We're considering versioning the CMR API and we'd like to get feedback on the preferred approach. We're not sure which approach we want to use yet so if you have feedback we'd appreciate it. The following information is from my winter 2016 ESIP presentation.

API Versioning Strategies

URI Path

The version is placed somewhere inside the path of the URL.


Query Parameter or Custom Header

This is similar to putting the version in the URI path except it's sent as a query parameter or header


Content Negotiation

Content Negotiation means that the client specifies versions for the request content type and response content type separately via the built in HTTP mechanisms. HTTP supports the headers Accept and Content-Type to indicate what's being requested or sent.

GET https://cmr…/search/collections
Accept: application/vnd.nasa.cmr.reference.v2+json

In this example a collection search is sent and the client has requested the version 2 of the CMR reference response in JSON format. (That doesn't currently exist now. We have a reference format in XML only)

Some clients may have difficulty sending HTTP headers. We could offer content negotiation via a URL extension as a workaround for those clients.

GET https://cmr.../search/collections.ref_v2_json