Running OPeNDAP locally in Docker means that you don't have to worry about any of the system/package dependencies – the OPeNDAP team has done that for you already in their public Docker-based release.

Here's what to do for local testing of granule data in a local OPeNDAP server run with Docker:

1) Extract (from inside the docker container) the default data directory that OPeNDAP sets up:

mkdir opendap-data
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 opendap/hyrax
docker cp INSTANCE_ID:/usr/share/hyrax/data opendap-data

2) Stop the temporary docker container

3) Start the docker container so that it copies all the config data to a local dir:

mkdir opendap-config
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -v `pwd`/opendap-config:/etc/olfs opendap/hyrax

4) Stop this second temporary docker container; all the config data now present in ./opendap-config

5) Edit opendap-config/olfs.xml to bump the timeout from 5 minutes to something much longer

6) Copy your local data to the ./opendap-data directory so that it will be served, e.g.:

cp MOD08_D3.A2012002.006.2015056234420.hdf \
     MOD08_D3.A2012004.006.2015057014155.hdf opendap-data/hdf4/
cp MOD08_D3.A2012002.006.2015056234420.h5 opendap-data/hdf5/

7) Start the docker opendap server with your data and configs:

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -v `pwd`/opendap-data:/usr/share/hyrax/data -v `pwd`/opendap-config:/etc/olfs opendap/hyrax