Table of Contents

This document describes the task of configuring default parameters (variables) for an ECHO form using the Data Access GUI:

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Selecting a collection-service record
  3. Choosing default parameters
  4. Choosing maximum number of parameters
  5. Expected results in Earthdata Search Client

Note: the terms variable and parameter are used interchangeably throughout this document; both terms refer to named data elements ("data objects") within a granule by which variable subsetting can be invoked.


  • Latest version of the DataAccess must be installed, including:
    • AIM database patches
    • ESI*
    • DataAccess GUI
  • Invoke the appropriate mkcfgs; the corresponding web-services should begin.
  • Required information:
    • The shortname and version ID of the target collection.


ECHO forms provide spatial, temporal, and variable subsetting capabilities for collections associated with services that have said capabilities. Variable subsetting can be used to extract named attributes from a granule. The default configuration method for any given set of data objects (variables) in a collection follows:

  • enable all data objects to appear in an ECHO form
  • pre-select all data objects in an ECHO form (do not subset by variable; include all of them)

There now exist two methods of mitigating the incidence of (overly) large orders that negatively impact the system:

  • default parameter selection
  • maximum parameter selection

DAAC operators can configure a "default selection" for configure data objects–that is, they can preselect a recommended subset of those, rather than implicitly recommend that the user download everything. This is method #1 of .


ECHO forms are configured using the collection-service dialog(s) within the Data Access GUI.

Default Parameter Selection


Double-click a service under the collection in the Collection Configuration section, which will bring up the configure service/collection dialog. Click the Configure Hdf Objects button to open the dialog shown below showing the fields and checkboxes. The first checkbox enables or disables the object. When the second checkbox is checked, the object will be selected by default in the ECHO forms.

After making any changes in the service/collection dialog, including changes to HDF Objects, you must click the Update Service To Collection Mapping button to save changes.

Next, to upload a new ECHO form representing your changes, right click the collection in the Collection Configuration section.

Next, click Login and OK. The checkboxes in the last column of Section 1 will check themselves when complete.

Next, click Upload Forms, and the Accepted checkbox will check itself when complete.

Expected Result (Earthdata Search Client)

Maximum Parameter Selection


Double-click a service under the collection in the Collection Configuration section, which will bring up the configure service/collection dialog. Click the Configure Hdf Objects button to open the dialog shown below showing the fields and checkboxes.

Edit the Maximum Allowed Subset Parameters text input field with the desired limit. To remove limit, enter 0 or empty the input field. Then click Update Service To Collection Mapping to save your changes.

After making any changes in the service/collection dialog, including changes to HDF Objects, you must click the Update Service To Collection Mapping button to save changes.

Next, to upload a new ECHO form representing your changes, right click the collection in the Collection Configuration section.

Next, click Login and OK. The checkboxes in the last column of Section 1 will check themselves when complete.

Next, click Upload Forms, and the Accepted checkbox will check itself when complete.

Expected Result (Earthdata Search Client)

If unable to connect to the database or retrieve subscriptions, relevant error messages will be shown in the table.Tips & Warnings

  • When troubleshooting, use both the firefox webpage debugger and the Data Access GUI log file (DA_Gui.log).
  • See programmatic access documentation for CMR query details.
  • No labels