
  1. The Big Picture - AWS Data Flow Poster

  2. Data_Transformation_WCS_ImageServices_Cumulus.pdf

  3. A42 Data Transformation Internal MSR- The HDF Group - 201809.docx


  5. AWS Data Transfer Costs

Reporting Templates

  1. ACCESS OSS Development Plan 

  2. Guidelines.pdf

  3. ACCESS17_ReportingRequirements.pdf

  4. QUAD_Chart_ACCESS17_Template.ppt

  5. Walter_ACCESS 2017 Reporting Schedules.xlsx

Data Provenance:

  1. Provenance for Earth Science (PROV-ES) Working Group
  2. Provenance ESDSWG 2017 Proposal
  3. Open Provenance Model
  4. Capturing Interactive Data Transformation Operations using Provenance Workflows
  5. A Survey of Data Provenance Techniques
  6. Last year, the ESIP Federation hosted an Earth-Data-Provenance-Workshop, which brought together the various efforts on provenance in the Earth Science community to try to see what some next steps could be. We had a few pages setup with details on the ESIP github repo.

    There you can find a page of links from each participating member for more resources on the various provenance efforts.

    You can also find a summary from our Data Provenance ESDSWG and the coordination activities with ESIP.