The following UI/UX improvements are being considered for work during the upcoming program increment for Earthdata Search. Please use the table below to vote upon your DAAC's preference for what gets worked first. Once all votes are in, we will use the information to help inform prioritization discussions. You may vote multiple times if you wish. Each item as an accompanying wiki page that provides some context for each effort.

idUI/UX WorkDescription
1Vertical Panel LayoutDesign new vertical panel layout for collection search and granule search that matches the current project page. Read full description
2Additive Granule ModelAllow users to add individual granules to a project for download. Read full description
3Timeline RedesignImprove timeline usability. Read full description
4Search Result GroupingGroup collection search results by platform, instrument, or provider. Read full description
5WCS Related URLSurface collection-level WCS link which would allow user to plug URL into desktop GIS app

Don't see something you were hoping for? Please add a comment to the page if there's a feature you were hoping for that is not on this list.