Our attempts to ingest granule metadata fail with the following errors:




ProductSpecificAttributesThe following list of Product Specific Attributes did not exist in the referenced parent collection: [SIPSMetGenVersion]. Description:Message Deprecated for CMR ingest
The following list of Product Specific Attributes did not exist in the referenced parent collection: [SIPSMetGenVersion].Description:Message Deprecated for CMR ingest
SpatialCoverage/Geometries[Geometries] cannot be set when the parent collection's GranuleSpatialRepresentation is NO_SPATIAL Description:Message Deprecated for CMR ingest
[Geometries] cannot be set when the parent collection's GranuleSpatialRepresentation is NO_SPATIAL Description:Message Deprecated for CMR ingest


The collection metadata are being sent to CMR as ISO 19115 records. Where/how should the Product Specific Attribute "SIPSMetGenVersion"  and "GranuleSpatialRepresentation" be included in the collection metadata?

  • No labels


  1. An additional note: Should SIPSMetGenVersion even be included in the collection metadata? The description I've found for this attribute is: The version of the SIPSMetGen software used to produce the metadata file for this granule."  That description indicates that the SIPSMetGenVersion is relevant to a single granule, but may not be the same for every granule. Is that the correct description to use for this attribute?

  2. This attribute comes into play when we use the "metgen" utility to create granules (primarily for IceBridge granules, but increasingly for other V0 datasets that we want to get into ECS such as MEaSUREs).  The actual version number does not need to be in the collection level metadata but the attribute does in order for granule export to CMR to succeed.

  3. Thanks Cathy. According to this page: NASA Base Metadata Requirements, the DQ and Lineage information (which I think is where the metgen version would go) is part of the metadata for the granules. (My understanding is that "series" == collection, "dataset" == granule in the ISO context.)

  4. Update: I've figured out the spatial configuration issue. I also attempted to add a gmd:dataQualityInfo section containing the SIPSMetGenVersion. Even though the XML is valid, exporting the ECHO10 metadata (after ingesting the ISO) does not produce a record containing SIPSMetGenVersion. So, we're still stuck on the steps needed to correctly ingest the SIPSMetGenVersion information.

  5. EDO-847 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  6. Can you attach the ISO record in question to this wiki page?

  7. I don't seem to have permission to attach it but I've mailed it to you, Doug, so hopefully you will be able to.

  8. nsidc-0547-from-cmr-echo10.xml - echo10 representation with no PSA information

    nsidc-0547.001.xml - native collection in ISO with PSA

    NSIDC-0547.001.8142312.xml - attempted granule ingest in ECHO10 format with PSA

  9. The collection metadata has a reference to the 'SIPSMetGenVersion' PSA as follows,

                                                      <eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeTypeCode codeList="http://earthdata.nasa.gov/metadata/resources/Codelists.xml#EOS_AdditionalAttributeTypeCode" codeListValue="processingInformation">processingInformation</eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeTypeCode>
                                                      <gco:CharacterString>The version of the SIPSMetGen software used to produce the metadata file for this granule</gco:CharacterString>
                                                      <eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDataTypeCode codeList="http://earthdata.nasa.gov/metadata/resources/Codelists.xml#EOS_AdditionalAttributeDataTypeCode" codeListValue="STRING">STRING</eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDataTypeCode>

    This would suggest that the granule ingest with the following PSA should have succeeded


    This suggests that during granule validation CMR is not extracting the PSA definitions correctly from the collection metadata.

    user-577f3 - with your agreement I will write a CMR issue.

  10. Doug Newman - Hi Doug, I will write the ticket. I am writing translation instructions for each UMM element.




  11. I have created issue CMR-3177 - AdditionalAttribute translation problem  - and CMR-3179 - GranuleSpatialRepresentation problem. - I have altered the given collection to add GranuleSpatialRepresentation. 

    Below is a snippet of the collection record.  The text in red as an example needs to be added to the collection record.  For this specific record SpatialGranuleSpatialRepresentation= needs to be added with the correct value.



                    <gmd:EX_Extent id="boundingExtent">


                            <gco:CharacterString>SpatialCoverageType=Horizontal, SpatialGranuleSpatialRepresentation=GEODETIC, Temporal Range Type=Continuous Range, Time Type=UTC</gco:CharacterString>



                            <gmd:EX_GeographicBoundingBox id="foo">




  12. 8142312

    Attached is the CMR granule to test against.