Element Description

This element stores the DOIs (Digital Object Identifier) for associated collections. A DOI is a persistent identifier that is used to uniquely identify objects including datasets and documents. This element allows data providers to associate parent collections or other peer collections together. These DOIs are searchable through Earthdata Search and the CMR API. Use the "doi" parameter to search for collection DOIs or the associated DOIs.

This element also includes the option to provide information on the authority that registers the DOI, a title, an enumerated type element to allow users to quickly understand the relationships, and a DescriptionOfTypeOther when the type has a value of Other, so that curators can explain the relationship that is not in the type enumeration list.

Best Practices

The Associated DOIs main element is defined as a list of Associated DOIs, which means that 1 or more associations with other collections or other items can be made. There are multiple sub-elements that comprise Associated DOIs:

    DOI: The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) that identifies the associated collection.

  • When providing information in the DOI field, only the DOI string should be provided.  The string value should begin with the directory indicator.
  • The DOI URL should not be stored in the DOI element but should instead be provided as a RelatedURL.
  • For ESDIS providers specifically:
    • More details on the ESDIS DOI process can be found here: ESDIS DOI Process
    • A list of DOIs registered through ESDIS can be found here: ESDIS DOIs Status and Listing
    • The directory indicator for ESDIS is "10." Therefore, if the DOI was registered through ESDIS, the beginning of the DOI string should be "10.5067". 

    Title: The title or very short description of the item the DOI describes.

    Authority: The DOI organization that is responsible for creating the DOI.

  • For ESDIS providers specifically:

    Type: The enumerated relationship between the record and the associated DOI. The enumerated values are: Child Dataset, Collaborative/Other Agency, Field Campaign, Parent Dataset, Sibling Dataset, IsPreviousVersionOf, IsNewVersionOf, and Other

  • Child Dataset: A dataset generated from another dataset.
  • Collaborative/Other Agency: Two or more organizations/agencies working together on a data product, service/tool, or documentation.
  • Document/Manuscript: Documentation related or associated to the dataset. 
  • Field Campaign: A related or associated series of field operations intended to achieve a particular objective for the product.
  • Parent Dataset: A dataset that generates other datasets.
  • Sibling Dataset: An offspring (or related) dataset having a common parent.
  • IsPreviousVersionOf: This collection has been superseded by the Associated DOI.
  • IsNewVersionOf: The collection supersedes the Associated DOI.  
  • Other: An associated DOI not related to one of the elements defined enumerations.

    Description Of Type Other: If the enumeration of Other is chosen for the Type element, the record curator needs to provide a short description that describes the relationship between the record and the associated DOI.


DOI: "10.5067/ISS/CATS/L2O_N-M7.1-V2-01_05KMPRO"

Title: " CATS-ISS Level 2 Operational Night Mode 7.1 Version 2-01 5 km Profile"

Authority: "https://doi.org/"

Type: Related Dataset

Element Specification

Choice of:


1 to 1024 characters

UMM-CAssociatedDOIs/TitleString1 to 1030 charactersNo0..1
UMM-CAssociatedDOIs/AuthorityString1 to 80 charactersNo0..1
UMM-CAssociatedDOIs/TypeEnumerationValid values: Child Dataset, Collaborative/Other Agency, Field Campaign, Parent Dataset, Sibling Dataset, IsPreviousVersionOf, IsNewVersionOf, and OtherNo0..1
UMM-CAssociatedDOIs/DescriptionOfTypeOtherString1 to 1024 charactersYes if Type=Other0 or 1


Metadata Validation and QA/QC

All metadata entering the CMR goes through the below process to ensure metadata quality requirements are met. All records undergo CMR validation before entering the system. The process of QA/QC is slightly different for NASA and non-NASA data providers. Non-NASA providers include interagency and international data providers and are referred to as the International Directory Network (IDN).

Please see the expandable sections below for flowchart details.

  • Manual Review
    • Verify that the associated DOI resolves to the appropriate web page.
  • Automated Review
    • Check that the field length is not greater than 1,024 characters.
    • Check that the DOI is resolvable.
    • Check that the DOI syntax is valid.
  • The DOI must start with two digits followed by a period (.) followed by 4 digits followed by an optional period with optional digits. After the digits the DOI value must be followed by a slash (/) followed by alphanumeric characters.
  • The DOI must be at least 1 character and at most 1024 characters in length.

ARC Priority Matrix

Priority CategorizationJustification

Red = High Priority Finding

This element is categorized as highest priority when:

  • The Associated DOI listed is inappropriate for the dataset.
  • The DOI listed leads to a broken link.
  • The DOI is provided in the incorrect format (e.g. as a URL rather than just the DOI string)
  • The provided DOI does not appear to exist within the DOI System, so it does not direct to its data set landing page.

