NetInsight, Google analytics, and metadata search behavior in the CMR.
    • User Search Behavior: Keyword is considered to be a candidate for inclusion based on keyword search usage and discovery in a search interface (e.g. GCMD, IDN, EDSC).
    • Keyword Gaps: Keyword is considered to be a candidate for inclusion based on identification of common terms missing from the controlled keyword list.
    • Record Lists: 'Uncontrolled' keyword in detailed variable, ancillary keyword, or other field in metadata record is considered a candidate to be controlled.
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(3) Analyze Keyword Metrics
  • The keyword metrics (described in step 2) will be analyzed to determine search frequency and keyword trends.
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(4) Compile Preliminary Keyword Recommendations
  • The keyword recommendations convey the details of the keyword changes across all keyword levels, the number of records impacted, and the rationale for the keyword change based on the metrics analysis. 
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(5) Review Preliminary Keyword  Recommendations With Selected Stakeholders
  • The selected stakeholders include ESDIS, ESO, and subject matter experts (SMEs).
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(6) Compile Final Keyword Recommendations
  • The final keyword recommendations convey the recommended keyword changes across all keyword levels, number of records impacted, and the rationale for the keyword change based on the preliminary review.
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(7) Compile Keyword Review Materials
  • The keyword review announcement conveys a summary of the keyword changes, the review period, and a link to the ESO keyword review page.
  • The provider impact assessment conveys the count of records in the CMR affected by the keyword release across EOSDIS and IDN providers.
  • The NASA ESDIS Standards Office (ESO) keyword review page is where the materials are posted and provided to the keyword reviewers. The page summarizes the keyword changes, provides instructions to the reviewers, and links to the review materials.
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(8) Keyword Review
  • The keyword reviewers are selected by the ESO based on input provided by ESDIS and the Metadata Quality Team.
  • The email is also sent to the DAACs email list and cmr announce 
  • During the keyword review, the keyword reviewers examine the keyword recommendations and provide feedback. If there is minimal input, the keyword review may be extended at the discretion of ESDIS and the ESO.
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(9) Triage and Disposition Keyword Review Feedback
  • Each comment received will be reviewed and responded to directly in Jama.
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(10) Compile Final Version of Keywords
  • The final version of the keywords convey the details of the keyword changes, number of records impacted, and the rationale for the keyword change.
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(11) Implement Keywords in GCMD Keyword Management System (KMS)

  • The KMS is the software used for maintaining and publishing the GCMD keywords and associated definitions/references. All changes are verified for accuracy before being published.
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(12) Compile Keyword Release Package
  • The keyword table provides a listing of all the new, updated, and deleted keywords.
  • The keyword summary table conveys a high-level summary of the keywords including the keyword version number, keyword type, number of keywords added, deleted, updated, the rationale for change and the keyword release date.
  • The keyword landing page provides information on the keywords and how to access them.
  • The keyword release announcement provides a summary of the keyword changes, a background on the importance of the keywords, a link to the keyword summary table, a link to the keyword review, and the keyword landing page.
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(13) Publish Keyword Release Announcement (Email and Website)
  • The keyword release package materials are emailed to the following email lists:
    • IDN Interop
    • GCMD DAACs
    • ESIP
    • ESO
    • DAAC-Mgrs
  • The keyword release package materials are posted to the following websites:
    • GCMD
    • IDN
    • Keyword Forum Page
  • The keyword release package materials are posted to the following EOSDIS slack channels
    • GCMD
    • Curation
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