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  We've developed a systematic data transformation methodology to enable Web Coverage Services (WCS) and ArcGIS Image Services within ESDIS Cumulus Cloud to increase usability/interoperability of data in commonly used geospatial tools.​ Many NASA Earthdata products are distributed in scientific data archiving formats like netCDF and HDF. However, such data may not be easily consumed by end users who use GIS tools that can't open or visualize data properly on maps. Our project goal is to narrow the gap by rapidly enabling image services that can quickly feed scientific data in images to GIS users through the use of cloud technology. For cloud technology, we focused on the use of EC2 instances for image services, API Gateways for user facing interface, AWS Lambda functions for data transformation, and S3 object storage system for data input and output because they are core parts of ESDIS CUMULUS.

 This document points to How-to articles that point to specific code examples that are developed for last 2 years. If you find any issue in our document or software, please submit a ticket.

 This document will provide insight for both  DAACs  and  end users  who want to transform NASA  Earthdata  formats  (e.g., HDF,  NetCDF ) into different analysis-ready data (ARD) formats and geospatial data services using technologies  that can effectively run in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud computing environment.

User Experience

  Why image? Image is the format that everyone, including AI/ML, can enjoy! You can engage not only general public but also students who can become future citizen Earth scientists through gamification of NASA Earthdata.

Hurricane Sally Image from ASFMinecraft Map from Sally Image

  Why ArcGIS? Esri's ArcGIS Enterprise is an amazing all-inclusive turn-key solution for NASA Earthdata in both cloud and on-premise systems.


Transformation Workflows

  We investigated the most commonly used workflows that can be applied to NASA CUMULUS.

DAAC Collaboration

  ASDC infused our technology and created image services in on-prem systems.

  Although our focus was ASDC products, our workflows can be easily extend to other DAACs.  We collaborated with ASF and GSFC. 

GDAL Community Engagement

  Through BEDI, GDAL Enhancement for ESDIS (GEE) project identified an issue in handling multi-dimensional dataset and made patches. When the GEE team made a pull request after clearing NOSA, GDAL community reviewed the requests and created a new RFC 75 to generalize our patch work further. The RFC was discussed, approved, and fully implemented in GDAL 3.1.

  The large GDAL community now can easily access and transform arbitrary N-dimensional dataset that can be found in netCDF and HDF. The new GDAL 3.1 multidimensional APIs and tools also supports group hierarchy so users can unambiguously extract and subset data.

  Any NASA HDF data product that has transposed X and Y dimension can benefit from the new GDAL 3.1 capability.  This new capability is already tested through SDT project and proven to work in cloud as well. For example, creating GeoTIFF image from MOPITT 5D dataset in a large (~30G) TERRA FUSION granule on AWS S3 was possible through the new gdalmdimtranslate command line tool.


Data Transformation

  Data transformation can be done independently without Esri ArcGIS software such as ArcPy. Using the latest GDAL python or CLI is recommended for transformation if ArcPy lacks what the latest GDAL can provide.

  Some ArcPy functions need Portal Signin capability. Therefore, installing ArcGIS Portal and federating it with ArcGIS Server is recommended.

  In AWS environment, web proxy installation can be skipped and native AWS web service front-end can be used.

  If  input data source is not on S3 through CUMULUS, consider using OPeNDAP to subset data. Use NcML to modify some attributes and overwrite variable to make data CF-compliant.

  If ArcGIS Pro on Windows is used for creating mosaic dataset, working with a large input table is fine.

  If ArcPy and MDCS on Linux Windows Server is used, there's a limit (99 rows) in processing input table for creating mosaic dataset. Input source doesn't matter. Neither CSV nor netCDF works.

  If MDCS fails, export the input table into CSV and modify header to standardize the key field names such as StdZ, StdTime. Then, try ArcGIS Pro to create a large mosaic dataset using the CSV file.

  If AWS Lambda will be used for data transformation, make sure that data size is small. Data transfer & transformation should not take longer than 15 minutes.

  Creating input table on AWS RDS is recommended for parallel / asynchronous data transformation through Lambda. Make sure that table has unique key to avoid storing duplicate entries.

  Convert any mosaic dataset into CRF to optimize service performance especially on cloud. It will cost extra for storage but use it to improve user experience.

  MDCS can publish service to Server in a specific folder but cannot to Portal in a specific folder. Use ArcPy to move the service to a specific folder in Portal.

Web Mapping Service

  • When using grouped WMS services it is recommended to view an individual sublayer of the WMS to improve performance and minimize requests being sent to the WMS server.
  • When viewing multiple WMS services it is recommended to turn off legend for layers not being used to minimize server requests in thelayer properties options.
  • WMS should be used primarily for visual representation and rendering of data on a map. 
  • WMS has limited capability when needing to run any analytical processes such as querying, extracting, or binning. Selecting points of interest and popup configuration is not supported with WMS services.
  • WMS layers can support styles which can be used as custom parameters for layer requests. Custom parameters are applied to all layers that you specify to be added to the map. It is recommended that if user wants to append different custom parameters to specific layers only, user must add that layer separately.
  • It is recommended when configuring the image service to enable caching on demand so that users can navigate to areas of interest which will then generate cached tiles and increase performance and image quality of the WMS service.
  • If WMS service allows clients to cache tiles locally it is recommended that the clients must manually clear their cache to get any newer tiles from the server. If you will be updating your cache frequently it is best not to use this option.
  • Identifying features will only work on features from the topmost layer in the WMS services drawing hierarchy, it is also recommended to set your identify tolerance levels based on user requirements. This can be done when configuring the service on the WMS server
  • OGC WMS coordinate system needs to be the same coordinate system for the basemap in order to display correctly. When creating the image service it is recommended to use the coordinate system required by users as they are unable to change the coordinate system of the WMS

Web Coverage Services

  • To configure your WCS service to use external capabilities files, it is recommended to update the WCS service to reference the URL of your capabilities files. You can do this in ArcGIS Server Manager
  • WCS services are useful if you want to make your raster datasets available online in an open, recognized way across different platforms and clients. Recommend that client be built to support the WCS 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, and 2.0.1 specifications can view and work with your service.
  • If using multidimensional data in WCS 2.0.1, it's recommended that you create a mosaic dataset using corresponding raster types (for example, netCDF, HDF, and GRIB). Variables are mapped to rangeType in the coverage description and accessed through the range subsetting. 
  • Dimensions (for example, x, y, t, and z) are mapped to domainSet and accessed through the dimension trimming and slicing. 
  • Due to the XML schema, time is represented using doubles by converting the UTC date to OLE Automation Date.
  • WCS services that are expected to be accessed via OGC interfaces should be secured using Integrated Windows Authentication, HTTP Basic, or HTTP Digest. Most OGC clients (both non-Esri and Esri clients) will understand and work with these widespread standard authentication schemes.
  • It is recommended that querying parameters be avoided in the connection url. A WCS capabilities URL is not a valid input. Query parameters should be carried on in GetCapabilities, DescribeCoverage, and GetCoverage requests.

Future Work

  The following sections list new features that are desirable in near future.


  • Add input file option for gdalmdimtranslate so that netCDF-4 compatible file with .h5 extension can be opened by netCDF driver instead of HDF5 driver.


  • Support OPeNDAP as a source in MRF Proxy.
  • Remove errors that only occur on Linux wine but don't appear onAprcGIS Pro in Windows Server.
  • Adjust time slider on Portal image layer viewer for "Has Live" data when new data arrives. User needs to configure time slider setting manually to see a new data.

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