Yellow = Medium Priority Finding

Not Applicable 

Blue = Low Priority Finding

This element is categorized as low priority when:

  • The CollectionDOI/Authority needs to be added: https://doi.org/” because it is missing.

Green = No Findings/Issues

The element is provided and follows all applicable criteria specified in the best practices section above.

ARC Automated Checks

ARC uses the pyQuARC library for automated metadata checks. Please see the pyQuARC GitHub for more information. 

Dialect Mappings

DIF 10

UMM-C ElementDIF 10 PathTypeUsable Valid ValuesConstraintsRequired in DIF 10?CardinalityNotes

1 - 1024 characters

AssociatedDOIs/TitleAssociated_DOIs/TitleStringn/a1-1030 charactersNo0..1It is recommended that a user provides a title so the end user can easily see what is associated.

1 - 80 characters

No0..1For ESDIS providers, recommend providing "https://doi.org/" as the DOI authority.

Valid values: Child Dataset, Collaborative/Other Agency, Field Campaign, Parent Dataset, Sibling Dataset, IsPreviousVersionOf, IsNewVersionOf, and Other


1-1024 characters

Yes if Type=Other0..1

Example Mapping

DIF 10

        <Title>DOI Title 1</Title>
        <Title>DOI Title 2</Title>
        <Type>Related Dataset</Type>
        <Description_Of_Other_Type>Similar Dataset</Description_Of_Other_Type>


  "AssociatedDOIs" : [ {
    "DOI" : "10.1234/ParentDOIID1",
    "Title" : "DOI Title 1",
    "Authority" : "https://doi.org/"
  }, {
    "DOI" : "10.1234/ParentDOIID2",
    "Title" : "DOI Title 2",
    "Authority" : "https://doi.org/"
    "DOI": "10.5067/fake.record.02",
    "Type": "Related Dataset"
    "DOI": "10.5067/fake.record.03",
    "Type": "Other",
    "DescriptionOfOtherType": "ECSE-1474 addition to describe Other DOI"
  } ],


Only 1 DOI may be provided (Cardinality: 1)

 Choice of:

UMM-C Element
ECHO 10 PathTypeConstraintsRequired in ECHO10?CardinalityNotes

1 - 1024 characters


1 - 1030 characters


1 - 80 characters


Valid values: Child Dataset, Collaborative/Other Agency, Field Campaign, Parent Dataset, Sibling Dataset, IsPreviousVersionOf, IsNewVersionOf, and Other


1 - 1024 characters

Yes if Type=Other0..1n/a

Example Mapping


            <Title>DOI Title 1</Title>
            <Title>DOI Title 2</Title>
			<DescriptionOfOtherType>Similar DataSet</DescriptionOfOtherType>
			<Type>Related Dataset</Type>


  "AssociatedDOIs" : [ {
    "DOI" : "10.1234/ParentDOIID1",
    "Title" : "DOI Title 1",
    "Authority" : "https://doi.org/"
  }, {
    "DOI" : "10.1234/ParentDOIID2",
    "Title" : "DOI Title 2",
    "Authority" : "https://doi.org/"
    "DOI": "10.5067/fake.record.02",
    "Type": "Related Dataset"
    "DOI": "10.5067/fake.record.03",
    "Type": "Other",
    "DescriptionOfOtherType": "ECSE-1474 addition to describe Other DOI"
  } ],

ISO 19115-2 MENDS

UMM-C Element

ISO 19115-2 MENDS Path




/gmd:code/gco:CharacterString = <Associated DOI>


Where the Associated DOI string is provided.



/gmd:MD_Identifier/gmd:codeSpace/gco:CharacterString = gov.nasa.esdis.umm.associateddoi

StringThe value of "gov.nasa.esdis.umm.associateddoi" should be provided here so that CMR can properly parse out the associated DOI.



/gmd:description/gco:CharacterString contains associated doi

StringThe value must contain the string "associated doi" so that CMR can properly identify and translate the associated DOI.





StringChoose the "associatedDOIs" codelist value so that CMR can properly identify the Associated DOI/Authority element. This codelist value does not directly map to a UMM element - choosing 'associatedDOIs' indicates to CMR that the Authority element should be mapped.







/gmd:authority/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:title - empty element


Leave this element empty.



/gmd:authority/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date - empty element

StringLeave this element empty.





StringProvide the authority here. For ESDIS providers, recommend listing "https://doi.org" as the DOI authority.




/gmd:role/gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList="https://cdn.earthdata.nasa.gov/iso/resources/Codelist/gmxCodelists.xml#CI_RoleCode" codeListValue="" = authority

CodelistChoose the "authority" codelist value so that CMR can properly identify the DOI/Authority element. This codelist value does not directly map to a UMM element - choosing 'authority' indicates to CMR that the Authority element should be mapped.

