User-driven strategies are what Harmony and Giovanni use. Esri tools and services like ArcGIS Server and Desktop are very good at supporting user's demands.

  • Subset/Aggregate region/time.
    • Subset/Aggregate granules from collection (CMR).
  • Request APIs
    • WFS 3.0
    • OPeNDAP
  • Analyze data with Cloud Native Apps & Services
    • QuickSight
    • Alexa
    • Google Colab / AWS SageMaker
    • Pangeo / Zarr

For example, India user wants to analyze India data with QuickSight but it doesn't support HDF5 as data source.

User experience is another dimension. If user wants to get result fast, the cost is expensive. If user can wait 1-2 days to get result back, cost can be cheap.


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