Create the MRF (multidimensional)

Imagery to MRF LERC:
Note how the "Output Path" has a "/" and also not a URL.

Create The Raster Proxies from the MRFs:

Note how the "Input Path" does not have a "/" at the beginning (different from the Imagery to MRF LERC directions).

Add MRF Information to a Table:

See  Create input table for mosaic dataset HOW-TO guide.

Create Time Dimension:

  1. Parse file name if file name contains date time information.
  2. Use metadata from CMR or STAC (Sentinel-2 case).
  3. Set manually using numpy range if interval is regular known with CF attribute (merged netCDF case).
  4. Read metadata  (e.g., group path or attribute) from file (TerraFusion case).

Add Table to Mosaic:

See Run MDCS on ArcGIS Linux Server.

Set Mosaic Properties (time, etc.):

This can be done using MDCS. Read Run MDCS on ArcGIS Linux Server.

Publish Mosaic as a Service:

See Publish ArcGIS Mosaic Dataset Image Service with Server.