ArcGIS 10.7.1 Notebook Server has a bug that doesn't allow to use conda for installing xarray.

Step-by-step guide

You need to use pip instead of conda.

  1. !pip install --upgrade pandas
  2. !pip install --upgrade netCDF4

  3. !pip install --upgrade bottleneck
  4. !pip install xarray

You may encounter error message that can be ignored:

ERROR: fastai 1.0.50.post1 requires nvidia-ml-py3, which is not installed.

NVDIA GPU enabled instance may help to get rid of the above warning.

Use the following code to test xarray.

import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
data = xr.DataArray(np.random.randn(2, 3), dims=('x', 'y'), coords={'x': [10, 20]})

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