Step-by-step guide

  1. Internal review of requirements - authoring of requirements document as candidate for "CMR Review"
  2. Moderator determines group of Reviewers.
  3. Moderator announces to Reviewers that requirement document is ready for "CMR Review" in Jama
  4. Reviewers have 1 week to review the requirements and provide feedback (appropriately marked as Comments, Changes, Questions, or Issues) before marking document as "Reviewed"
  5. Reviewers are encouraged to "Watch" all authored feedback or feedback that requires reviewer input or approval 
  6. Reviewers and Moderators are encourage to respond to feedback within the 1 week review period, if possible.
  7. After the CMR review period closes, Moderators are responsible to evaluate all feedback, make changes, and identify remaining issues.
  8. Moderator initiates the "Approval Review" period by determining Approvers and announcing to Reviewers and Approvers that the CMR Review document has been "Re-opened" for final review and approval
    (Please DO NOT re-publish the CMR Review document as a new set of requirements or all feedback from previous review will be lost)
  9. Reviewers and Approvers have 1 week to submit feedback and approvals
  10. Lead Approver gives final stamp of approval after discussion of outstanding review issues at CMR Team meeting.
  11. Moderator submits approved requirements to JIRA


Review and Approval Process


When a Component and its initial descendant Epics and User Stories are gathered, a review of that component should be conducted using Jama's Review Center. Because reviews done using Jama can occur via the web, meetings are not required, allowing reviews to span several days among several reviewers.
It is expected that after initial component requirements are established, new requirements will continue to be introduced to the various sub-system components. These additional requirements will generally be reviewed by the CMR team on a bi-weekly or monthly basis.
If a large group of related requirements are added, the group may be subject to the same longer review process as the initial component requirements.


The CMR requirements review team should consist of at least one participant from ESDIS, ECHO, GCMD and EMS and will ideally include other stakeholders from DAACs or other interested Earthdata systems and projects (e.g. GIBS).


As mentioned above component requirement reviews will occur within Jama and will span several days. The component owner will initiate this review and determine participants. Depending on the outcome of the web-based review, the component owner may choose to call a meeting (WebEx or in-person) to hash out details for particularly contentious stories.
Once the review is complete and outstanding issues have been addressed, the requirements/stories are approved and work may be prioritized in upcoming sprints.