/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmd:identificationInfo/gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:aggregationInfo/gmd:MD_AggregateInformation/gmd:associationType/gmd:DS_AssociationTypeCode codeList=https://cdn.earthdata.nasa.gov/iso/resources/Codelist/eosCodelists.xml#EOS_AssociationTypeCode_<following values> other|childDataset|collaborativeOtherAgency|fieldCampaign|parentDataset|relatedDataset codeListValue= codeListValue=Other Child_Dataset|Collaborative_Other_Agency|Field_Campaign|Parent_Dataset|RelatedDataset


More detailed associated DOI types have been added to the association code type the following are valid values: other, childDataset, collaborativeOtherAgency, fieldCampaign, parentDataset, relatedDataset. The older associationTypeCode value of 


codeListValue="associatedDOIs" will still be read into the CMR, but not produced by the CMR.


/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmd:identificationInfo/gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:aggregationInfo/gmd:MD_AggregateInformation/gmd:associationType/gmd:DS_AssociationTypeCode codeList=https://cdn.earthdata.nasa.gov/iso/resources/Codelist/eosCodelists.xml#EOS_AssociationTypeCode_<following values> other|childDataset|collaborativeOtherAgency|fieldCampaign|parentDataset|relatedDataset codeListValue=Other Child_Dataset|Collaborative_Other_Agency|Field_Campaign|Parent_Dataset|RelatedDataset
DescriptionOfTypeOther goes into the element.


Example Mapping

ISO 19115-2 MENDS

                                <gco:CharacterString>DOI Title 1</gco:CharacterString>
                            <gmd:date gco:nilReason="inapplicable"/>
                                    <gmd:title gco:nilReason="inapplicable"/>
                                    <gmd:date gco:nilReason="inapplicable"/>
                                    codeList="https://cdn.earthdata.nasa.gov/iso/resources/Codelist/gmxCodelists.xml#CI_RoleCode" codeListValue="authority">authority</gmd:CI_RoleCode>
                                <gco:CharacterString>Associated DOI</gco:CharacterString>
                            codeList="https://cdn.earthdata.nasa.gov/iso/resources/Codelist/eosCodelists.xml#EOS_AssociationTypeCode" codeListValue="parentDataset">parentDataset</gmd:DS_AssociationTypeCode>
                                <gco:CharacterString>DOI Title 2</gco:CharacterString>
                            <gmd:date gco:nilReason="inapplicable"/>
                                    <gmd:title gco:nilReason="inapplicable"/>
                                    <gmd:date gco:nilReason="inapplicable"/>
                                    codeList="https://cdn.earthdata.nasa.gov/iso/resources/Codelist/gmxCodelists.xml#CI_RoleCode" codeListValue="authority">authority</gmd:CI_RoleCode>
                                <gco:CharacterString>Associated DOI</gco:CharacterString>
                            codeList="https://cdn.earthdata.nasa.gov/iso/resources/Codelist/gmxCodelists.xml#DS_AssociationTypeCode" codeListValue="associatedDOI">associatedDOI</gmd:DS_AssociationTypeCode>
                                <gco:CharacterString>DOI Title 3</gco:CharacterString>
                            <gmd:date gco:nilReason="inapplicable"/>
                                    <gmd:title gco:nilReason="inapplicable"/>
                                    <gmd:date gco:nilReason="inapplicable"/>
                                              <gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList="https://cdn.earthdata.nasa.gov/iso/resources/Codelist/gmxCodelists.xml#CI_RoleCode" codeListValue="authority">authority</gmd:CI_RoleCode>
                            <gmd:description><gco:CharacterString>associated doi</gco:CharacterString></gmd:description>
                    <!-- Proposed Type -->
                        <gmd:DS_AssociationTypeCode codeList="https://cdn.earthdata.nasa.gov/iso/resources/Codelist/eosCodelists.xml#EOS_AssociationTypeCode" codeListValue="other">Calibration Event</gmd:DS_AssociationTypeCode>
            </gmd:aggregationInfo>           ...


"AssociatedDOIs" : [ {
  "DOI" : "10.1234/ParentDOIID1",
  "Title" : "DOI Title 1",
  "Authority" : "https://doi.org/",
  "Type": "Parent Dataset"
}, {
  "DOI" : "10.1234/ParentDOIID2",
  "Title" : "DOI Title 2",
  "Authority" : "https://doi.org/",
  "Type": "Parent Dataset"
}, {
  "DOI" : "10.1234/HIFGJTNR",
  "Title" : "DOI Title 3",
  "Authority" : "https://doi.org/",
  "Type": "Other",
  "DescriptionOfTypeOther": "Calibration Event" 
}, {
  "DOI": "10.5067/fake.record.02",
  "Type": "Related Dataset"
}, {
  "DOI": "10.5067/fake.record.03",
  "Type": "Other",
  "DescriptionOfOtherType": "ECSE-1474 addition to describe Other DOI"
} ],

ISO 19115-2 SMAP

UMM-C Element

ISO 19115-2 SMAP Path




/gmd:code/gco:CharacterString = <Associated DOI>


Where the Associated DOI string is provided.



