ArcGIS Server (Linux) - EC2 Instance Size:
Instance SizevCPUMemory (GiB)Instance Storage
Network Bandwidth (Gbps)EBS Bandwidth (Mbps)
m5.xlarge416EBS-OnlyUp to 10Up to 4,750
GeoServer (Linux) - EC2 Instance Size:
Instance SizevCPUMemory (GiB)Instance Storage
Network Bandwidth (Gbps)EBS Bandwidth (Mbps)
m5.xlarge416EBS-OnlyUp to 10Up to 4,750
CERES Syn1deg Terra Aqua Modis Edition 4A (2018/01/01~2018/03/16)
TypeVariable(s)File Type Proxy
File ShapeTemporalTime RangeSpatial ResS3 or Local LocationURL

allMRFXML24 x 180 x 360Hourly20181 x 1 Degree

allCRFn/a24 x 180 x 360Hourly20181 x 1 Degrees3://sdt-crf/cer_syn1deg_1hour_terra_aqua_modis.crf

allCRFn/a24 x 180 x 360Hourly20181 x 1 Degreec:/tmp/crf/cer_syn1deg_1hour_terra_aqua_modis.crf

allMRFXML24 x 180 x 360Hourly20181 x 1 Degree

allMRFXML24 x 180 x 360Hourly20181 x 1 Degree

24 x 180 x 360Hourly20181 x 1 Degree

24 x 180 x 360Hourly20181 x 1 Degree
POWER 801 Hourly T2M (1981/1/1~1981/12/31)
TypeVariable(s)File TypeProxy TypeFile ShapeTemporalTime RangeSpatial ResS3 LocationURL

T2M, U/V10M, U/V50MMRFXML24 x 360 x 720Hourly1981.5 x .5 Degree

T2M, U/V10M, U/V50MCRFn/a24 x 360 x 720Hourly1981.5 x .5 Degrees3://sdt-crf/power_input_stdz_md.crf

T2M, U/V10M, U/V50MMRFXML24 x 360 x 720Hourly1981.5 x .5 Degree

T2M, U/V10M, U/V50MMRFXML24 x 360 x 720Hourly1981.5 x .5 Degree

T2M, U/V10M, U/V50MMRF
24 x 360 x 720Hourly1981.5 x .5 Degree

T2M, U/V10M, U/V50MMRF
24 x 360 x 720Hourly1981.5 x .5 Degree

MERRA 2 (MERRA2_400.tavg1_2d_slv_Nx.20190101) (2019/01/01 - 2019/12/31)
Service RecipeTypeVariable(s)File TypeProxy TypeFile ShapeTemporalTime RangeSpatial ResS3 LocationURL
Service Recipe

All Variables in Native NetCDFnetCDF4XML24 x 361 x 576Hourly2019.625 Degree x .5 Degree

All Variables in Native NetCDFCRF
24 x 361 x 576Hourly2019.625 Degree x .5 Degree

MOPITT MOP03TM VERSION 108 Beta (2019/01/01~2020/01/31) to verify COVID-19 study
TypeVariable(s)File TypeProxy TypeFile ShapeTemporalTime RangeSpatial ResS3 LocationURL

RetrievedCOTotalColumnDaynetCDF4vsis3180 x 360Monthly20181x1 Degrees3://mop03tm-008/

RetrievedCOTotalColumnDaynetCDF4vsis3180 x 360Monthly20181x1 Degrees3://mop03tm-008/

RetrievedCOTotalColumnDaynetCDF4vsis3180 x 360Monthly20181x1 Degrees3://mop03tm-008/

MOPITT MOP02J VERSION 8 (2018/01/01~2018/01/02)
TypeVariable(s)File TypeProxy TypeFile ShapeTemporalTime RangeSpatial ResS3 LocationURL

RetrievedSurfaceTemperaturenetCDF4vsis3180 x 360Daily20181x1 Degrees3://mop02j-008/

SAR RTC VERSION? (2019/01/03~2019/12/27)
TypeVariable(s)File TypeProxy TypeFile ShapeTemporalTime RangeSpatial ResS3 LocationURL

VH, VVCoGvsizip/vsis3
25 seconds &

VH, VVCoGvszip/vsis3
25 seconds &

VH, VVCoGvszip/vsis3
25 seconds &

Other Variables Available:

CollectionVariableFile TypeS3

CERES Syn1deg Terra Aqua Modis Edition 4A

CERES Syn1deg Terra Aqua Modis Edition 4Aall_sfc_sw_dirMRF
CERES Syn1deg Terra Aqua Modis Edition 4Aclr_sfc_sw_diffMRF
CERES Syn1deg Terra Aqua Modis Edition 4Aclr_sfc_sw_dirMRF
CERES Syn1deg Terra Aqua Modis Edition 4Ainit_clr_sfc_sw_dnMRF