In a recent ingest on the UAT instance of CMR, we got the following error message (line breaks added for legibility):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><result><concept-id>C1216394131-NSIDC_TS1</concept-id>
<warnings>After translating item to UMM-C the metadata had the following issue: /LocationKeywords/2/Type string
"Continent > North America > United States Of America > California > Tuolumne River Basin" is too long (length: 89, maximum allowed: 80)

Many of the keywords are probably going to be long like this.  If the 80-character limit is indeed there, there would need to be a way to break these keywords down.  Is there a way to breakdown these multi-level keywords down so that they will fit in the UMM-C field, but still have their order and heirarchy preserved?