We recommend that, at minimum, the following basic Climate and Forecast (CF) Convention attributes be included in future NASA Earth Science data products where applicable.

Recommendation Details : The Climate and Forecast (CF) Conventions are widely employed guidelines for Earth Science data and metadata storage. Included in the conventions is a comprehensive list of metadata attributes that are available for use by dataset producers. Because the list of metadata attributes is so extensive, dataset producers are constantly struggling with which metadata attributes to attach to a variable.

The following CF Convention attributes should be included in future NASA Earth Science data products where applicable – as they are necessary to describe any interoperable data file.

Attribute NameShort DefinitionExampleNotes


CF version




A string that represents the units of measurement.


A variable with no units attribute is assumed to be unitless.


A descriptive name that indicates a variable’s content.

"Sea Surface Temperature" 



A standard name that references a description of a variable’s content in the standard name table of CF conventions.


standard_name  may not be applicable to many NASA HDF products, as some physical variable names of NASA satellites are not in the CF standard name table.
_FillValue A value used to represent missing or undefined data.-9999.0Include _FillValue  only if variable has missing values. Also _FillValue  data type must equal the variable data type.
valid_min Smallest valid value of a variable.0If applicable, must have either (valid_min , valid_max ) or valid_range . According to the CF convention, the valid_min  attribute should have the same type as the data variable. Thus, if the data variable is packed with scale_factor  and add_offset , valid_min  is also stored in packed form and must be unpacked:
valid_min_value = scale_factor x valid_min + add_offset 
valid_max Largest valid value of a variable.1If applicable, must have either (valid_min, valid_max ) or valid_range .
According to the CF convention, the valid_max  attribute should have the same type as the data variable. Thus, if the data variable is packed with scale_factor  and add_offset , valid_max  is also stored in packed form and must be unpacked:
valid_max_value = scale_factor x valid_max + add_offset 
valid_range Smallest and largest valid values of a variable.(0, 1)If applicable, must have either (valid_min , valid_max ) or valid_range .
According to the CF convention, the valid_range  attribute should have the same type as the data variable. Thus, if the data variable is packed with scale_factor  and add_offset . valid_max  is also stored in packed form and must be unpacked:
valid_min_value = scale_factor x valid_range[0] + add_offset 
valid_max_value = scale_factor x valid_range[1] + add_offset .
scale_factor If present for a variable, the data are to be multiplied by this factor after the data are read by an application.0.1The unpacked final value is, per netCDF convention: Final_data_value = scale_factor x Raw_data_value + add_offset 
See also Recommendation DIWG-R6 When to Employ Packing Attributes.
add_offset If present for a variable, this number is to be added to the data after it is read by an application. If both scale_factor  and add_offset  attributes are present, the data are first scaled before the offset is added.300The unpacked final value is, per netCDF convention: Final_data_value = scale_factor x Raw_data_value + add_offset 
See also Recommendation DIWG-R6 When to Employ Packing Attributes.
coordinates Identifies a variable’s coordinates."time latitude longitude" Recommended when using multidimensional coordinate variables or a one-dimensional coordinate variable with a name that differs from its dimension's name. This helps geospatial tools identify spatio-temporal coordinates unambiguously for a variable. Makes the bounds  attribute more useful. See also Recommendation DIWG-R3 Use CF “bounds” attributes.

Because CF has special requirements for dimensional units and some coordinate values, when applicable, the units attribute values listed below should be used:

Coordinate VariableUnit ValueExamples
latitude "degrees_north" --
longitude "degrees_east" --
pressure "Pa"  or "hPa" --
height  (depth )"meter"  ("m" ) or "kilometer"  ("km" )--
time Seconds, minutes, hours, days, etc., since a specific starting point in time, often (but not always) representing a canonical time (e.g., 1 Jan 1970, TAI93, start of mission, etc.). Time is in ISO-8601 format.

seconds since 1992-10-08T15:15:42.5-6:00  

days since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z