NAME - A utility to create descriptor files.  The script is deployed to x5dpl01 and it uses other SDPS perl support modules so it must be run from within the utilities directory.

SYNOPSIS [options]

DESCRIPTION is a script to create SDPS descriptor files based upon CMR collection metadata.  Please make sure the collection to process is already defined in the appropriate CMR environment before trying to use this utility.


The following is a sample configuration file for the the utility:

CMR_HOST_NAME                   = <CMR host name >  (for example:
CMR_PROVIDER                       = <DAAC mode provider name>

The utility creates descriptor files based on templates.  The next two items control where the utility finds the input template and where the Descriptor file output is stored.

DESCRIPTOR_TEMPLATE_LOCATION     = /usr/ecs/<MODE>/CUSTOM/data/DSS/descriptor_templates

SDPS provides default templates associated with several common processing permutations.  The name of the template provides the permutation that is being covered; the SINGLE/RANGE refers to the temporal extent of the granules in the collection while the POLY/RECT/POINT/NONE refer to the spatial extent of granules in the collection. There is also a set of templates for ISO metadata granules.

As a script user you can create new templates based on these provided templates and change the values below to use the customized template instead of the SDPS default template.

DESCRIPTOR_TEMPLATE_SINGLE_POLY  = desc_single_poly_template.odl
DESCRIPTOR_TEMPLATE_SINGLE_RECT  = desc_single_rect_template.odl
DESCRIPTOR_TEMPLATE_SINGLE_POINT = desc_single_point_template.odl
DESCRIPTOR_TEMPLATE_SINGLE_NONE  = desc_single_none_template.odl

DESCRIPTOR_TEMPLATE_RANGE_POLY   = desc_range_poly_template.odl
DESCRIPTOR_TEMPLATE_RANGE_RECT   = desc_range_rect_template.odl
DESCRIPTOR_TEMPLATE_RANGE_POINT  = desc_range_point_template.odl
DESCRIPTOR_TEMPLATE_RANGE_NONE   = desc_range_none_template.odl

DESCRIPTOR_TEMPLATE_ISO_POLY     = desc_iso_poly_template.odl
DESCRIPTOR_TEMPLATE_ISO_RECT     = desc_iso_rect_template.odl
DESCRIPTOR_TEMPLATE_ISO_NONE     = desc_iso_none_template.odl
DESCRIPTOR_TEMPLATE_NONE_NONE    = desc_no_temp_spatial_template.odl

Each line in the input file should consist of comma separated values.  Optional fields should have a placeholder comma. A spreed sheet containing entries for all the DAAC collections is a handy way to keep track of this information

Each line should contain the following fields:


               VersionID                           This can be a simple integer or a zero padded integer (e.g.: 5 or 005).  The script first tries the zero padded version ID and if not found will try the non-padded version ID.

               DataModelType                  {ISO-SMAP, ECS} defaults to ECS if left blank

               SpatialSearchType              {GPolygon, Rectangle, Orbit, Point, NotSupported}

               TemporalType                      {single, range, none}

               DataFileFormat                    {ASCII, ESRI Shapefile, GeoTIFF, tar, BUFR, JPEG, Excel, netCDF, GeoTIFF,
                                                                   Binary, CCSDS, HDF, HDF4, HDF5, HDF-EOS5, HDF-EOS4}

               CollectionDataType              {NEAR_REAL_TIME, SCIENCE_QUALITY, On-Demand, OTHER}

               ScienceMimeType                {application/x-tar-gz, application/x-bufr, image/jpeg, application/,
                                                                  application/x-gzip, application/x-geotiff, application/zip, application/x-netcdf,
                                                                 text/plain, application/octet-stream, application/x-hdfeos}

               BrowseMimeType                 { image/pdf, image/png, image/jpeg, application/x-hdfeosHDF-EOS}

               OnlineBrowseMimeType       {image/pdf, image/png, image/jpeg}

               CSDTImplementation            {ASCII, Binary, CCSDS, EOSHDF, GeoTIFF,HDF, HDF-EOS, Icessn,
                                                                     LAS1.2, LDS, netCDF, NMC BUFR, NMC GRIB, Qfit}

               ProcessingCenter                 OPTIONAL: Replaces the value from the CMR Collection metadata for ProcessingCenter (for use in EDF modes)

               ArchiveCenter                       OPTIONAL: Replaces the value from the CMR collection metadata for ArchiveCenter (for use in EDF modes)

               EmsMission                          OPTIONAL: Replaces the platform short name that is usually used for mission

       Example input line specifying all fields:

       MY_COLLECTION, 001, ECS, GPolygon, range, HDF5, SCIENCE_QUALITY, application/x-hdfeos, image/jpeg, image/jpeg,  HDF-EOS, Sample SIPS, Sample DAAC, TERRA


       This example line omits the ProcessingCenter and ArchiveCenter, CMR values for these fields will be used:

       MY_COLLECTION, 001, ECS, GPolygon, range, HDF5, SCIENCE_QUALITY, application/x-hdfeos, image/jpeg, image/jpeg, HDF-EOS, , , TERRA

       This example line omits all trailing optional fields: NOTE: optional fields must have "place holder" commas if other fields follow them but are not needed if all remaining optional values are omitted.

       MY_COLLECTION, 001, ECS, GPolygon, range, HDF5, SCIENCE_QUALITY, application/x-hdfeos, image/jpeg, image/jpeg, HDF-EOS

       -h, -help
               Prints out this help page.

       -m, -mode MODE
               Indicates what mode this script is working in.

       -c, -collectionlistfile input_file
               Indicates the name of a file containing one or more collections to process.  Each line in the file should contain the ShortName, VersionId, and all other required attributes for the
               utility.  Each attribute should be separated by a comma.  Beginning and trailing white space for each attribute is removed while reading the file.  White space within the text of an
               attribute is considered significant is used when creating the descriptor file.

       -d, -descriptortemplate input_file
               Indicates the name of a file that should be used as a template for creating the new descriptors.  This file "overrides" the descriptor templates configured within the
               EcDsAmDescriptorMaker.cfg file.

       This program will log messages to the EcDsAmDescriptorMaker.log file in the MODE's logs directory.

       1. To create descriptors for a set of collections in TS1 mode using a file called "my_collections.csv" in the users home directory:

  -mode TS1 -collectionlistfile ~/my_collections.csv

       2. To create descriptors for a set of collections in TS1 mode using a file called "my_collections.csv" in the users home directory and using a "custom" descriptor template that is also in
       the users home directory:

  -mode TS1 -collectionlistfile ~/my_collections.csv -descriptortemplate ~/my_descriptor_template.odl


  -m TS1 -c ~/my_collections.csv -d ~/my_descriptor_template.odl

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