


Discussion Items

The following is high level overview of what needs to happen to transition EDSC to NGAP 1.1

  1. Send NCIS an overview of application. (Node/Rails/NLP/DB)
  2. Docker file
  3. Ensure NCIS team has access to build and deploy plans in Bamboo
  4. NCIS team does testing in NGAP SIT
  5. Create apps in NGAP Prod for App Sit/UAT/Prod
  6. Distribute keys as needed
  7. NCIS team - GO!

EDSC will need to move through the following environments to demonstrate a high level of confidence that the transition to NGAP Prod will be successful and smooth.

Tim has been added to the EDSC Slack channel and we are all committed to helping each other, communicating, raising issue early, documenting everything, and driving the effort of transitioning to NGAP 1.1 to completion. This will spill over into Sprint 3 of PI7.

Action items