
A list of all missing granules should be provided on a permanent Web site (e.g., the DOI landing page) for each Earth Science data product.

Recommendation Details:

It is not uncommon for an Earth Science product to be missing some data granules.  For example, data gaps can occur because of missing L0/1 data (e.g., the instrument was not operating, the instrument was in a mode that did not produce useful observations, or a permanent loss of telemetry occurred).

It can save users much time if the missing data are clearly identified and explained.  A list of all missing granules should be provided on a permanent Web site (e.g., the DOI landing page) for each Earth Science data product.  This list should also explain the reason for each and every missing granule.  A list of missing granules that is machine readable would be very useful.

This recommendation applies to instruments that are expected to acquire data on a regular basis (e.g., MODIS, MOPITT, CERES).  This recommendation does not apply to instruments like ASTER, which has an irregular observation schedule.