/gmd:MD_Identifier/gmd:codeSpace/gco:CharacterString = gov.nasa.esdis.umm.associateddoi

StringThe value of "gov.nasa.esdis.umm.associateddoi" should be provided here so that CMR can properly parse out the associated DOI.



/gmd:description/gco:CharacterString contains associated doi

StringThe value must contain the string "associated doi" so that CMR can properly identify and translate the associated DOI.






StringChoose the "associatedDOIs" codelist value so that CMR can properly identify the Associated DOI/Authority element. This codelist value does not directly map to a UMM element - choosing 'associatedDOIs' indicates to CMR that the Authority element should be mapped.







/gmd:authority/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:title - empty element


Leave this element empty.



/gmd:authority/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date - empty element

StringLeave this element empty.





StringProvide the authority here. For ESDIS providers, recommend listing "https://doi.org" as the DOI authority.




/gmd:role/gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList="https://cdn.earthdata.nasa.gov/iso/resources/Codelist/gmxCodelists.xml#CI_RoleCode" codeListValue="" = authority

CodelistChoose the "authority" codelist value so that CMR can properly identify the DOI/Authority element. This codelist value does not directly map to a UMM element - choosing 'authority' indicates to CMR that the Authority element should be mapped.

Example Mapping

ISO 19115-2 SMAP

                                <gco:CharacterString>DOI Title 1</gco:CharacterString>
                            <gmd:date gco:nilReason="inapplicable"/>
                                    <gmd:title gco:nilReason="inapplicable"/>
                                    <gmd:date gco:nilReason="inapplicable"/>
                                    codeList="https://cdn.earthdata.nasa.gov/iso/resources/Codelist/gmxCodelists.xml#CI_RoleCode" codeListValue="authority">authority</gmd:CI_RoleCode>
                                <gco:CharacterString>Associated DOI</gco:CharacterString>
                            codeList="https://cdn.earthdata.nasa.gov/iso/resources/Codelist/gmxCodelists.xml#DS_AssociationTypeCode" codeListValue="associatedDOI">associatedDOI</gmd:DS_AssociationTypeCode>
                                <gco:CharacterString>DOI Title 2</gco:CharacterString>
                            <gmd:date gco:nilReason="inapplicable"/>
                                    <gmd:title gco:nilReason="inapplicable"/>
                                    <gmd:date gco:nilReason="inapplicable"/>
                                    codeList="https://cdn.earthdata.nasa.gov/iso/resources/Codelist/gmxCodelists.xml#CI_RoleCode" codeListValue="authority">authority</gmd:CI_RoleCode>
                                <gco:CharacterString>Associated DOI</gco:CharacterString>
                            codeList="https://cdn.earthdata.nasa.gov/iso/resources/Codelist/gmxCodelists.xml#DS_AssociationTypeCode" codeListValue="associatedDOI">associatedDOI</gmd:DS_AssociationTypeCode>


  "AssociatedDOIs" : [ {
    "DOI" : "10.1234/ParentDOIID1",
    "Title" : "DOI Title 1",
    "Authority" : "https://doi.org/"
  }, {
    "DOI" : "10.1234/ParentDOIID2",
    "Title" : "DOI Title 2",
    "Authority" : "https://doi.org/"
  } ],

UMM Migration


Future Mappings

ISO 19115-1

UMM-C Element

ISO 19115-1 Path


Example Mapping

ISO 19115-1


  "AssociatedDOIs" : [ {
    "DOI" : "10.1234/ParentDOIID1",
    "Title" : "DOI Title 1",
    "Authority" : "https://doi.org/"
  }, {
    "DOI" : "10.1234/ParentDOIID2",
    "Title" : "DOI Title 2",
    "Authority" : "https://doi.org/"
  } ],



UMM Versioning

1.16.2 is the current UMM-C version. No changes were made to this element since the last documented changes below.

VersionDateWhat Changed
1.18.0ProductionDateThe sub elements of Type and DescriptionOfTypeOther were added.
1.16.12021-04-07This element was added to the UMM-C specification.
1.18.22024-10-01Added 2 new enumerations for AssociatedDOIs/Type: (IsPreviousVersionOf, IsNewVersionOf)

ARC Documentation

VersionDateWhat ChangedAuthor
1.02021-06-30Recommendations/priority matrix transferred from internal ARC documentation to wiki space
  • No labels