The NASA Earth Science Data Systems (ESDS) Standards Process was created by NASA to facilitate the development of future data systems.The Standards Process welcomes (and seeks out) submissions of potential standards that would be of value to the NASA Earth Science community. These standards are evaluated and can eventually be endorsed as ESDS standards.


  • Endorsed Standards - This is a list of standards that have been processed by the Standards Process as well as those that are in-process.
  • Heritage Standards - This is a list of standards that were identified during the formation of the ESDS working groups as being important to NASA Earth Science Data Systems.


  1. Enable data and service providers to easily join NASA's Earth Science network of data systems through use of standards.
  2. Facilitate interoperability between components of NASA's Earth Science network of data systems through use of standards.
  3. Facilitate data stewardship and preservation through use of standards and adoption of best practices.
  4. Develop and manage effective standards recommendation, adoption, and approval processes to guide the evolution of ESDS standards. Support the evolving strategies and goals of NASA's Earth Science activities through use of standards.

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